Updates of the Future?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Greetings FTB Team, and followers alike.

I have a question of intense curiosity regarding the New Launcher, and therefore Mods that are scheduled for release. Also I'd like to apologize ahead of time for the Book. I tend to write more than is required. (out of politeness.)
So, before I ask, I wish to put in a disclaimer:
Firstly, I accept that an absolute ETA can't be asked for. You might have issues with Coding, one of the authors might have a heavy work schedule and can't finish his mod as planned, bug fixes, or other problems might crop up. So I accept that now.
Second, I understand that people have real lives. Work, family, school, or just time off for good behavior, etc. These things can all lead to a later date for a release. And,
Third, I know it's all Free. None of you are being paid for doing this, so we can't expect people to work at this like it's their job. The only reward you get, aside from a few solid days of rest when it's done, is 'our' thanks. We, the players, admin's, and basic miners of Modded Minecraft. (A Thanks that I don't think you get enough of, so My Thanks as well.)

Okay, disclaimer not withstanding... Could we please get an update now as to any "Informal" ETA? lol

Honestly, I'm not asking for absolutes. Just a progress report of what's ready, what's done, what still needs to be finished/fixed, etc. I'm certain we're all facing this to some degree. Whether it's just a family of friends, single-player games, or whole servers; we're all looking to FTB and wondering... "When?!" And scouring the internet doesn't yield a lot more insight that a few kids whining, or garbage linked, outdated information.

Normally I wouldn't be impatient. Normally I could sit back and wait in the wings, quietly twiddling my thumbs. I've brought this up, however, because, simply put, I like FTB, it's launcher, it's easiness of use with mod installations, and similar. I hated looking through page after page of ID's to find the 2 or 3 conflicts. FTB fixed that for me. It made it easy to explain to friends how to setup for a server without a bunch of .rar files shipped between PC's, opened, dragged/dropped/copied/pasted, etc.

But now, with Minecraft releasing 1.7.2, I think I can safely say that we all are getting a wee bit... impatient. I understood back when I was expecting a few months of waiting after 1.6.1/1.6.2 fix broke open. my thumbs twiddled a bit faster when 1.6.4 released shortly there after. Now though, it's already 1.7.2. More content, biomes, and fixes. (Conflicts I'm certain mods like Biomes O Plenty, and similar will have to recode on.)

Please don't misread this. I'm not whining, or complaining. I'm just hoping for answers. I don't mind if the answer is "We don't know." (Although this would be disappointing.) But maybe something with more substantial information like "We have to finish with X program, before Y will run... and A, K and R mods are also still being tested." Something with more 'grit' to it that a watered down "We'll tell you when..." or worse.. Silence. I'm not looking for a PR spin here, I just believe we're entitled to a more defined answer.

Also, if I've brought this up in the wrong section, or snapped the line in some forum rule book, then I apologize, but I live in a world where asking questions is acceptable, as is expecting decent, qualified answers. And given the span between updates, information, and minecraft versions, I think it's more than fair to request an update. So, with that, I'll bow out and wait. I'll still enjoy FTB for what it offers at present, I won't even think badly if I'm ignored. I just hope that we'll all hear something soon. I'd be disappointed to see FTB go the way of other mod projects such as RP2, and vanish out of the limelight because it's inclusionary process didn't consider it's target audience.

Most sincerely yours, again with Thanks,
MaGriffw aka Griff.
Admin (of a private server.), and Miner of Modded Minecraft from Feed the Beast mod packs.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I agree with "Informal" eta. I love FTB and do have patience but i love what i see about 1.6 mods but i just dont have the time/skill like u modders do to get it all working flawlessly.
I hope its gonna appear soon but not sooner then b4 its stable ofcourse.
I do like to play arround with Beta packs. Is there a Unleashed 1.6 Beta pack maybe i can check out?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I totally agree with you, MaGriffw. You can find various tidbits of information if your scour the internet looking at twitter accounts, forgecraft vids, and livestreams, but it seems as if you can only find update information everywhere but here. It's like they have something against posting update information on their official site. If they just posted a news update with a checklist-style progress report like you said, that would be awesome. All I'd want, really. Being left totally in the dark like this is ridiculous.


Wiki Staff
FTB Mod Dev
Jul 3, 2013
I totally agree with you, MaGriffw. You can find various tidbits of information if your scour the internet looking at twitter accounts, forgecraft vids, and livestreams, but it seems as if you can only find update information everywhere but here. It's like they have something against posting update information on their official site. If they just posted a news update with a checklist-style progress report like you said, that would be awesome. All I'd want, really. Being left totally in the dark like this is ridiculous.
They're too busy working on it to do that. Hopefully.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Still advocating for Mithion's method with Ars Magica 2.

Just a simple and straightforward number showing things still on the "list" before release time. Gives a simple update path and simple for users to have an idea of progress.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I totally agree with you, MaGriffw. You can find various tidbits of information if your scour the internet looking at twitter accounts, forgecraft vids, and livestreams, but it seems as if you can only find update information everywhere but here. It's like they have something against posting update information on their official site. If they just posted a news update with a checklist-style progress report like you said, that would be awesome. All I'd want, really. Being left totally in the dark like this is ridiculous.
If they do that these threads will pop up even more, people will be insulted more, threads will be locked more, so on and so on.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Informally speaking, we have the universal configs, we have the mod lists in place for the various modpacks , we have a launcher. We are currently at the stage of getting the modpacks to be read and downloaded by the launcher and some fine tuning. Slow is currently doing some home remodeling we're hoping when he comes back we will have a better ETA option.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If they do that these threads will pop up even more, people will be insulted more, threads will be locked more, so on and so on.
But while they continue to not give any sort of progress update FTB continues to lose mindshare and marketshare in the increasingly competitive launcher market. Us fans need a cookie every once in a while to chew on. Even while servers reroll to new packs and "Let's Play"ers continue showing off other packs than FTB.

FTB packs are what we want to play, just a little more reassurance progress is being made would be greatly appreciated by the fans.

Edit: Thanks Jaded!! Just what many of us want to hear. :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Informally speaking, we have the universal configs, we have the mod lists in place for the various modpacks , we have a launcher. We are currently at the stage of getting the modpacks to be read and downloaded by the launcher and some fine tuning. Slow is currently doing some home remodeling we're hoping when he comes back we will have a better ETA option.
Thanks! That's the most sizable and concrete progress report we've had in ages! I'm not being sarcastic. That's really good to know and I'm glad you chose to share this information. Now I just need to patiently wait for Slow to finish remodeling. I guess I'll just have to follow his twitter updates regarding that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First, I must say "Oooo! I got a response from Jaded!!!" followed by a patient wait for Slowpoke to sneak in and give us an answer when he can. I have done my best to 'evesdrop' on Dire and the modder's that are always in the background, but it gets hard sometimes to be patient. And, I'm glad that I seem to have support behind me from others. *Bows in response to his fellow diamond chasers*.

I'll continue to watch the post here. Many Thanks Jaded for your reply.

Griff ^..^/


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Informally speaking, we have the universal configs, we have the mod lists in place for the various modpacks , we have a launcher. We are currently at the stage of getting the modpacks to be read and downloaded by the launcher and some fine tuning. Slow is currently doing some home remodeling we're hoping when he comes back we will have a better ETA option.
Ok, I'm actually quite glad you gave us a real status report. Because before your post I was likely gonna write something less cheery.

For me the real reason I'm kinda impatient is because I can see that the ALauncher and RR have been on 1.6 for weeks and frankly have some interesting mods that FTB hasn't even touched with a 10-foot pole to my knowledge (could be wrong here, but there's 3 in particular that I'm willing to bet will not all be included in FTB). I mean, before RR I don't think I would even be semi-concerned with progress.

Do know that I criticize because I really care about how FTB does and like the quality it delivers. ;) Options are good, but I just don't want this to become like how 1-2 unpaid mod devs can outpace all of Mojang (which is what the whole RR/other 1.6 pack vs. FTB sorta looks like ATM).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Still advocating for Mithion's method with Ars Magica 2.

Just a simple and straightforward number showing things still on the "list" before release time. Gives a simple update path and simple for users to have an idea of progress.

that's not a bad idea, but there will always be unforeseen circumstances which could lead to the list not getting updated in weeks because of problems, or things get added to the list.

the biggest problem is, while we in this topic know that constantly asking and begging for the new launcher and modpacks isn't the way to speed the whole process up, there's a whole legion of other users who just don't care and just constantly beg and whine with every little status update that gets released. and plowing through all these messages isn't fun either.

but a suggestion that I've done before is to have a seperate twitter collection page of the twitter feeds of the feed the beast crew members, and on that page tweets regarding the launcher and modpacks get highlighted. this way people still have their update reports, but hopefully the chance of a spam flood decreases


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
but a suggestion that I've done before is to have a seperate twitter collection page of the twitter feeds of the feed the beast crew members, and on that page tweets regarding the launcher and modpacks get highlighted. this way people still have their update reports, but hopefully the chance of a spam flood decreases

A @FTB_Updates account dedicated to retweeting significant info from other tweeters (mod devs, ftb staff, etc) would be awesome.
It would even be beneficial for the original tweeters account, since they would get more exposure.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There's an update thread on at least every page of the forum. If you take a look at almost any of them, they get locked. You probably shouldn't ask for ETAs, unless you WANT this to be locked.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And yet, I got a decent response already from Jaded. Again I say, there is nothing wrong with asking questions. I'm not attempting to sound defensive here, but I haven't whined, or screamed, or yelled; I politely requested a basic idea of the current status. I can accept that it might take weeks/months of time for an update to the launcher, and thus the mod packs. And, as to the post being locked.. Yes they could do that. It's their private forums, and they have the right to do so, Or... Maybe they'll start a post themselves could be a 'hot topic', read only that they could, say... once a week or so, give us some sort of update on progress.
See to me, the biggest setback of most businesses, forums, guilds, organizations, was the lack of information when things were going wrong. I happen to accept that issues come up. 'Stuff' happens! This is part of the human existence. That being said, I like to be informed. And if you look at track records, the best organizations out there will tell you, even if it's bad news, what's going on. So, I'll accept your opinion, but I think I'll still wait to hear from someone with more authority. I won't chastise your ideals, but that doesn't mean I have to accept them either. ^..^

Also, to the other ideas I'm seeing about a FTB twitter, or other update-able site. Most of the audience don't like to bounce to much, and if they do, they like to see a solid "This way to the Info!" links. It's a good idea, but if considered, it should be made aware to all the FTB followers exactly 'Where' they can get the answers. Right now to me the forums are that source. I hate twitter, so I never look there, but if they told me "this way to the info' in a link to twitter"; yeah, that I'd go look at.

Either way, my request is still valid. My questions still acceptable, and I see no reason to not quietly sit, wait, patiently, for an answer. Jaded offered her knowledge, and stated that Slow can offer his possibly. So, I shall what.. 'Slowly'. ;)

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm just hoping they release the mod list soon. They seem to have them finalized and in testing, just waiting for the launcher for the most part. So why not let us know what mods are going to be in each pack?

There's so many new mods to research/read about to help pass the time... like EnderIO. I'm basically assuming it will be in due to the massive amount of demand. Will Dartcraft be disabled by default due to overpowered complaints and since TiCon is more widely accepted as a "balanced alternative"? IC2 to IC2-exp? No IC2? Etc, etc. If we knew it'd help us plan our new world.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm just hoping they release the mod list soon. They seem to have them finalized and in testing, just waiting for the launcher for the most part. So why not let us know what mods are going to be in each pack?

There's so many new mods to research/read about to help pass the time... like EnderIO. I'm basically assuming it will be in due to the massive amount of demand. Will Dartcraft be disabled by default due to overpowered complaints and since TiCon is more widely accepted as a "balanced alternative"? IC2 to IC2-exp? No IC2? Etc, etc. If we knew it'd help us plan our new world.

Personally I hope IC2-exp goes to only the gregtech pack just to save me the trouble of disabling it.