Request Logging Messages


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Alright, so I imagine this is probably the best place to put this thread. So I have a server running kCauldron. I am sure few if not many of you may use kCauldron, Cauldron, or some type of Hybrid between Forge and Bukkit.

My question is relatively simple. Do any of you out there know of a way to Hide/Stop error messages from appearing in the log file. My log file gets upwards of 300+MB in maybe just an hour or so. Now I know EXACTLY why this happens. There is a plugin I have that decides to spit out a harmless error to inform you of it. This seems to be an oversight on the author's side of things. Quite literally the error has NO EFFECT on the server other than make my log file size huge.

So please do not respond with "You should always make sure errors are resolved" or "Your just putting a band-aid over something that needs surgery." and the like. I have gotten these comments before and although I do appreciate them AND do agree with them in certain cases, this is not one of those cases. This is literally a plugin that is spamming my console because of an oversight and the author's response was "its an older version" mind you the new versions are incompatible with 1.7.10

So my question is simple. Do any of you know or have something that hides/stops certain error messages from getting output to the console and thus not logged?


Well-Known Member
Mod Developer
May 22, 2013
My Chair
There is a plugin I have that decides to spit out a harmless error to inform you of it. This seems to be an oversight on the author's side of things. Quite literally the error has NO EFFECT on the server other than make my log file size huge.

I assume that the plugin author is aware of this issue and is working to fix it? Honestly that is the best way to address it.

EDIT: NVM - saw where the plugin author said it was an "older version" and is unwilling to go back and fix his derp in 1.7.10. I think that says something about the situation.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Its the denizen plugin. How would I go about editing the bytecode? Or rather are there any resources that I can research on how to go about doing it?