FTB Horizons: Daybreaker Discussion


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So...it turns out clams are amazing food. 2 1/2 haunches plus full saturation. Still wish I had some emeralds so I could build an environmental controller to power through early stage blood magic but the clams are a big upgrade over the apples I had been eating.

Now I just need to get some cursed earth, set up a spawn room, and put a bunch of Rituals of the Green Grove under my wheat farm (that exists solely to produce Bio Fuel, currently burned in Bio-Generators, soon to be used in Ethylene production.)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Any ideas why many items have lost there EE value when updating from 1.0.2 to 1.1.0?
I mean it's super weird, Aeternalis fuel now has no EE value.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm finding that rftools has a lot of the functionality I'm looking for. Look into their modular storage and auto crafting system. It's nowhere near ae2, but it's very helpful. I did use aura cascades bookshelf system but with no way to sort the items in the GUI and difficulties with moving the system to a new location, I've put it aside for now.

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Crating seems a bit limited? Maybe I need to explore it a bit more. Liking the storage as an early game option so far, it's similar to an AE chest in a lot of ways but can be crafted earlier in game, be interesting to see what it can do, although it also seems a bit limited.

My initial impression based on the "modular" label was the crafter and storage would work together. So far I havent seen any function of that sort.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is the storage drawers mod broken? The drawer faces do not show when I place them, I just get a single blank dark face that shows the item once placed. All the videos, and even when it shows in an inventory, it shows a nice finished drawer fron corresponding to how many drawers, but do not render when placed. The dark back ground makes many items hard to see. Also the controller seems to be completely broken. I was really looking forward to implementing the controller but it does not seem to work at all. I've watched several videos that have shed no light and scoured the wikies etc. Any help appreciated as I am kind of excited about this mod.
Are you on latest? Pack changelog does say it contains the latest version, which should address the black render bug. If you're using version 1.5.12 of the mod and still seeing a render problem, it should be filed as a bug against the mod.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are you on latest? Pack changelog does say it contains the latest version, which should address the black render bug. If you're using version 1.5.12 of the mod and still seeing a render problem, it should be filed as a bug against the mod.

I am now :D thanks. I didn't realize there was an update already. In any event yes, the shelves are fixed!

However, enhanced inventories chests are gone? Glad I wasn't using a lot of them, but I was planning to lol.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
New issue with Progressive Automation since update. Stone chopper will not take ax from internal inventory. Also previously I was able to input axes from the side into the tool slot, but now it places them in internal inventory, with the aforementioned issue. This is since the update. I've tried using the wrench to change input settings and results are all the same. I noticed wrench has a fuel input setting, a tool input setting would fix this nicely, or just make it pull tools from internal inventory like it did in previous version.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
New issue with Progressive Automation since update. Stone chopper will not take ax from internal inventory. Also previously I was able to input axes from the side into the tool slot, but now it places them in internal inventory, with the aforementioned issue. This is since the update. I've tried using the wrench to change input settings and results are all the same. I noticed wrench has a fuel input setting, a tool input setting would fix this nicely, or just make it pull tools from internal inventory like it did in previous version.

I had the same issue from the beginning. So I blocked all of the internal inventory with different items at the cost of the harvested items spilling out into the world. I used the Advanced Item Collector to pick them back up, but not a nice setup at all. After watching a video from @Landstryder I switched to the router from Router Reborn in slot mode for slot 2 (I think). This way it works like I wanted it to, but still, a native solution would be much better.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey Landstryder, when are you going to get that awesome hoverboard from EC3 on your Horizons playthrough?

You have remote storage (total of 1200 items capacity, and wireless)
and normal Storage block (holds -i thought - up to 300 blocks, but can be upgraded for filter settings)
You also have Inventory manager (Im sure thats how its called) that scans block inventories. You can search an double click the item, the lock then comtaining the item will be highlighted (in case you really thought to have lost something
The RFTools storage blocks are wickedly awesomely good. 300 stacks of searchable storage for the cost of a few gold blocks, some iron ingots, redstone, wood, and quartz. I thought it would be way more labor/resource intensive than it ended up being but it was really simple. Thanks for the idea.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wonder if anyone else has experienced this issue with QuantumFlux Battlesuit armor. I am getting what seems to be no protection whatsoever from the Battlesuit armor if I am wearing OpenComputer's Hover Boots. I am wearing a default Battlesuit Helmet, an upgraded Battlesuit Chestplate, and an upgraded Battlesuit Leggings. All three pieces of armor are constantly fully charged because I am carrying a Quibit Cell. If I wear the Hover Boots with the three Battlesuit armor pieces, I take four hearts of damage from a single Zombie punch. If I take off the Hover Boots, my armor level indicator drops by one and one-half levels, but I take no damage to one-half heart damage from Zombie punches. Is this a bug?

I wear the Hover Boots because it allows me to walk up steps of one-block height, a feature I really miss when I don't have it, but I value armor protection far more. So, I'm putting the Hover Boots aside for now. I'd like to re-acquire the ability to step up one-block heights, though. I tried ModularArmour's armor but, after adding modules to the armor, it began spamming the heck out of my console which was dropping my FPS so I put it aside for now (I also posted an issue at its git hub, and several people have now reported the same issue). I've looked around the modpack for an alternative one-step-up solution but I haven't found any. I was hoping to find a bauble of some kind, something like the Soujourner's Sash from Botania, but nothing seemed obvious to me. Suggestions?

EDIT: mentioning the Soujourner's Sash inspired me to do an NEI search for the word sash. I found Aura Cascade's Sash of the Angel's Heels. It is a bauble that gives you the ability to instantly step up one-block heights but it also lets you step up even more after charging up the sash a bit. I cheated in a sash for testing. I walked up to the side of a village house with a roof that was 8-blocks above. I pressed myself forward into the wall which begins the charging process, and then I appeared on the roof after two seconds or so. So now I'm off to get started with Aura Cascade!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There is an unresolved issue to which the mod author replied that is posted on Progressive Automation's github titled " Tool Input Recently Broken #167" which can be read here: https://github.com/Vanhal/ProgressiveAutomation/issues/167

Ah thank you. Looks like a poster had the same suggestion I did of making sides configurable with wrench for tool input. Guess ill just spend a lot of time feeding axes to it until the hopefully the next update. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wonder if anyone else has experienced this issue with QuantumFlux Battlesuit armor. I am getting what seems to be no protection whatsoever from the Battlesuit armor if I am wearing OpenComputer's Hover Boots. I am wearing a default Battlesuit Helmet, an upgraded Battlesuit Chestplate, and an upgraded Battlesuit Leggings. All three pieces of armor are constantly fully charged because I am carrying a Quibit Cell. If I wear the Hover Boots with the three Battlesuit armor pieces, I take four hearts of damage from a single Zombie punch. If I take off the Hover Boots, my armor level indicator drops by one and one-half levels, but I take no damage to one-half heart damage from Zombie punches. Is this a bug?

I wear the Hover Boots because it allows me to walk up steps of one-block height, a feature I really miss when I don't have it, but I value armor protection far more. So, I'm putting the Hover Boots aside for now. I'd like to re-acquire the ability to step up one-block heights, though. I tried ModularArmour's armor but, after adding modules to the armor, it began spamming the heck out of my console which was dropping my FPS so I put it aside for now (I also posted an issue at its git hub, and several people have now reported the same issue). I've looked around the modpack for an alternative one-step-up solution but I haven't found any. I was hoping to find a bauble of some kind, something like the Soujourner's Sash from Botania, but nothing seemed obvious to me. Suggestions?

EDIT: mentioning the Soujourner's Sash inspired me to do an NEI search for the word sash. I found Aura Cascade's Sash of the Angel's Heels. It is a bauble that gives you the ability to instantly step up one-block heights but it also lets you step up even more after charging up the sash a bit. I cheated in a sash for testing. I walked up to the side of a village house with a roof that was 8-blocks above. I pressed myself forward into the wall which begins the charging process, and then I appeared on the roof after two seconds or so. So now I'm off to get started with Aura Cascade!
The step assistance feature is also available via wind enchanted boots. They're a mid-tier essentialcraft item which requires you to make a wind altar and enchant diamonds, the protection level of the set is just slightly better than diamond. In fact essentialcraft's mid-tier is pretty good in general, providing a self-transforming tool (pick that transforms into a shovel or sword, etc), ways to enchant items past Lvl.30 at the cost of no XP, a block that repairs any item for no material or XP cost. The problem is that mid-tier EC3 still needs a lot of resource and effort to get to as it's a fairly in-depth mod.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ah thank you. Looks like a poster had the same suggestion I did of making sides configurable with wrench for tool input. Guess ill just spend a lot of time feeding axes to it until the hopefully the next update. :)

The Progressive Automation mod author just closed those issues only hours ago. The details can be read here: https://github.com/Vanhal/ProgressiveAutomation/issues/167
The mod author also just released the 1.6.27 update for the mod, and it can be found here: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/220606-progressive-automation-early-miner#t1:other-downloads

The step assistance feature is also available via wind enchanted boots. They're a mid-tier essentialcraft item which requires you to make a wind altar and enchant diamonds, the protection level of the set is just slightly better than diamond. In fact essentialcraft's mid-tier is pretty good in general, providing a self-transforming tool (pick that transforms into a shovel or sword, etc), ways to enchant items past Lvl.30 at the cost of no XP, a block that repairs any item for no material or XP cost. The problem is that mid-tier EC3 still needs a lot of resource and effort to get to as it's a fairly in-depth mod.

Sounds interesting, and thanks for that info. I'd like to try that self-transforming tool. I've just started building the basic infrastructure for EC3.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Unless I'm missing something, there isn't any way to make Extra Utilities Blackout Curtains. The recipe conflicts with Malisis Doors curtains. No big deal for me, since I just cheated them in and tossed the wool, but for people not in single-player, it might be a problem.

Edit (Didn't want to double post):

So I just made a resonant Laser Rifle from Geko's Lasers...holy geez was that a rabbit hole of crafting. I think that took more steps to make than just about anything I've ever made before by hand (never made a Gravisuit by hand.) For once I actually missed having AE, and I haven't used AE since mid-1.6.4.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Unless I'm missing something, there isn't any way to make Extra Utilities Blackout Curtains. The recipe conflicts with Malisis Doors curtains. No big deal for me, since I just cheated them in and tossed the wool, but for people not in single-player, it might be a problem.

Edit the file scripts/Crafting.zs (server side for multi-player or on the client for single player) and add the following two lines to the end:
recipes.addShaped(<ExtraUtilities:curtains>*12, [[<minecraft:wool>,<minecraft:wool>,<minecraft:wool>],[<minecraft:wool>,<minecraft:wool>,<minecraft:wool>],[null,null,null]]);
Then in the console or with OP power, type "/mt reload" and you'll have a new recipe for the curtains—the original recipe rotated 90 degrees. No restart required. That should separate it from the Malis's Doors curtains. At least, all this worked for me and my server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Speaking of uncraftable things... I wanted to use the driller from redstonic, but it feels like this mod has pretty much no working recipes without Ender IO and Thermal Expansion installed. The energizer capsule is not craftable, because it uses hardened glas, which is made in the induction smelter from Thermal Expansion. After that it needs to be filled by destabilized redstone. Here are my custom recipes that try to emulate the originals as close as possible, however you need to install Mod Tweaker yourself if you want to use the Mekanism Infuser recipe:

recipes.addShaped(<Redstonic:EnergizerCapsule>, [[<ore:ingotLead>, <ore:ingotLumium>, <ore:ingotLead>],[<ore:ingotLumium>, <bluepower:reinforced_sapphire_glass>, <ore:ingotLumium>],[<ore:ingotLead>, <ore:ingotLumium>, <ore:ingotLead>]]);
mods.mekanism.Infuser.addRecipe("REDSTONE", 64, <Redstonic:EnergizerCapsule>, <Redstonic:EnergizerCapsuleFULL>);


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does the radiation have a time counter? or is it --:-- ? If it has a time counter then it will eventually wear off, but you have to stay out of hoanna for awhile. Maybe try building a full MRU radiation suit and see if it helps.

If it is --:-- then it's a permanent effect and it's probably a bug.

If it's permanent for whatever reason, then you might be able to fix it by using NBTExplorer and editing your character data in level.dat.

Ok thx for the help it is permanent so i will try edit the level.dat


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This may be a dumb question, but given that a Ferrous ore equivalent generates in the world (ET Pentlandite) why is there an alternate recipe for Invar?

Edit: Also, it appears that it's impossible to craft Turret Bases from Open Modular Turrets. The recipe appears to require a Mekanism Energy Tablet with no metadata, which is impossible to get.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sure, but you can craft Invar from 2 Iron dust and 1 Nickel dust normally, which is totally doable with the ores generated in the pack. It's not a big deal, just struck me as kind of odd.

Anyway, I just cheated the Turret Bases in and threw out the ingredients. I now have a Laser Turret above my front door and another in front of my Nether Portal. It's really amusing to watch them just wreck any mobs that come near. :)

Thanks for the tip on Minetweaker, though.
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