The Eclipse Project [WIP]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019


Everything in this known universe requires an origin. All thoughts require reason.
Without those salient elements, the matter becomes pointless, resulting in the loss of all value. A game like this is missing those elements, and pointless propagation is inherent under these circumstances.

What if, this game has a larger reason for its upcoming, rather for the entity you control, within the game? This critical approach may seem vacuous, but if you truly delve into the mechanics of a simple and somewhat stagnant world such as what we work in, you should begin to see that reason lacks, criticality is dull, and the reason for your progression is utterly hopeless and senseless.

With this modpack, i plan to implement a story, or an origin if you will, to this game, how everything works, and why. For reason, is key. without it, interest and origin is pointless.

Ironically, you COULD call this the origin pack, but wouldn't that imply that you are just installing Minecraft Alpha?​


I. Informatives

It is important to understand a few key concepts before getting this pack. They are very important and could cause some to loose interest, playing or not.
  • HQM is absolutely vital to this. It is highly recommended, if not mandatory, that you follow the questline and take time to read all of the descriptions that come with every quest, especially in the first, second and third questlines. This is the only way you can follow the underlying story.
  • Updates will be more interesting, in regards to how this modpack will work. Each update will either have one of the two, or both components, aligned by our team: (1. Quest update, adding or fixing questlines/ individual quests, and 2. Mod update, or Minecraft version update* to keep everything running smoothly)
  • Difficulty is set by the mods and their configs, rather than only the vanilla difficulty settings, but still has a standing factor to some extent. You will die a lot, most definitely by other things that are not mobs.
  • Aether II​
  • Ancient Warfare​
  • AnimationAPI​
  • AOBD​
  • Antique Atlas​
  • Applied Energistics 2​
  • Aroma1997 Core, Backup, and Dimensional world​
  • Ars Magica 2​
  • asielib​
  • Backpack​
  • BD Lib​
  • Better Foliage; Sleeping​
  • Bibliocraft​
  • Bobliocraft Woods, Natura, Forestry​
  • Big Reactors​
  • BoP​
  • Blood Magic: Alchemical Wizardry​
  • Botania​
  • Buildcraft​
  • Buildcraft Compat​
  • Carpenter's Blocks​
  • ChickenChunks​
  • Chisel 2​
  • ClearLag​
  • CodeChickenCore (CCC)​
  • CoFH Core​
  • ColorChat​
  • Compact Solar Arrays​
  • Computercraft​
  • Computronics​
  • Crafting Pillars​
  • Custom Main Menu​
  • CustomOreGen​
  • CustomNPC's​
  • DeathCounter​
  • Decocraft​
  • Dense Ores​
  • Draconic-Evolution​
  • DrZhark's Mo'Creatures Mod​
  • Enchanting Plus​
  • Enchiridion 2​
  • EnderIO​
  • Ender Zoo; Storage; Tech​
  • EnviroMine​
  • ExtraUtils​
  • ExtraCells​
  • ExtraTIC​
  • Fast Leaf Decay​
  • Fastcraft​
  • FastFlyBlockBreaker​
  • FloodLights​
  • Forbidden Magic​
  • Forestry​
  • Funky Locomotion​
  • Galacticraft Core​
  • Galacticraft Planets​
  • Gany's Surface​
  • Gender​
  • Gilded Games​
  • GravitationSuite​
  • Grimoire Of Gaia​
  • Grinder​
  • Growthcraft Apples, Bamboo, Cellar, Fishtrap, Grapes, Hops, Rice​
  • Hardcore Darkness​
  • HQM​
  • Hardcore Ender Expansion​
  • Helpfixer​
  • Hide Names​
  • IC2​
  • IC2 Advanced Machines​
  • iChun Util​
  • Iguana's Tinker Tweaks​
  • Iguana's Tweaks​
  • Inventory Tweaks​
  • Iron Chest​
  • Iv-Toolkit​
  • JABBA​
  • Java 7 Checker​
  • Modular Powersuits​
  • Magic Bees​
  • Mantle​
  • Mekanism​
  • Mekanism Generators​
  • Mekanism Tools​
  • Metallurgy 4​
  • Metallurgy Core​
  • Mine and Blade Battlegear​
  • MicDoodle Core​
  • MineChem​
  • MCA​
  • MFR​
  • MineMenu​
  • MineTweaker 3​
  • MineTweaker Recepies​
  • Mob Dismemberment​
  • ModTweaker 2​
  • MFFS​
  • Modular Powersuit Addons​
  • Morpheus​
  • Musica​
  • MrCrayfish'sFurnitureMod​
  • Natura​
  • NEI Addons​
  • NEI Integration​
  • Nether Ores​
  • NoMoreRecepieConflict​
  • NotEnoughResources​
  • NotEnoughItems​
  • Nuclear Control​
  • Numina​
  • ObsidiPlates​
  • Open Modular Turrets​
  • OpenBlocks​
  • OpenComputers​
  • OpenMods​
  • OpenPeripheralCore​
  • Optifine (Optional)​
  • Pam's Harvestcraft​
  • PerfectSpawn​
  • PlayerAPI​
  • Pneumaticraft​
  • ProjectE​
  • ProjectRed-Compat-Expansion-Exploration-Illumination-Transmission​
  • Quadrum​
  • RadixCore​
  • Railcraft​
  • Realistic Pain​
  • Redstone Arsenal​
  • Refined Relocation​
  • Reliquary (PLAN TO REMOVE OR TWEAK HEAVILY; Balanced yet cheaty)​
  • RenderDecorator​
  • Resonant Engine​
  • RFtools​
  • RougeLike Dungeons​
  • Runic Dungeons​
  • SimplyJetpacks​
  • Snowfall​
  • Squidless​
  • Statues​
  • Steve's Carts 2​
  • Steve's Factory Manager, Workshop, Addons​
  • Technomancy​
  • Thaumic Infusion​
  • The Big Trees Mod​
  • Thaumcraft​
  • ThaumcraftNEI Plugins​
  • Thaumic Energistics, Exploration, Tinkerer​
  • The Elysium​
  • The Twilight Forest​
  • Thermal Dynamics, Expansion, Foundation​
  • TiC​
  • TiC Tooltips​
  • TiC Mechworks​
  • Translocator​
  • TreeCapitator​
  • ttCore​
  • Walia​
  • Walia Plugins​
  • WarpBook​
  • Witchery​
  • WorldEdit​
  • Ztones​
Our Crash test hamster can run this on his dual core laptop with a crappy graphics card and still has a stable 40+ FPS at all times. The reason for this is because we put a lot of time and effort into client and server optimization. However, we cannot fix the long load time very much. That would only occur in the removal of mods, which we have done, such as goes with the story of logistics pipes, that lowered the load time by at least a minute.​

  • Removed Flans Mod Entirely (Overall Lag on server and clients)
  • Removed Logistics Pipes (Loading Client lag and unneeded as a mod)
  • Disabled Earthquakes from Enviromine (Excessive world destruction. You should see those ravines, damn.)
  • Disabled Physics for most blocks like stone in Enviromine (Excessive load on server and even singleplayer, what with each block in every loaded chunk being tested every time somebody logs on to a world.)
  • Increased Rarity of tornadoes in Enviromine (Who sees tornadoes every single day outside their house? Seriously?)
  • Removed Glenn's Gases (Excessive server lag affecting all users, kinda like the physics thing)
  • Removed Smart Moving (Excessive packet sending and receiving to server and client. We may consider adding this back. I like sliding.)
  • Removed OresPlus (World Corruption)
  • Removed Custom Main Menu (We like our amazing music.)
  • Removed The Doge Mod (wow disgrace)
  • Removed Removed Progressive Automation (Unneeded and unrealistic; we have MFR.)
  • Removed and Added a ton of stuff all at once it seemed and balanced out the entire pack.
---- 4/1/2015​
*These updates may never take place, but are still here because of their eventual possibility.

II. Development
We are currently working with three people to get this project done. If at all possible, we would like some more people helping to develop this. We have a total of FOUR-SIX (Some are inactive) developers, they are listed here:
  • Myself, TriageONE - Bugfixing, HQM development
  • My dear friend, ShadowJustis - Bugfixing(client and serverside), Server hosting, Game stability
  • My freind from school, Ravinseye - Bug finding/testing, Crash test hampster
  • The Amazing Brit, Kyle The Professor - Does everything, really.
With the current four that we have, we have estimated a release date, that has been extended due to more and better ideas, currently being implemented into the modpack:

June 10th, 2015 (6/10/15)

UPDATE: We are expanding exponentially. The release date has been extended further, due to massive mapbuilding procedeures, HQM development for an estimated 500-700 quests, CustomNPC questing, Storyline production, and numerous other details.
This is bound to change, however,only if we accumulate so many more developers. I will continually update this forum post with information about the modpack, but while we are in development, we cannot release any vital information about the premise of the pack itself.

We need an estimated 1-3 more devs, trustworthy and hardworking, to get this show on the road, and lower the release date. I, Triage, think we should have another that i can work with to develop quests. If you can make really clever quests in HQM, and have a way with words, as i do, inform me immediately. Your value may be immeasurable to this project. other than that, you can find the recruitment post HERE.

III. Technical Info

It should never go unsaid to the average player in regards to how fast the game will run. This is a VERY heavy modpack. There is plenty here to make the most impeccable Minecraft experience, and not a mod less. We don't plan on making this modpack any smaller, so be prepared to wait about 8 minutes to load to the title screen. Details are here:
  • The start up loading takes around 8-10 minutes. Your computer's processing power will not factor into how fast it launches very much. Kudos to the kid with a 16 core, 256 GB RAM computer that launches this in .01 second.
  • Joining worlds is tricky. You will fall past bedrock, on some occasions. If not, people trying to log onto a server should be aware that it takes time to sync with another server, the larger the modpack. I have horrid internet with less than a megabit per second, and it takes me quite some time to stabilize my movements. This is not a server issue, rather a mod issue.
  • PermGen must be turned up to more than or at least 512 MB, otherwise, the pack destabilizes. You can find how to do that Here

From Launch to menu: 5':47":58ms ~
From Menu To SSP (Pregenerated): 0':58":31ms ~
From Menu To SSP (New): 1':46":10ms ~
From Menu To Server (Running 125KB/s DOWN, 8KB/s UP) [Lag Timeout] : 1':16":40ms ~
Info on Server joining:

When you first join, you cannot move a single nano meter, or you will likely fall through bedrock and continue without harm. After so long, or even more descriptive, after you fall about -1500~2000 blocks, you may be teleported back to where you stand, but you cannot move. The server keeps sending you back to your original position, or rubber-banding you, for about 12 seconds or more depending on your internet speed. After that, its all good, and smooth sailing. We do not know what causes these issues.
I am running 4G of Ram for Minecraft, 8G in total, with a 3GHz quad-core AMD Phenom X4 945 (II) Processor, And AMD Raedon HD 6570 Graphics card.

If you want an estimation on how long it may take, just estimate. Internet speed factors greatly on how much time it may take to log on and connect successfully, Your CpS (Calculations per Second) of your core(s) have a small but noticeable factor into how much time it takes. Compared to FTB infinity, it is only slightly longer than usual.

Release Data And Spoilers:
Good news so far, we have alot of questing done. We also added a few new mods to make this the most enjoyable experience possible. We will not list those mods, but we WILL however inform everyone here that we have not given up and the gods of this world are quite pleased with our recompense regarding slacking.
The light and dark look forward to the impending wave of potential survivors awakening... this includes YOU, if you plan to make the decision to stay with the light and dark. You are lucky to be here at all, in surviving the Eclipse Project's annihilation of our world, so treat it with respect, and give your formal gods the respect they deserve.

These machines you boast about having in the other realms... it is unspeakable on how one would mold metal from their bare hands, much less diamond, or enderium.... This world is different, for you do not have the strength to mold metal, the knowledge to create out of that metal, or the skill to enact quantum entanglement for machines that convert items to raw energy and lines of code. The Gods of this world are determined to help you, so you have been blessed with magical items of dimesion-breaking power: Forge Binder, to anneal and weld metals with your mind, Cores of knowledge, to grant temporary genius for the most advanced operations, and quantum shards, to rip the fabric of space-time, using a cluster of crystal whereas all of it's atoms are entangled at once. What will you use these for, or how will you find them and exchange them for that matter? You will have to pay in great quantitys of riches, or risk your life to obtain what you know is the only way to secure your survival, for machines are immaculate compared to that of only a furnace...

Magic is your only hope of survival at first. The previous world, however, did not have access to such pleasentries, but this world differs. A world molded by another's creed, means that whomever created it can add anything they see fit or lacking. That is the reason for this. Even the dark one, Shadow, saw it as an opportunity.

All things in balance, said many before the collapse, due to the Eclipse Project. With that taken to a grain assault, it is possible to create something out of nothing in this world, as long as you have the will to pay dearly. The most ineffible materials and almost unobtainable items balance this, so only the ones who try to succeed will have a chance at victory.
Getting straight to the point: This is not a thing you can download yet. This is a recruiting effort and modpack showcase/early peek thing. I WILL TURN THIS POST INTO SOMETHING ALONG THE LINES OF INSTALLING A PACK; it expected that it stay here because it fits the context of what i plan to have as a modpack and counts as a WIP post.
If you had read everything, sincerely everything about this, you deserve a bundle of cookies. Kudos
Last edited:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can do all of the things listed in the post. I can also do some scripting with MineTweaker & ModTweaker so msg me if you want me to help. ;)
If you can truly help, you will need a Skype and MultiMC. I will PM you shortly, we need coders and lots of helpers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This sounds like an awesome modpack and I like that it sounds like there is going to be little or no ores/resources.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For anyone wondering about the pack we are currently working on the map and quests which are coming along very nicely and are working on which mods are extremely laggy and we should remove. More updates may come in the future.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The only problem is that with heavy modded is that not everyone can run the pack and if your hoping to win you won't get as many people downloading your pack


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
first off this is not for jampacked read the comments/description before you type and we only want to have a pack code so people who want to download it can. So please have some common sense


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The only problem is that with heavy modded is that not everyone can run the pack and if your hoping to win you won't get as many people downloading your pack
We don't do Jampacked 2. This is coming from the modpack author. Also, i said as a response to somebody that this is NOT for Jampacked 2, This is for fun, and to get people to think more about Minecraft in a critical way. I don't personally like Jampacked because its just a ton of mods thrown together haphazard, without thought. If i am wrong about this, please tell me, but again, this is NOT for Jampacked 2.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We don't do Jampacked 2. I don't personally like Jampacked because its just a ton of mods thrown together haphazard, without thought.
I would completely disagree with this. Most people who enter spend an ton of time making their pack and balancing it.
Although most of the packs use HQM, which completely ruins them. IMO


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quests are required. But I don't know why HQM us the goto quest system. Great mod. But I like customnpcs quests.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quests are required. But I don't know why HQM us the goto quest system. Great mod. But I like customnpcs quests.


As a direct spoiler, i will announce that CustomNPC's will be in this modpack, and their questing system will be entangled within HQM, for a more exciting experience. There will be over 400+ quests, and now i have at least 75 finished, and my friend shadow is currently in charge of CustomNPC everything.

As another thing to be nice, i will also announce that this will be considered a test of skill pack with numerous dungeons to raid, scarce ores, balanced yet still difficult crafting recepies for all machines and so forth in regards to progression. We will change recepies, so there is an incentive to do questing, since we plan to have this in an open world, and without those changes in recepies, HQM or quests in general and anything that will follow could be ignored.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would completely disagree with this. Most people who enter spend an ton of time making their pack and balancing it.
Although most of the packs use HQM, which completely ruins them. IMO

I understand that you disagree, however, I don't know a lot much about JamPacked. I'm sorry if i had came off as rude or ignorant. However, this is my opinion, many of the packs i see for 2 look interesting, but in reading their description, i don't find any of them appealing. They all sound the same, in terms of the general premise of progression and difficulty. I understand that my opinion lacks information, but i cant simply go and download every single pack with my terrible internet.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I understand that you disagree, however, I don't know a lot much about JamPacked. I'm sorry if i had came off as rude or ignorant. However, this is my opinion, many of the packs i see for 2 look interesting, but in reading their description, i don't find any of them appealing. They all sound the same, in terms of the general premise of progression and difficulty. I understand that my opinion lacks information, but i cant simply go and download every single pack with my terrible internet.
Most of the packs out now, are the ones who most likely wont win. (no offense) (some exceptions that I have bookmarked too)
Give it another 2-3 weeks before we start seeing the more planned out and detailed ones.
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