Trials of Murder [GAME THREAD]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@RJS the reason I voted leth guilty was because after all the arguments that were made making it pretty clear that we shouldn't vite for people the defendants vote he still voted fowl + the fact that he was ok with sacrificing a posible villager.
Now that I think about it, the reason I had to vote sg guilty was because he was pretty inactive, but it looks like that's his playstyle.

The reason I voted myself is because I wanted to generate discussion. I believe I've already mentioned that and vike told me to never to do that again.
And you were less ok with sacrificing a potential villager? Hence why you launched locked guilty votes without waiting to see any of the discussion that was going to occur. After all, Leth's vote counted for nothing in terms of sacrifice or not. Yours however did.

And generate discussion about what exactly? In what way did voting for yourself generate any more discussion than voting for somebody that you considered to be wolfy?

In my experience, there are very few reasons that people put a vote on themselves. Either they are a wolf and feel that they have no way out of whatever they have been caught with, they are an incredibly unsubtle jester, or they are a wolf trying to make themselves look like a jester.

Your explanations here are giving me the feeling of a rolling stone, KC...

cos I can't get no satisfaction from them.
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Ultimate Murderous Fiend
Nov 27, 2012
Honestly, I get a bad vibe from SE37. At the beginning he said he had no idea what was happening, then proceeded to list exactly what was happening. Either he was telling the truth and his silence was one of confusion, or he's a wolf playing dumb.

He also hasn't contributed to the discussion much at all. This is his only post of substance so far:
Well hmm. There's a lot of info being thrown around by the attourneys, and I'm not sure what to make of it all or what to filter out. This game still has me baffled.

I'll agree that sgbros is acting like vanillager-sgbros. Let sgbros be considered innocent this day.

Lethosos... I dunno. Strictly looking from the non-attourney standpoint, if we let everyone loose, eventually the wolves will consume us all. So that's ultimately counterproductive. I shall vote to have Lethosos be jailed. I have absolutely no clue what he's up to, and this Medium or In-Contact-With-Medium claim he posted while I was typing certainly doesn't clear anything up.

As for who to try tomorrow... I vote RealKC. He's been acting weird. I don't like it. And it's not like trying him means we actually have to lynch him.
He makes an obvious vote of letting sgbros off, then even though lethosos claimed medium while he was writing that vote he didn't wait for any sort of confirmation or anything like that, he just goes ahead and votes for him anyways.

And the realKC trial thing? That's neutral in my mind. I mean it's an obvious move, because realKC was acting really suspicious, so having all his ducks in a row like that could be to garner some sense of trust or it could be simply because realKC was being quite sketchy.

Though honestly, this behavior is not unlike realKC. He does this stuff all the time.I think he was legitimately trying to generate discussion, granted in a poorly-executed fashion. You see these big players like pyure or vike doing slightly weird moves with the reasoning of generating discussion and realKC tries it himself. And sort of succeeds sort of fails.


Ultimate Murderous Fiend
Nov 27, 2012
Though looking back, realKC has hopped on his fair share of wagons too. He's still suspicious to me, but not lynch-level suspicious. I feel like if he was a wolf, he wouldn't do this sort of risky high-profile stuff.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'll wait for pyure's and prosecutors' input before I can give my own.

For now I simply believe RealKC is not a wolf and that SE37 might be a wolf, with no solid reasoning behind that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The prosecution apologises for the delay in their statements.

Unfortunately this particular member of the prosecution is on their phone and as of such is unable to make a detailed case against the people on trial.

A detailed case will be made when the prosecution has access to a computer.

However, a summary of our feelings is that RealKC has a 50% chance of being a wolf and SE37 has a 80% chance of being a wolf and we strongly advocate a guilty verdict on Someone Else 37

We are withholding our verdict on RealKC until there is more discussion.

The prosecution will be back in an hour or so to give the details of our case.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
I have no defense yet for either of these plebes. I know for sure they're not BOTH wolves, but I'm not even going to speculate on which one MIGHT be a wolf until I can get some chatter going with them and review their work thus far (if any).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Time is ticking. It's already 7pm..EST have to vote before I fall asleep... if I remember..

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can only say that using percentages on something not statistical is a fallacy.
Their actual chances of being wolf each are 20% (3/15 of living players are wolves).
Now whether that 20% is something you should bet or not depends on what they have to say.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is anybody willing to do a recap of the information we have deduced thus far? I'm doing homework atm but I can try and do it in a bit if nobody else does before then. No promises tho


Popular Member
Mar 3, 2015
I've been extremely busy, and will be unable to contribute much today. No idea who to vote for atm.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm really sorry, I'm caught up in work atm. Not sure where Shazam08 is right now. I'm sure town can work it out amongst themselves as they were the ones who put RealKC and SE37 as the top two lynch candidates :)

@goreae presented great reasoning earlier and was the basis for the percentages I provided.

Also, @SpwnX those percentages were how likely I thought they were a wolf in my head. Not a purely statistical percentage. For example Lethosos might only be 1% likely to be a wolf because of the medium clear irregardless of the player count.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I do know that. I'm just saying you're trying to use numbers that were made up to influence people.

What is more believable, that SE37 is 90% wolf or that he is really really likely to be a wolf? Numbers sort of appeal to people and i'm just warning them about that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I do know that. I'm just saying you're trying to use numbers that were made up to influence people.

What is more believable, that SE37 is 90% wolf or that he is really really likely to be a wolf? Numbers sort of appeal to people and i'm just warning them about that.
Don't exaggerate, I said 80% not 90% :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I reckon if we lynch both RealKC and SE37 we will 100% get a wolf. And for little cost. Think of it as if we lynched RealKC yesterday and SE37 today.