[MCPC+, Ultimate1.1.2] Can age worlds be renamed for EssentialsChat? [YES]


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Short version: Using MCPC+ Legacy 67 and Essentials 2.10.1, rely on Mystcraft, want EssentialsChat to display the age name next to chats rather than the world. Normal setup doesn't work anymore because MCPC has moved age folders back into the main world folder and titles them unhelpfully DIM_MYST3. (How) can I rename that? EDIT: By just using Multiverse like you thought

Longer version: I've looked at Multiverse (I used it before I discovered FTB) but it sounds like it doesn't understand Mystcraft or Twilight Forest because those mods expect their worlds to live under the main world save folder and Bukkit puts all worlds on the server root. But now that MCPC keeps ages and dimensions under the world folder, my searches are unclear as to whether Multiverse would understand them now or simply give up or worse cause save corruption.

I use Mystcraft for my multiple worlds because it's easier than Multiverse ever was at setting up custom worlds, plus the awesome aesthetic of linking books, et al. Multiverse, however, has the ability to nickname worlds for use in plugins like EssentialsChat to prefix to chat lines, so I know where someone's calling me from. Not that *[DIM_MYST5][Shizuka] foo* isn't romantic, but I'd much rather have it display *[Kadish][Shizuka] no i'm not creative with my age names*

Does Multiverse work now that MCPC has moved age folders back under the world folder? Is there some other plugin that could nickname the worlds for me (I'm not married to any part of Essentials outside its signs)? Or am I simply out of luck in this aspect?

*[Later that night] Sometimes I should just start by kicking everyone off the server and getting to work.

Yes, Multiverse-Core works just fine, seems to only need to /mv import DIM_MYST# normal to take over the naming. From there EssentialsChat needs to get out of the worldname prefixing (because it relies on the folder, not a reported name) and let Multiverse handle it.