Welcome, boy and girls, ladies and gentlemen, humans and beasts, mortals and sorcerers, witches and warlocks, to my new game of werewolf!
The day will end every night at 19:00 British time, and anyone not voted before then will die a deadly death of smiting.
1) @Shazam08
2) @Pyure
3) @VikeStep
4) @Jus2beast
5) @SoraZodia
6) @SkeletonPunk
7) @Strikingwolf
8) @Gideonseymour
9) @Kill-Joy
10) @FireFistRay
11) @seiya4win
12) @trajing
13) @chbachman
14) @016Nojr
15) @goreae
The day will end every night at 19:00 British time, and anyone not voted before then will die a deadly death of smiting.
1) @Shazam08
2) @Pyure
3) @VikeStep
4) @Jus2beast
5) @SoraZodia
6) @SkeletonPunk
7) @Strikingwolf
8) @Gideonseymour
9) @Kill-Joy
10) @FireFistRay
11) @seiya4win
12) @trajing
13) @chbachman
14) @016Nojr
15) @goreae
Good guys:
Mortal - villager standard, given two votes as compensation
Sensitive - Seer standard
Skuduggery Pleasant - Kills whoever kills Valkyrie Cain, and has two lives
Valkyrie Cain - starts with the sigil of the grand necromancers
Saracen Rue - Will be told something COMPLETELY random, nightly. It could be absolutely anything, but is entirely random
Gordon Edgeley - When killed, can say one word nightly to anyone but a mortal
Kenny Dunne - Each night, picks a role or group of roles (i.e. mortals, sensitives, powered roles), and the number of people in said group or with said role will be announced the following morning
Bad guys:
Erskine Ravel - any sensitives will see him as a good guy, but he can kill one person, and then will be seen as a bad guy
Remnant - each night, they pick a player, whose power and votes they control . Any attempt to tell someone else while possessed will result in the person's death
Bad guy - werewolf standard
Nefarian Serpine:
This role has three stages
1) Nefarian Serpine, Killer Supreme - a bad guy, who once killed will go to the next stage
2) Nefarian Serpine, Zombie King - another bad guy, who can do one of two things: each night, they must pick between converting a person to the bad guys’ side, with a 50% chance of success, or leaving the bad guys’ team and becoming the next Nefarian Serpine stage
3) Nefarian Serpine... Woman!?!? - can survive being attacked one night. The next attack kills them.Also, if they can solve and eency-weency little challenge I set for them, Valkyrie Cain will be revealed to them, and anyone with the sigil of the grand necromancers will be granted a night’s invulnerability
Thrasher - votes for whoever Nefarian Serpine votes for, and can survive one attack
Mortal - villager standard, given two votes as compensation
Sensitive - Seer standard
Skuduggery Pleasant - Kills whoever kills Valkyrie Cain, and has two lives
Valkyrie Cain - starts with the sigil of the grand necromancers
Saracen Rue - Will be told something COMPLETELY random, nightly. It could be absolutely anything, but is entirely random
Gordon Edgeley - When killed, can say one word nightly to anyone but a mortal
Kenny Dunne - Each night, picks a role or group of roles (i.e. mortals, sensitives, powered roles), and the number of people in said group or with said role will be announced the following morning
Bad guys:
Erskine Ravel - any sensitives will see him as a good guy, but he can kill one person, and then will be seen as a bad guy
Remnant - each night, they pick a player, whose power and votes they control . Any attempt to tell someone else while possessed will result in the person's death
Bad guy - werewolf standard
Nefarian Serpine:
This role has three stages
1) Nefarian Serpine, Killer Supreme - a bad guy, who once killed will go to the next stage
2) Nefarian Serpine, Zombie King - another bad guy, who can do one of two things: each night, they must pick between converting a person to the bad guys’ side, with a 50% chance of success, or leaving the bad guys’ team and becoming the next Nefarian Serpine stage
3) Nefarian Serpine... Woman!?!? - can survive being attacked one night. The next attack kills them.Also, if they can solve and eency-weency little challenge I set for them, Valkyrie Cain will be revealed to them, and anyone with the sigil of the grand necromancers will be granted a night’s invulnerability
Thrasher - votes for whoever Nefarian Serpine votes for, and can survive one attack
Cloaking sphere - you escape all forms of attack for one night
The book of names - depending on your role, you will get a different extra power, a nice big one. You can choose to donate this to another character instead.
God-killer sword, bow, and dagger - each of these grants one kill
Sigil - the effects of these vary massively, and will be decided upon me giving you them
The book of names - depending on your role, you will get a different extra power, a nice big one. You can choose to donate this to another character instead.
God-killer sword, bow, and dagger - each of these grants one kill
Sigil - the effects of these vary massively, and will be decided upon me giving you them