Starting FTB again, need pack recommendations and help migrating old world.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yay, another redstone sink to generate power using redstone for a mod that's already a redstone sink.
One sec, lemme check what "Well thought out" means...
You TPPI people, almost as bad as Linux snobs.
(Yes that was meant to seem offensive. If you don't get that you can't take a joke.)

Well let's not dispute that the heated redstone generator isn't unbalanced anyway. This just made it a bit less accessible to encourage people to use other systems. Same reason they disabled mystcraft portals, so they use EP instead.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Definitely try TPPI. It's a private pack that /r/feedthebeast uses as their own. The private pack code is MegaSharkPunch if you are interested in using it.

It features pretty much every popular mod and a few more obscure ones. It's custom balanced and has the ore generation changed significantly, showering you in ores; primarily because you need the excess ores.

My only gripes with it are that it includes easy mode Gregtech, and uses it for several tech trees, and that their custom mod TPPITweaks disables/changes certain things and does not let you configure that (such as Dartcraft force shears.)

Edit: Whoops, looks like they have changed this since I looked last. Pretty much everything is fully configurable now.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's the second time I've gotten pinged in this thread so I guess it's time for me to post something. :p

@madnewmy has done a great job of writing up that RotaryCraft guide. I've used it a bit to get past some steps in RotaryCraft and it's quite helpful.

@RealSketch knows what he's talking about with mods, and his guide is extremely detailed.

And (shameless self-plug) my Blood Magic guide covers everything in the mod except spells and alchemy, which have actually been detailed pretty extensively in the last three or so pages of discussion. It's also about half documented on the Official FTB Wiki.
...I'm feeling a good sensation for once. :)[DOUBLEPOST=1398147285][/DOUBLEPOST]
Are you sure about Monster? I can't help but recommend TPPI again. Check out the modlist:[DOUBLEPOST=1398120585][/DOUBLEPOST]

I think that's a mix between Thaumcraft 4 + Thermal Expansion 3. lol