Yes please! All of this! I want to Write like Atrus, not like Gehn.
you'd start out by finding a village with a villager that sells you an item, this item needed to be able to continue.
what this item does is registering any information it can find, so you need to keep it on you when going around to be able to collect information.
you can also use this item to scan certain items/entities to gather information.
using this item will unlock symbols that you can use to create ages. so let's say you scan a grass block, you'll then be able to create an age with grass blocks in them.
or if you've the item on you and you're in a forest biome, the item will learn the biome, and you're able to create an age with a forest biome.
each time you learn new symbols your knowledge improves, which is needed to create more complicated ages.
when making an age and selecting the symbols, the number of symbols depends on how much knowledge you have.
so let's say a forest biome needs 20 knowledge and grass blocks needs 5 knowledge, that means you need to have 25 knowledge or more to be able to create this age.
now ofcourse an age needs to be alot more complicated then that if you want it stable, but this was just an example
you're able to combine symbols aswell, so you're able to gather the more difficult symbols, but this will cost some resources and knowledge points to do so.
Personally, right now I'd recommend ReactorCraft for you until I can get Ultratech geared up to its nuclear module. The plans for Ultratech Nuclear include in-world radioactivity and hazard suits with optional nuclear mutant mobs, and several different options for building and fueling your reactor. It'll be a multiblock structure which (depending on setup) will use either solid or fluid fuel (traditional rods, pebble-bed balls, liquid-metal fluid), breed thorium to uranium and/or uranium to plutonium, and generate steam that you then route to turbines to generate power. Gas centrifuges will be used to refine and reprocess your fuels, and water condensation will be slow or fast depending on what sort of cooling system you build, since turbines don't convert a whole lot of steam back to water on their own. Meltdowns and gas explosions will be possible, and Ultratech pipes will have pressure mechanics, so you'll want some nice, heavy steel and bronze pipes for those high-pressure 1960s-style traditional reactors and their medium- to low-pressure post-generation cooling loops.Sorry for coming with ideas that might already have been used to make the mod im proposing. If i do, please tell me with kind and mature language.
Okay. Im a tech nerd and i LOVE the look of complex systems and hardware in general (all from microcontrollers to fisson reactors, or even the StarTrek reaktor used in the enterprise (TNG) )
So, due to that love and the love for a nice challenge, im using the TechWorld 2 Modpack to make my little tech world. However, im missing some more advanced power-generation. Reactorcraft is too complex atm since i havnt delved into Rotary very much, and im really not interested in building that kind of a machine atm.
Im very focused on Nuclear reactors.
So, would it be impossible to make a Nuclear reactor mod in which you have to make the reactor using multiblock structures, pipes (which can melt if the water surrounding them dissapates, etc) and fuelrods in a more naked way than for example IC2 or BigReactors (where the entire machine is made up of one or several blocks, with no visible wiring, making the structure impossibly small for the effect output).
Wouldnt it be awesome to build a reactor using all the piping a real Nuclear reactor would (a cold water, non breeder one)?
With the same breakdowns, simplified controls (or an advanced screen for more hardcore people) and dangers of a real reactor.
Am i missing some awesome mod already made that incorporates these ideas in some way? And yes, i have been looking at Atomic Science and its not the type of idea im after, althou would be awesome if it was to be implemented into the next TechWorld pack.
And yes, iv been eating a ton of sugar, sorry for any incoherent thought pattern![]()
Personally, right now I'd recommend ReactorCraft for you until I can get Ultratech geared up to its nuclear module. The plans for Ultratech Nuclear include in-world radioactivity and hazard suits with optional nuclear mutant mobs, and several different options for building and fueling your reactor. It'll be a multiblock structure which (depending on setup) will use either solid or fluid fuel (traditional rods, pebble-bed balls, liquid-metal fluid), breed thorium to uranium and/or uranium to plutonium, and generate steam that you then route to turbines to generate power. Gas centrifuges will be used to refine and reprocess your fuels, and water condensation will be slow or fast depending on what sort of cooling system you build, since turbines don't convert a whole lot of steam back to water on their own. Meltdowns and gas explosions will be possible, and Ultratech pipes will have pressure mechanics, so you'll want some nice, heavy steel and bronze pipes for those high-pressure 1960s-style traditional reactors and their medium- to low-pressure post-generation cooling loops.
Basically I'm aiming for a happy medium of complex and realistic, but not too realistic. So somewhere between Big Reactors and ReactorCraft.
That said, until I get Ultratech Base done, ain't nothing nuclear happenin' with it.
EDIT: And yes, I know that uranium bred from thorium will never become plutonium. I do research this stuff, since it's stuff I'm interested in myself!
Why would I not use Forge? As for inter-mod compatibility, that's already into the planning. I'll have to decide what happens when someone uses other mods' fluid and item transport systems, for example, and what sort of things can be housed in the conduit blocks I'm working on (a solid block which lets you run up to 4 pipes or cables per block, connecting to the pipe or cable in the same slot in conduit blocks next to it, textured like metal ducting; once I understand rendering properly, I'll let folks disguise it). And there will be ways to convert power to and from RF.That sounds awesome! Just keep in mind that the powercompatibility in general is getting an overhaul (i think Forge is getting some unified powersystem-feature soon), if my sources are correct =P Really Bond, much 007.
That and please try to keep it Forge compatible. Its really nice to see people getting mods done,that may be awesome in themselves, but wont be used because of bad inter-mod compatibility.
Are you going to make some sort of Organic shield thing going too on the Breeder reactors?
And, automation support PLEASE! Dont make it all gregtech with the automation haha.
I hope you get a team going to have the mod done faster, id love to try it out and get a feel for a nice more realistic 1960's radioactive mod![]()
The problem with this is that while we have a few non-vanilla materials that some popular mods have decided are useful (copper and tin, sometimes aluminum), not every mod wants the same set of resources. What happens when there's no recipe to use all that lead and aluminum? What if someone needs zinc (Professor Flaxbeard's, Ultratech)? How about different sources of radioactivity (uranium's not the only possible nuclear fuel)? What about magic mods? What do we do with gemstones that aren't useful to us? Why add resources that never get used for anything?I'm not sure if anyone has made this suggestion or not...there are a lot of suggestions and I don't have that amount of time to read plus I'm lazy.
Hey at least I'm honest
I think that all future Minecraft mods shouldn't implement their own resources.
I.E. Ores, ingots, dusts, alloys, woods, liquids, gases etc...
If they all got together and made the Ultimate Resource Packs upon which their mods can be based this would simplify development as all resources would be available all of the time to all Mod's.
The developers can then concentrate on the machines and how to use these resources.
No more multiple types of the same resource.
Would ease FTB roll outs as there would be no need to make the multiple mod packs use each others copper or aluminum etc...
I don't think this would be difficult to achieve and it would make everyone's life easier in the long run.
The problem with this is that while we have a few non-vanilla materials that some popular mods have decided are useful (copper and tin, sometimes aluminum), not every mod wants the same set of resources. What happens when there's no recipe to use all that lead and aluminum? What if someone needs zinc (Professor Flaxbeard's, Ultratech)? How about different sources of radioactivity (uranium's not the only possible nuclear fuel)? What about magic mods? What do we do with gemstones that aren't useful to us? Why add resources that never get used for anything?
The system we have isn't perfect, but nearly every modder has cadged onto the smart idea of letting people turn stuff on or off in their config files, and the Forge Ore Dictionary is an excellent way of dealing with incompatibilities most of the time. Because of the diversity of resource needs, I think that any attempt to dump All The Ores and All The Liquids and so on into Minecraft is a bad idea, breaking the coders' rule that simplicity is better than complexity (so add only what you need).
My personal plan with Ultratech is to have a config setting that, by default, turns off my mod's generation of a particular material if another mod is already generating it. Unfortunately, that doesn't necessarily mean that I can produce another mod's materials. Maybe I can, I'm not sure, but it would be different in 1.7 than in previous versions of Minecraft (where you just use the item/block ID). Encouraging graceful stepping-aside might help a lot with this problem.I agree you could manually turn them off, but I feel that can be managed a little better and without the end user having to do this.
My son wouldn't have a clue how to configure the Forge config files, even though they are relatively readable.
I feel a method to automatically switch on/off the resource types from a master resource Mod, handled with a type of dependency list in each Mod's initialisation, would be a better means. The resource(s) would then be off if no Mod was dependant upon them.
Please, proof-read, spelling, layout; they are not trivial things, they really do make your post easier to understand.I had hoped Mystcraft would've changed some things, or an addon would be created for these changes, but I never really saw either of them happen.
so guess it's a good idea as any to talk about the things I was thinking of here
I think that all future Minecraft mods shouldn't implement their own resources.
I.E. Ores, ingots, dusts, alloys, woods, liquids, gases etc...
If they all got together and made the Ultimate Resource Packs upon which their mods can be based this would simplify development as all resources would be available all of the time to all Mod's.
The developers can then concentrate on the machines and how to use these resources.
No more multiple types of the same resource.
That sounds more like what FleshCraft is (or was, dunno if its still in development or not) going to be like. Its less "this can kill you if you fuck up," and more "if you try to take the easy way out, it'll be prone to (NON-EXPLOSIVE) failure." Think of them less like smart insects and more like...well, little computers. If you don't make the software controlling them properly, they're not going to kill you, but they won't work, either.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this exactly what COFHWorld is doing -- taking over all the oregen/etc, all the retrogen, so that modders can focus on what they do, more than compatibility with what came before?
My "Nanite" idea was more along the lines of Grey Goo, actually. Last seen for 147, the current maintainer/updater has reported a lack of spare time, and it isn't clear if/when that will finally make it for 172 or 1710.
1710? 17X? What will we call that one?
Hey I have an idea for a mod, you know how there is iron chests, why not make Iron furnaces mod?
Not read entire thread or even bothered to search else where, so this may have already been suggested.
I like the idea of the morph mod, but as it is right now, I think it is way op. What I would like to see, is that it somehow merged with the sync mod. Requiring the creation of mob clones and the use of the chamber to switch. This makes it a bit later in the game, not just kill bat in first 5 mins and fly. Will need to put in some resource gathering and clone creation to get that. This will also make it so you have to plan ahead before you go out and not just change forms at will while out.
Uhm...like maybe Modular Powersuits or GraviSuite? Seriously, they let you fly and require resources. Slam, bam, thank ya ma'am.Not read entire thread or even bothered to search else where, so this may have already been suggested.
I like the idea of the morph mod, but as it is right now, I think it is way op. What I would like to see, is that it somehow merged with the sync mod. Requiring the creation of mob clones and the use of the chamber to switch. This makes it a bit later in the game, not just kill bat in first 5 mins and fly. Will need to put in some resource gathering and clone creation to get that. This will also make it so you have to plan ahead before you go out and not just change forms at will while out.