Logistics Pipes - automating machines


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi guys,

so I started messing around with Logistics Pipes and found out how to use it with machines like the redstone furnace form TE3. But I'm having a problem with it:

1. I request stone in my Request table, the system takes cobble, puts it in the furnace, but moves the stone to the storage barrel.

- Is there a way for the system to send the stone to the request table?

2. I request an ItemSink module. The system goes about crafting it and says "request successful". It has no green dye, but cactus to cook that for the dye. So it puts the cactus in the furnace and sends the green dye to the storage chest.

- Is there a way for the system to send the dye to the crafting table to finish the crafting?

Oh using the version 0.7.4.dev.80


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello Wekmor :p
You may have accidentally set your chest/barrel to request it, I haven't played with logistics in a while but I have watched Direwolf play it and there seems to be lots of things requesting when you don't want them to.

Edit: Changed the amazing grammar.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have ItemSink modules and provider modules, is that a problem?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, there is an ItemSink and a provider at the storage chest/barrels? I am not sure what kind of request the item sink sends, but I am pretty sure an active request should be stronger, and hence a request pipe should be able to request over an item sink. I don't think, however, you necessarily need an item sink. Just a basic log pipe as a default route should be fine. The only advantage of itemsinks is that they can reroute and hence enable round-robin sorting.

What could be happening is that your autocrafter has a normal supplier pipe, which sends a passive request. That might be the same request level as the ItemSink, and hence they both request the same item and it always goes straight back to storage.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Cronos988: No, the supplier pipe does active requests. The passive supplier module does passive requests (as the name states ;)). The Request table and the crafting pipe do active requests, too.

@Wekmor: What you say seems correct. I can see no mistakes here (at least without a picture). The supplier module is passive and should have a lower priority than the request table (and the crafted item should have a destination already - the requesting pipe).
Do you have any firewall pipes or something in your network that prevents routing from your autocrafter/furnace to your request table/autocrafting tables? Maybe a pair of teleport pipes or tesseracts?
Try setting up a reduced network with only the barrels for cobble and stone, the furnace and the request table. Does it still derp?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Sidorion: Ah, thanks for clearing that up! It's been a while since I worked with log pipes, and I just remembered that I had some issues with passive requests.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Cronos I have the ItemSink module to specify the item for the barrel, and polymorphic ItemSinks for chests

As for the supplier module stuff, I don't use any of these :b

I'll post some pics once I'm home (in around 8 hours D: )

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Cronos988: I hit that active-passive supply problem any time I start a new world. I like to set up 'keep in stock' chests and always have to attach two pipes: Supplier pipe and MKII with item sink and provider module. It would save a lot of space if I could use a module instead of the pipe. Additionally it would give a reason to craft chassis beyond MKII (don't remember any time I uses MKIII or higher). Then you could add more supplier modules to have more Items stored in that chest and thus save even more space (each module can only supply nine different items).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Cronos988: I hit that active-passive supply problem any time I start a new world. I like to set up 'keep in stock' chests and always have to attach two pipes: Supplier pipe and MKII with item sink and provider module. It would save a lot of space if I could use a module instead of the pipe. Additionally it would give a reason to craft chassis beyond MKII (don't remember any time I uses MKIII or higher). Then you could add more supplier modules to have more Items stored in that chest and thus save even more space (each module can only supply nine different items).
Why do you even want/need a supplier pipe on the storage chest?
For example: I have a polymorphic ItemSink module on the chest and a provider module which is set to 'Leave 1 of each type'. If an item goes into the system it will automaticly land in this chest if no other pipe that has a higher priority wants the item.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I want to have at least e.g. 64 sand at all times in the system. So I put a supplier on a chest and when I take some sand out, it sends cobble to the pulverizer to make me new sand. I just don't wanna wait for the sand to be produced when I need it ;).


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2013
The problem is probably that the TE machines are auto-outputting the result into the network, for logistics pipes to recognise the crafting as complete it must extract the output itself so have the output side of the TE machines not connected to any pipes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well that's a perfect explanation. The resulting item doesn't enter the network as a product of the autocrafting.
In old TE2 autocrafting used to work when you put the pipe to a blue side and it took the produckt out of the TE machine itself. With TE3 this no longer will work because the pipe doesn't 'see' the output slot (red/yellow/orange).

Try the following: Hook the crafting pipe to a chest located on the output side (orange) of the furnace, and have the raw material put into the furnace with a satellite pipe from a blue side. As soon as the product is melted it puts it into the chest and the crafting pipe sees it and can extract it.

Maybe we can convince KL to add another tab to switch autooutput on and off (really NEVER use an extractor pipe on a TE machine - I had to use MCedit to restore my world)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well that's a perfect explanation. The resulting item doesn't enter the network as a product of the autocrafting.
In old TE2 autocrafting used to work when you put the pipe to a blue side and it took the produckt out of the TE machine itself. With TE3 this no longer will work because the pipe doesn't 'see' the output slot (red/yellow/orange).

Try the following: Hook the crafting pipe to a chest located on the output side (orange) of the furnace, and have the raw material put into the furnace with a satellite pipe from a blue side. As soon as the product is melted it puts it into the chest and the crafting pipe sees it and can extract it.

Maybe we can convince KL to add another tab to switch autooutput on and off (really NEVER use an extractor pipe on a TE machine - I had to use MCedit to restore my world)
Never use an extractor pipe with any foreign machine mods. I learned the hard way too. That's also a super smart idea. I've become used to the fact that the materials are needed in my system to autocraft, so I merely request those first before requesting the final product.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Try the following: Hook the crafting pipe to a chest located on the output side (orange) of the furnace, and have the raw material put into the furnace with a satellite pipe from a blue side. As soon as the product is melted it puts it into the chest and the crafting pipe sees it and can extract it.

I just tried again. So I put an output chest next to the furnace, I have a crafting pipe on the furnace input and a chassis pipe with an extractor module on the output chest. So this should work? Because it doesn't :c


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2013
I just tried again. So I put an output chest next to the furnace, I have a crafting pipe on the furnace input and a chassis pipe with an extractor module on the output chest. So this should work? Because it doesn't :c
No, have the crafting pipe on the chest and a satellite pipe linked to the machine input. Configure the crafting pipe to send the ingredients to the satellite pipe.