Power Gen in DW20 1.6.4.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am setting up a tree farm, but no a usual one. Mine involves lumber axes, autonomous activator and a turtle. I might make a showcase for it once I'm at my pc again.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
im currently running off a few magmatic dynamos, but im looking into using liquefied pyrotheum from TE3, they produce 2M RF per bucket, that's all for 2 coal dust, 2 blaze rods, 2 sulfer and 2 gunpowder, I just need to automate those productions, coal and sulfer are the only challenges honestly

Red Anchorite

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
MFR tree farms for steam dynamos are good, I usually start with a variation there-of. Right now though, I'm running off a biofuel reactor with 3 biofuel generators. I started with the standard saplings and potatoes and carrots and seeds but now I'm automating the production of dyes by feeding wool into pulverizers (25% drop of the dye of the color of the wool), then putting the string into a cyclic assembler to make wool, then the wool into more cyclic assemblers to make colored wool. You dye 8 wool with one dye, yielding ~1 extra dye per cycle of this, and the MJ cost is relatively cheap. Get 9 dyes going like this and you have yourself a fully efficient biofuel source that's less laggy than an MFR tree farm, especially if you use transfer nodes.