Misc Peripherals gate reader errors


Jul 29, 2019
I've found two errors while using the gate reader in misc peripherals in the Direwolf20 modpack.

First is a program which comes with misc peripherals, called "gates". This program is supposed to read from any gate readers around the turtle and then write the contents of the readers, IE what states are currently active or what states are available. However, this program has a fatal error which can easily be fixed. the line " print(name..": "..value)" results in an error, trying to concatenate a string with a boolean, and is solved by simply adding a tostring() to the line. However what makes this error especially annoying is that whenever the modpack opens, it re-writes the entirety of the misc peripherals programs and replaces the offending line, error and all.

Second, the gate reader will not read the current redstone signal around it. It has parameters for such, however it will read out false to both "Redstone Signal On" and "Redstone Signal Off" at all times, even though this is a paradox and even if there is a lever or redstone torch next to the reader.