How does the config fail for... I... Potato.Yes I have and it's failed for both project red and forge micro blocks. Went to his forum post to see if anyone else had been able to and he had a post about how he wasn't going to add support for it.
You are free to use the same way Eyamaz does it; I am not going to do it because it makes GeoStrata dependent on Forge Multipart.Because they can't be micro blocked so that means any floor/ceiling/wall made out of them can't have any hidden wiring. For me that is a serious draw back. I still keep them and use them when I don't need any wires or pipes around, but in modded mc (a custom pack of 240 mods) those are rare occasions. That and so far as I've seen there aren't any style variants from them, stairs/slabs etc.. So you're choices when working with them are full cobble or full smooth block and that's it. Don't get me wrong they make for decent roads and i like having choices, but their limited/lack of utility limits their usage.
This shows you haven't. There are no PR microblocks, only the ones from Forge Microblocks. Also, there's a part of the config where you can add blocks to the microblock list.
I would appreciate it if you listened. I said that there are no PR MICROBLOCKS. Not saws, Microblocks. You put the ID and metadata of a block to add it. That file is useless to me as I have no clue what the ID of the Geostrata blocks are in your pack.Ok I'll explain it like you're five. Open your ProjectRed.cfg file. Under the Items section you will find:
These are projectRed items. They are dependent on the forge api but they are ProjectRed items.
Now open the multipart.cfg file, you will find:
These are forge items. Per the words "I tried both forge and projectred". Now if that's to difficult to understand you're beyond my abilities.
Are you really that stupid or just trying to be witty? The wit was lost on me. I added them to the config and they failed to be craftable, was that really difficult to understand? So yes you potato.
And before you and trajing go off telling me what I have and have not tried on my custom pack that is larger than any public or private pack on any of the launchers here's my microblock config file to show you all that I've tried:
I was unable to find a solution when I went looking for it a couple months ago. Then I read your post about it and so I stopped looking. I don't know who you're talking about but if you have a link to that I would greatly appreciate it.
Are you really that stupid or just trying to be witty? The wit was lost on me. I added them to the config and they failed to be craftable, was that really difficult to understand? So yes you potato.
And before you and trajing go off telling me what I have and have not tried on my custom pack that is larger than any public or private pack on any of the launchers here's my microblock config file to show you all that I've tried:
I:"Rock Brick"=774
I:"Rock Brick 2"=778
I:"Rock Cobble"=775
I:"Rock Cobble 2"=779
I:"Smooth Rock"=776
I:"Smooth Rock 2"=780
Geostrata blocks were added to Monster 1.1.0 FMP and work fine. The microblock discussion ends or becomes civilized.
Play nice or don't speak. This is your warning.
When ever I see you have to make a post like this I have to wonder if that's coffee in your avatars cup or if you long ago switched to booze. Remember to check for alcohol warnings on your headache meds.![]()
I agree with qCraft, I've never been able to find a real use for it.
Flat bedrock in a pack with Rotarycraft in it doesn't make any sense either, (no access to bedrock ingots, a pretty big part of the mod) you either have to go mine the roof of the nether or make a mystcraft world (Don't think the bedrock is flattened here, though not sure.) This to me seems like an oversight in the configs.
So anyone know how to fix the issue when Mimicite is automatically turned into Rotarycraft Gems?
It shows that i can turn it back by shapeless crafting... but as soon as i do that they automatically turn back again to the rotarycraft mimichite gem
so it seems rotarycraft gems are overriding other mods?
how can i disable this or fix it, so i can use both rotarycraft and mimichite?