Redpower 2 future in FTB?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Agreed on this count. That's part of the reason TE allows for so many generation options. Now that I actually have a unified World Handler in CoFH Core, I may sit down and try to make a generation mod to help avert things like this.

Can TE regenerate into existing chunks the way Thaumcraft can, now? I didn't notice that in the configs![DOUBLEPOST=1365711721][/DOUBLEPOST]
Volcanoes and marble are the most important part of RP2.

You may like: Underground Biomes.

Although the marble from UB looks like it's very cheap, low-rent kinda marble.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Volcanoes and marble are the most important part of RP2.
not true at all. Frames, computers, tubes, wires, microblocks, sickles, rubies/sapphires/greensapphires, bluetricity, awesome machines, and you think marble and volcanoes are the best?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wanted a boat to work on it so bad if it really floated. Imagine using ladders to constrain the flow and then sailing down a floating, glowing canal through the sky. It's a scene right out of a Miyazaki film.
Though it'd probably be bugging me that I was forced to use ladders or signs there... now if it flowed to a maximum height or I'd have some more aesthetically pleasing way to constrain THAT'd be awesome.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Though it'd probably be bugging me that I was forced to use ladders or signs there... now if it flowed to a maximum height or I'd have some more aesthetically pleasing way to constrain THAT'd be awesome.
xycraft viewers. connected textures and must easier to see through than regular glass. but then you could lose the whole "floating" aspect of it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Agreed on this count. That's part of the reason TE allows for so many generation options. Now that I actually have a unified World Handler in CoFH Core, I may sit down and try to make a generation mod to help avert things like this.

That would be helpful to an extent, and I know from past exchanges with you that you're much more focused on providing entertainment and seeing how people respond to your work than maybe some other devs so I know delays due to other mods not updating 'on time' are a bit tough to swallow. At the same time, I just finished crafting a stack of RP2 Managers last night. 28 stacks of redstone, 8 stacks of nikolite, several stacks of iron ingots and planks and goodies and such, and the worldgen allowances can't accountt for that. My blulectric satellite, with its 64 thermopiles, 10 kinetic generators w/ wind turbines and 80 or so blulectric battery boxes also would be beyond the bounds of worldgen protection.

So on one hand, I would love to see everything good to go so that your hard work can be revealed and showcased to the community, and on the other hand I've gone through 2 world resets just waiting for the FTB pack I had in mind from the beginning and having hours upon hours of progression reset for an update isn't even really an option for me. Even if updated versions of the packs came out tomorrow without RP2, I wouldn't update. With respect to your hard work and talent, there's nothing in that update that's worth what it would cost in resources and time to rebuild what I'd lose by upgrading to a pack without RP2.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Even better mystcraft worlds with liquid glowstone oceans. :)

I can see a whole base lighting system built around liquiducts of liquid glowstone being pumped around the base which just seams cooler then doing it with lava.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So on one hand, I would love to see everything good to go so that your hard work can be revealed and showcased to the community, and on the other hand I've gone through 2 world resets just waiting for the FTB pack I had in mind from the beginning and having hours upon hours of progression reset for an update isn't even really an option for me. Even if updated versions of the packs came out tomorrow without RP2, I wouldn't update. With respect to your hard work and talent, there's nothing in that update that's worth what it would cost in resources and time to rebuild what I'd lose by upgrading to a pack without RP2.

If you ever want to just roll your own perfect modpack and want help making that a feasible reality, let me know. I'm happy to help you get that sorted. I've recently rolled my face in modpack maintenance so I can pretty much cover how to do it and to some extent how to automate it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think RP2 is sorta coming close to the end. I personally could live without it quite happily. I don't care for redstone anyway. I think it will get removed eventually. DW may not remove it from his mod pack since he's probably friendly with her, but FTB is gonna update without her. When you have a track record for being late on updates and arguably having bad updates, it's only logical to drop the mod and go with something else. I would be quite happy if it was dropped. I don't wanna see RP2 holding the mod pack back constantly. If a mod can't keep up, then drop it. Just an opinion.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Again I will say it. When Elo puts out an update and it will rock the casbah (look it up) so much thatall the naysayers will be like:
"We <3 Elo"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
But I don't <3 her. RP2 just doesn't interest me as much as these other people adore it. I find the things in it to actually be quite buggy sometimes. Also isn't it Etc? That's how I've always wrote it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wouldn't it be cool if liquid ender teleported you a random amount of blocks away from it if you landed in it?

I like glowstone being lighter than air.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That would be helpful to an extent, and I know from past exchanges with you that you're much more focused on providing entertainment and seeing how people respond to your work than maybe some other devs so I know delays due to other mods not updating 'on time' are a bit tough to swallow. At the same time, I just finished crafting a stack of RP2 Managers last night. 28 stacks of redstone, 8 stacks of nikolite, several stacks of iron ingots and planks and goodies and such, and the worldgen allowances can't accountt for that. My blulectric satellite, with its 64 thermopiles, 10 kinetic generators w/ wind turbines and 80 or so blulectric battery boxes also would be beyond the bounds of worldgen protection.

So on one hand, I would love to see everything good to go so that your hard work can be revealed and showcased to the community, and on the other hand I've gone through 2 world resets just waiting for the FTB pack I had in mind from the beginning and having hours upon hours of progression reset for an update isn't even really an option for me. Even if updated versions of the packs came out tomorrow without RP2, I wouldn't update. With respect to your hard work and talent, there's nothing in that update that's worth what it would cost in resources and time to rebuild what I'd lose by upgrading to a pack without RP2.

While I sympathize that it would set you back hours and hours of work, look at the other side of the coin - FTB could be set back months and months waiting on a single mod. How is that fair to any of the other mod authors who "did the right thing" by keeping to a more timely update schedule? To me it's a matter of the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. If you want to keep 1.4.7 and RP, there's always MultiMC to do that. But why hold everyone else back over one mod. Granted a robust, and useful one, but still - it's one mod. I just don't see that as fair at all.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It is because Rp2 is pretty darn functional. I tried to feed my Infernal Furnace with BC pipes but I kept losing stuff. I use one RP2 item and no more hassles.

EDIT: As I said in another thread. RP2 does a lot. It takes, as of now and to my knowledge, four other mods to even try to compare. It is good for the sake of innovation but think hard on it. Four mods, maybe more or less but at least three, to even start being even with how much RP2 does.

King Lemming

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can TE regenerate into existing chunks the way Thaumcraft can, now? I didn't notice that in the configs!

I haven't added that specifically, no. It's a pretty easy addition, but it can lead to some weirdness if NBT goes wonky. I'll think about it.

Core is meant to serve as a base library; if I do a world gen mod, it will actually be separate, it'll just hook into the world gen handler I already have in Core, which allows for a lot of different options, such as the silver/lead co-generation that TE does.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah not a RP2 fan much here either. Only parts in it I use are the alloy/insulated/bundled wires and logic gates. The gems are nice in the beginning but once you got a drill they don't matter (wthout gregtech that is). Frames are cool but not necessary. Don't like her tube system over LogPipes/AE/buildcraft. Micro blocks are nice, but only because they work well with her wires. Without her wires, yeah we can use immibius but that gets bulky when trying to hide vanilla redstone, you can't hide your redstone with microblocks. The marble and basalt are the big things I like about RP. Obsidian just doesn't look smooth enough, and until 1.5 there isn't a good white block available.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes. But their are other mods that do that. That are updated. That have more then one person working on them. That update regularly. That have arguably better content.
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