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I am tier 10, fully maxed out bot, and am reasonably decent at all of the weapon types.

I haven't played in several months, though... I was starting to get the feeling that the devs were trying to put creativity above strategic gameplay, which wasn't particularly fun for me. All of my opinions are as of a month or two ago, so may currently be outdated.
- The whole overclocking mess... Late game, having a good bot doesn't matter, as SMG can still shred you AT RANGE.
- Mega SMGs on stick-copters. If I play my bomber, and attempt to advance out from the base, they fly after you and are difficult to cripple/kill. IMO, letting mega weapons on normal bots was a bad design move, period.
- The removal of the tier system. This pretty much was what prompted me to fully abandon the game. No incentive to optimize a bot, no advantage to getting better tech, and it stuck my T7 rail-walker-flier (which was an epic bot, and my favorite) against (what were) T9-T10 level bots, which I could barely dent.
- The repeated "oops" quality of updates. (Implement thing, have it break lots of stuff/everyone hates it, try to change it... Change, not revert or fix)
- Balance. For a time, all of the weapons were relatively balanced... When matched against a good bot. Problem is, the ranting of the people who couldn't build as well and could get one-shot by plasma kept getting plasma nerfed... In other words, my T10 bomber became more or less useless.
- The insane wait times. A negative side effect of the removal of tiers. Since the criterion for who you can play against are so specific, it takes forever to get into a match. Pre-update, I could get into T7 or T10 matches in about 20 seconds. After, it took over three minutes for the same bots to get matched.
- Removal of tech points. This pretty much flooded the higher tiers with the bad players who paid to unlock [Insert T10 weapon], and thus got bumped up to lvl 100.
I could add more rant, but I'll stop here.

In my opinion, it was a great game. Key word being was, as (to me at least) it seemed like each update was further catering to the "noobs," thus dumbing down things and making building more "spam blocks" than actually having to think... Especially since the introduction of medics (not necessarily a bad thing, if they were a bit better balanced) punishes smart solo play... Or for that matter, anything other than SMG spam -- one bot's plasma/rail attacks can typically be easily out-healed, unless they get lucky, such that the only smart way to play is to just stay at the back of the herd as an SMG or medic...

There's also the fact that I would go through stretches of time when I would get disconnected from every single game I tried to join, while my internet was perfectly fine. The game servers were (are?) absolutely horrible.
I am tier 10, fully maxed out bot, and am reasonably decent at all of the weapon types.

I haven't played in several months, though... I was starting to get the feeling that the devs were trying to put creativity above strategic gameplay, which wasn't particularly fun for me. All of my opinions are as of a month or two ago, so may currently be outdated.
- The whole overclocking mess... Late game, having a good bot doesn't matter, as SMG can still shred you AT RANGE.
- Mega SMGs on stick-copters. If I play my bomber, and attempt to advance out from the base, they fly after you and are difficult to cripple/kill. IMO, letting mega weapons on normal bots was a bad design move, period.
- The removal of the tier system. This pretty much was what prompted me to fully abandon the game. No incentive to optimize a bot, no advantage to getting better tech, and it stuck my T7 rail-walker-flier (which was an epic bot, and my favorite) against (what were) T9-T10 level bots, which I could barely dent.
- The repeated "oops" quality of updates. (Implement thing, have it break lots of stuff/everyone hates it, try to change it... Change, not revert or fix)
- Balance. For a time, all of the weapons were relatively balanced... When matched against a good bot. Problem is, the ranting of the people who couldn't build as well and could get one-shot by plasma kept getting plasma nerfed... In other words, my T10 bomber became more or less useless.
- The insane wait times. A negative side effect of the removal of tiers. Since the criterion for who you can play against are so specific, it takes forever to get into a match. Pre-update, I could get into T7 or T10 matches in about 20 seconds. After, it took over three minutes for the same bots to get matched.
- Removal of tech points. This pretty much flooded the higher tiers with the bad players who paid to unlock [Insert T10 weapon], and thus got bumped up to lvl 100.
I could add more rant, but I'll stop here.

In my opinion, it was a great game. Key word being was, as (to me at least) it seemed like each update was further catering to the "noobs," thus dumbing down things and making building more "spam blocks" than actually having to think... Especially since the introduction of medics (not necessarily a bad thing, if they were a bit better balanced) punishes smart solo play... Or for that matter, anything other than SMG spam -- one bot's plasma/rail attacks can typically be easily out-healed, unless they get lucky, such that the only smart way to play is to just stay at the back of the herd as an SMG or medic...

There's also the fact that I would go through stretches of time when I would get disconnected from every single game I tried to join, while my internet was perfectly fine. The game servers were (are?) absolutely horrible.
I agree wholeheartedly. Noobs ruined the game.
I am tier 10, fully maxed out bot, and am reasonably decent at all of the weapon types.

I haven't played in several months, though... I was starting to get the feeling that the devs were trying to put creativity above strategic gameplay, which wasn't particularly fun for me. All of my opinions are as of a month or two ago, so may currently be outdated.
- The whole overclocking mess... Late game, having a good bot doesn't matter, as SMG can still shred you AT RANGE.
- Mega SMGs on stick-copters. If I play my bomber, and attempt to advance out from the base, they fly after you and are difficult to cripple/kill. IMO, letting mega weapons on normal bots was a bad design move, period.
- The removal of the tier system. This pretty much was what prompted me to fully abandon the game. No incentive to optimize a bot, no advantage to getting better tech, and it stuck my T7 rail-walker-flier (which was an epic bot, and my favorite) against (what were) T9-T10 level bots, which I could barely dent.
- The repeated "oops" quality of updates. (Implement thing, have it break lots of stuff/everyone hates it, try to change it... Change, not revert or fix)
- Balance. For a time, all of the weapons were relatively balanced... When matched against a good bot. Problem is, the ranting of the people who couldn't build as well and could get one-shot by plasma kept getting plasma nerfed... In other words, my T10 bomber became more or less useless.
- The insane wait times. A negative side effect of the removal of tiers. Since the criterion for who you can play against are so specific, it takes forever to get into a match. Pre-update, I could get into T7 or T10 matches in about 20 seconds. After, it took over three minutes for the same bots to get matched.
- Removal of tech points. This pretty much flooded the higher tiers with the bad players who paid to unlock [Insert T10 weapon], and thus got bumped up to lvl 100.
I could add more rant, but I'll stop here.

Adding to your list:
-as Mark said: The acrade effect (I don't know the code for "tm")
-everything breaks in seconds so it doesn't really matter how mutch armor you have as long as you can break stuff faster.
-I don't see how they will implement any sort of progression. (I've never seen that update, so you lasted longer than me)
-After whatching some extra credits, the game goes down on the path of "world of warcraft clone". Fps was once picked up as the "future", now the the moba, they should have done something innovative. (you know like an indie team. Yeah I'm literally stating that freejam is not indie anymore.)
-Why you used wings in the first place? They have an incredibly crap design with absolutly no capability to manuever. The good ol' thrusterstick was the escape from their sluggish turning (I had like internal thrust'n stuff, so it wasn't a stick covered in thrusters). Also, the only reason my design could work, was diving (namely one of the best mechanics in the game. It had a cap, whitout actually having a cap. 300 ~ was the actual cap. All else is beyond what you could utilise in actual combat)
-Yeah they had that moment. They should have built on it, but they decided to throw away the indie game of 2014. To be honest, I decided not to vote, for not knowing if it stays this good. I guess I made the right decision, and I have foreseen
-Well, they should have added their own noob tube , a sub optimal strategy (Building strategy, I think they decided to opt out any form of it), whitch is easy to do with large power output, but not really good for a pro.
-they removed tech points too?

Freejam is just a bunch of terrible designers with seemingly no idea what they doing. So concerned about the mechanics themselves that they can't see what effect they make. I think I see a pattern, tough. I'm still learning stuff so it will be some time for my thingy to shows up (if ever, pray for me if you're like that). And, if I ever manage to make it through, I think Freejam will be the laughing stock, and you'll see why.
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-Why you used wings in the first place? They have an incredibly crap design with absolutly no capability to manuever. The good ol' thrusterstick was the escape from their sluggish turning (I had like internal thrust'n stuff, so it wasn't a stick covered in thrusters). Also, the only reason my design could work, was diving (namely one of the best mechanics in the game. It had a cap, whitout actually having a cap. 300 ~ was the actual cap. All else is beyond what you could utilise in actual combat)
I used wings because it actually let me think more than "follow the group, and just hold your mouse button down in the direction of the enemies." I didn't use thruster sticks because a) I didn't really want to figure out how to use them well, and b) they don't work well with plasma. Plasma, as UP as it baca me, did actually require you to think. SMG is just point and click... Or with a thruster stick: Click (wait a second) Click (wait a second) Click (And then it flies right at you) Clickity-Clickity-Clickity.

And actually, I had a really nice airplane. 12 wings and 10 T10 thrusters made it quite maneuverable. 6 T10 plasma was quite good at wearing things down. I had no EPs on it, so it could absorb 2-3 volleys of railgun shots. And then game overclocking, the shield bubble, and plasma nerfs. Yeah. In other words, early game plasma was too weak to do anything, and late game you died if a railgun decided to look at you.
Plasma was quite fun while it was actually any good. I considered it the noob-slayer. That was its problem. Against a well-built bot, it barely scratched the surface. On a noob's horribly build bot with an exposed pilot seat, it one-shots. (I remember one game where one player on the enemy team was using a horribly designed sled... It died if I tossed plasma in its general direction. I would have left him alone at some point, except that all of my other teammates were being stupid and there was nobody else on that half of the map. I was cussed at multiple times in chat (I probably kept one-shooting him 10+ times throughout that match). It was fun.

And a bit more about thruster sticks: Again, a perfectly valid bot type, ruined by the noobs. In my experience, though, they are only really powerful because they actually take skill (and usually platoon in groups of 3-4). But 3-4 of anything can kill you.

The speed cap was also a horrible design move. Yes, Uber-Warp drives were a glitch, but they were also incredibly fun to use, and couldn't cause much damage, since they're going so fast.
I used a winged plane first, than Once I figured how, I started to feel the irresponsiveness of the wings. :/ It wasn't tight enough for me anymore.

The speed cap was also a horrible design move. Yes, Uber-Warp drives were a glitch, but they were also incredibly fun to use, and couldn't cause much damage, since they're going so fast.

They should have made it to something more dynamic. My thinking on this front, is to tie it to the qubecount or something. (that data should have been easy to access, while giving you a relatively proper representation for the bot's size. Not the best, but better than this crap.)

In my opinion, robocraft was a good idea, but it didn't even work in the first place. That's just my opinion. No need to rage.

Well, the building system was a "ballanced system whitch can be unballanced by the toughtfull application of the rules and the mechanics" whitch is the definition of a strategy game. So, if I put it this way, than its not a sandbox anymore, but something else.
As long as they allowed it to work this way it worked surprisingly well ("the game whitch is too good not to play"). Now the question:"why its there in the first place?"
Well, the building system was a "ballanced system whitch can be unballanced by the toughtfull application of the rules and the mechanics"
"Or by the opposite behavior: the complete and utter lack of thinking"

But yeah, the game was more strategy-based than sandbox-based, and the recent (bad) updates seem to be trying to flip that dynamic.
"Or by the opposite behavior: the complete and utter lack of thinking"

But yeah, the game was more strategy-based than sandbox-based, and the recent (bad) updates seem to be trying to flip that dynamic.

Let this information stay here. Freejem doesn't deserves it, after destroying the indie game of 2014.
I play first time and i don't like :(
The game has changed a lot since J made this thread. I think that mega bots weren't even a thing back then. (It may be that they are also already removed now, I forgot.) and level 100 was the highest one could go, you only had access to 4 diffrent weapons I believe (tesla blades not counted or the various tiers of those weapons) and you only where able to use 1 weapon type (except for tesla blades those could be used together with others).

I personally also moved on from this game and I am pretty sure J did as well.
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The game has changed a lot since J made this thread. I think that mega bots weren't even a thing back then. (It may be that they are also already removed now, I forgot.) and level 100 was the highest one could go, you only had access to 4 diffrent weapons I believe (tesla blades not counted or the various tiers of those weapons) and you only where able to use 1 weapon type (except for tesla blades those could be used together with others).

I personally also moved on from this game and I am pretty sure J did as well.
Yeah, back on page one I did.