Whitelist Server Unleash The Panda | Unleashed 1.1.7 | Whitelist | 24/7 | Community Oriented

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- Your age: 16.
- Your Skype: I'd rather not post it now, but feel free to ask for it in a private message.
- What is your playstyle in FTB: Since I'm still rather new with the whole 'feed the beast scenario' I'd just make a hole in the ground, craft items, expand, gather materials, start a project I'll never be able to finish and still try finishing it. I simply love building things and specially decorating them, or just filling the space up as efficient as possible. I also like making automatic contraptions that give me materials.
- What kind of server you are looking for: A small community-based one with a tight knit community.
- Why have you left the previous server you have been playing on (if you played on any servers at all): I haven't really played on much feed the beast servers, I've played on one before but I didn't feel like the community was really meant for me. For vanilla minecraft, I can't even count how many I've played on. I play since Infdev so that were alot of servers haha.

I'd love to hear from you soon, hope I get accepted. Also, my friends Fightnight and Msunc want to join, which I guess will be applying soon too. Thanks for taking your time to read this app!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Your age: 15
Your Skype: mcrouch225
What is your playstyle in FTB?: I am completely new to FTB. Never played it, hope to enjoy it. I feel like doing something other than vanilla minecraft, which got stale after like 10 months of playing that.
What kind of server are you looking for?: A small community one, much like Ardje said.
Why have you left the previous server you've been playing on?: I've been playing on this one vanilla server, which was really a great one; tight community, good people. I left that mainly because I felt like I had accomplished everything there is to accomplish in vanilla minecraft, and felt like doing something else, i.e. FTB.

Thanks for reading, please let me know as soon as possible if I get accepted.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- Your age: 17.
- Your Skype: Fightnight2012
- What is your playstyle in FTB: I'm really into the bee scene. The abilities of these genetically modified creatures to create metals out of thin air fascinates me. Also, I do a little bit of CONTROLLED thaumcraft. I don't really like going too deep into dangerous fluxy side of things so I usually just go about 10000 blocks out when I do things that flux the area up. Those damn wisps man, those damn wisps...
- What kind of server you are looking for: A small community one, where I can hang out with people, like my friends Ardje and msunc said.
- Why have you left the previous server you have been playing on (if you played on any servers at all): I've never played on any FTB servers before, my laptop isn't great and I can't really do much without my laptop dying.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey, my in game name is "LadyNarwhal" and I'm turning 15 in a week or so.
My skype is "NarwhalBlubber".
I'm not very experienced with Feed the Beast, but I watch a lot of Rythian's Blackrock Chronicle so anything magic related interests me a bit, I guess? I tend to work very slow and go off onto side projects that never get done when I'm playing vanilla.
I'm looking for a chill server to hang out in that doesn't have a hundred people talking at once. A small community would be pretty sweet, too.
I don't know what counts as playing on a server, but some high-traffic servers I joined like once or twice and then never again? They just seemed so big and like everyone had basically done everything and I was just a little slow-working noob. I also don't like when servers hand-hold at the beginning, giving out diamonds and late-game type of stuff.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- Your age 15 almost 16
- Your Skype Austin9068
- What is your playstyle in FTB build a base work on a few things then get side tracked by something on NEI :p
- What kind of server you are looking for i'm looking for a server were you dont have to hide your base and you can work together to fix problems
- Why have you left the previous server you have been playing on (if you played on any servers at all) too much greifing everyone fought with each other :/