Well, this makes me think I need to Vote Pyure thenI also vote RJS. I wonder: did we both snoop the same person last night?
Well, this makes me think I need to Vote Pyure thenI also vote RJS. I wonder: did we both snoop the same person last night?
To make sure he's not cheating on you?Why would I spy on my own lover. I trust him completely.. especially since he isn't in this game.![]()
Wha- Whatever do you mean, Leth? You think I'd just forget to vote? That hasn't happened for, like, twenty-three hours!A quick poke at @TheEpic5, @dragon_fang101, @016Nojr, @HeilMewTwo, and @Shazam08 to vote or be slapped. Especially Shaz.
...Wait...Yay! I'm a proven good guy because a wheelman saved me!
Vote vikestep.
Yay! I'm a proven good guy because a wheelman saved me!
In fact, if I remember correctly, the rolesheet says that the two teams will be exactly balanced, unless there's an odd number of players, in which case there will be a double-agent who can choose his side.not necessarily... we don't know if it's black wheelman or white wheelman. perspective wise you could view the black team as wolfs... but just knowing someones role isn't enough info. better if you know which side they are on,cause your safe even if you don't know their role. probably should look at this like 2 villagers team fighting for control. so i think it's more 1:1 instead of the 3:1 we are use to. There is no obvious wolf role. Makes it alittle interesting
I knowMan, nobody caught my typical "proven" joke. I'm all kinds of not proven. In like any way
I could be a double-agent. I could be a triple-agent!