Open Server Wave-Craft | Feed The Beast | FTB | MINDCRACK | No Lag | 24/7 | Great Staff | Essentials | Factions

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Welcome to Wave-Craft a 24/7 Feed The Beast server with Essentials, Factions, LWC and more!

Interact with wave-crafts friendly players and staff, help us populate our server with friendly and ethical people. Wave-craft has parkour Saturdays and drop party Fridays!

Join now and find out what you have been missing!


What is Feed the Beast and How do I get it?

Feed the beast is a complex mudpack including over 60 mods, making the world of minecraft 20x more fun. With over 200 more items in-gamer for you to use, You will never get bored. Some of the many modpacks listed below:

Chickenbones Core - NEI - This one allows you to look up recipes for all the mod items that will be new to you. It also allows you to adjust some things like switching in between creative and survival and changing the time of day if you wish. Those parts can be disabled so you are not tempted to cheat.

Rei's Minimap - A map utility that keeps an overlay map on the screen. You can set waypoints and have it remember where you died.

Advanced Machines - This one allows for more advanced machines in IndustrialCraft, IC2. Mainly these are machines that achieve the same thing as the original only faster.

Buildcraft - This one adds some engines for powering machines and the ability to move items through pipes between chests.

Computer Craft - Adds computers to the game called turtles. These computers can be programed with the programming language lua. They are not that hard to program if you have some basic computer programming experience.

Ender Storage - A chest that allows you to travel between the different dimensions in minecraft. Similar to the vanilla enderchest, but more awesome.

Extra Bees - This one adds more bees than the ones provide by Forestry. Bee keeping provides valuable items that can be used as a substitute for other recipes. Such as 3 bees wax gives you wax capsules which can be used instead of cans from IC2, saving tin for other uses. (side fact - I thought this was disabled because it was not finished code though it is still listed as in the pack at the moment)

ExtraBiomes XL - This mod adds more variety to the biomes that are in the game. Some are expansive. It also adds a variety of trees and types of dirt.

Factorization - I have not really played with this one much to give detailed info.

Forestry - Originally this mod was meant to allow you to farm easier by providing machines to harvest and plant for you. Now it has bees, see above in extra bees, and machines for converting between the different types of power in the game.

ForgeIRC - This one is an IRC client built into the game through forge. It allows you to communicate without having to add an IRC client. Have not used it though.

Gregtech - An add on to IC2. This one is somewhat controversial as it modifies some of the early IC2 recipes, making them more expensive and harder to make. You can disable these changes if you like. It also adds a bunch of powerful late game items.

Industrial Craft - A mod that allows for the industrial revolution to come to Minecraft. It adds electricity to the game. Enabling you to have solar panels and other high tech items that make mining easier
How do I get Feed The Beast?

For MAC users: LINK
For PC Users: LINK
Tutorial Video:

What Faction type will you be?

Be a peaceful faction: Be a friendly to all faction who offers power or resources to other factions in return for protection.


Be a Militant faction: Gain military might and fight to the death with other factions over land. Also create large power resources such as, Nuclear reactors, Bat packs, MFSU's and so much more!


1. No Greifing (Consequences: 30 minute Ban 1st time)
2. No Stealing (Consequences: 30 minute Ban 1st time)
3. No Command Spam (Consequences: 10 minute Ban)
4. No Spamming in chat (Consequences: Kick and eventual Ban)
5. Just be nice ethical people.
Note: All 2nd Consequences are the Moderator's Choice.




Additional Details

Welcome to Wave-Craft a 24/7 Feed The Beast server with Essentials, Factions, LWC and more!
Game Version: Minecraft 1.5.2
Tags: FTB, FeedTheBeast, MINDCRACK, Factions, PVP, Essentials, MODDED SERVER, Faction PVP
Credit: Credits to Enslaven for Helping with spawn & For making the server Banner.


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