It seems like all the server host providers are outrageously priced. Help?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was doing some research into getting a minecraft server host (just for 2-6 people, and we'll play various FTB and other modpacks over time). I was completely blown away by how overpriced everything seemed.

$10-20+ a month for a couple gigs seemed insane. You can get professional quality web hosting for $5-10 a month with far more space/CPU/bandwidth and the only difference is they don't have the minecraft control panels set up (which I admit are very nice and make things a lot easier/more fun).

I used MPServ for a couple years up until about a year ago when they sold the company and it really seems to have gone up in price and down in quality (and customer service) since then.

Am I just looking in the wrong place? Help!


I was doing some research into getting a minecraft server host (just for 2-6 people, and we'll play various FTB and other modpacks over time). I was completely blown away by how overpriced everything seemed.

$10-20+ a month for a couple gigs seemed insane. You can get professional quality web hosting for $5-10 a month with far more space/CPU/bandwidth and the only difference is they don't have the minecraft control panels set up (which I admit are very nice and make things a lot easier/more fun).

I used MPServ for a couple years up until about a year ago when they sold the company and it really seems to have gone up in price and down in quality (and customer service) since then.

Am I just looking in the wrong place? Help!

No sorry that what it costs to get Minecraft servicing.

What your talking about is most likely VPSes which come with nothing but the OS and hardware/network support. They don't give a crap about your Minecraft hosting experience. So unless you can get the Linux system administration out of the way it will be cheaper to get those plans (unless your renting maybe over 12GB of total hosting RAM).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No sorry that what it costs to get Minecraft servicing.

What your talking about is most likely VPSes which come with nothing but the OS and hardware/network support. They don't give a crap about your Minecraft hosting experience. So unless you can get the Linux system administration out of the way it will be cheaper to get those plans (unless your renting maybe over 12GB of total hosting RAM).

Ugh. Seriously? What a racket. Lol. It is incredible how much these hosts are overcharging to provide so little.

It really shouldn't cost more than $5 or so a month for a small family/friends server for just a few people.


Ugh. Seriously? What a racket. Lol. It is incredible how much these hosts are overcharging to provide so little.

It really shouldn't cost more than $5 or so a month for a small family/friends server for just a few people.

In mere RAM yes but what happens when the server goes? Don't expects to pay little if you want people in the NOC to keep your game on. Such as replacing hot swap able disks (those come at a premium too mind you), keeping the machines nice and cool, replacing a bad RAM stick, and the list goes on. Oh and when you server crashes at 3AM in the morning you also gotta to consider companies have to pay 3rd shifts a decently good salary to keep their customers supported 24/7.

You have two basic options to "trim the fat"

Do it at your level (play with mods that you would like doing with and a few GBs may actually do you well. Heck you could even trim it down to 1GB-1.5GB of RAM if you take this seriously). And/or seek for "private" hosting via server admins which don't provide all of the "perks" but does provide a value service if you go to the right one.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In mere RAM yes but what happens when the server goes? Don't expects to pay little if you want people in the NOC to keep your game on. Such as replacing hot swap able disks (those come at a premium too mind you), keeping the machines nice and cool, replacing a bad RAM stick, and the list goes on. Oh and when you server crashes at 3AM in the morning you also gotta to consider companies have to pay 3rd shifts a decently good salary to keep their customers supported 24/7.

Regular web hosts do all of that as well. Literally the only thing these minecraft specific hosts are giving as a value add is the minecraft control panel for easily setting up your server. Which I admit, is a nice thing, but hardly worth an extra $10-20 a month for something they set up once and barely do anything to maintain.

On the flip side, they don't have to deal with other things business web hosts deal with, like email, spam filtering, customers using their account for pirating, and a zillion other things.

I guess it just speaks to the power and popularity of Minecraft that people can overcharge that massively for something.


Regular web hosts do all of that as well. Literally the only thing these minecraft specific hosts are giving as a value add is the minecraft control panel for easily setting up your server. Which I admit, is a nice thing, but hardly worth an extra $10-20 a month for something they set up once and barely do anything to maintain.

On the flip side, they don't have to deal with other things business web hosts deal with, like email, spam filtering, customers using their account for pirating, and a zillion other things.

I guess it just speaks to the power and popularity of Minecraft that people can overcharge that massively for something.

I do understand what you means by that but remember MOST of those operations are automated given how Cpanel is able to do that much work. Minecraft not so much, most of the things are manual. There aren't even an automated installer for Multicraft to the point that a non technical person can manage with.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I do understand what you means by that but remember MOST of those operations are automated given how Cpanel is able to do that much work. Minecraft not so much, most of the things are manual. There aren't even an automated installer for Multicraft to the point that a non technical person can manage with.

Managing customers email, dealing with customers who spam and get your host added to spam lists, helping customers set up forums, wordpress, shopping carts, 900 other things are all more work than running a web host.

I totally get that the initial setup of the minecraft control panels and such take work. That's fair enough. But these Minecraft hosts are charing 5-10 times the amount for something that is relatively fire and forget.

It's kinda insane. But again, the power of minecraft I guess! :)

Henry Link

Popular Member
Dec 23, 2012
USA - East Coast
Also, keep in mind hosting modded minecraft is very different from hosting a web server. Modded MC is VERY CPU intensive. If you feel up to the challenge you might want to see about a dedicated server. That is what I run out at Costs me about $60 per month but well worth it for the bang. My server runs Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS, 3.2 GHz Xeon processor, 32 GB RAM, & twin SSD HDs in a raid 0 mirror. This rig is capable of running three to four modded packs on it (each in its own thread/core).


  • Access to 3 processor cores
  • 4096MB of dedicated RAM
  • 34GB of RAID 10 SSD-only storage
  • cloud virtual dedicated server
  • data redundancy via RAID
  • DDoS Protection
This is my server stats (dedicated server) and it is just under $35 a month and is a lot better than paying for GIGs of memory... My old host was only 2 gigs and I was paying $24... Seemed like a much better idea to go with a dedicated server....


  • Access to 3 processor cores
  • 4096MB of dedicated RAM
  • 34GB of RAID 10 SSD-only storage
  • cloud virtual dedicated server
  • data redundancy via RAID
  • DDoS Protection
This is my server stats (dedicated server) and it is just under $35 a month and is a lot better than paying for GIGs of memory... My old host was only 2 gigs and I was paying $24... Seemed like a much better idea to go with a dedicated server....

Remember though you are managing this machine yourself so if you or someone else screw it up then you gotta fix it (or hire someone to do that for you). Also those CPU cores are probably those 26xx ones that aren't ideal for gaming too if I has to guess.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are there some widely considered good, cheap hosts for small family/friend setups? Creeperhost is the most widely known but wow are they expensive.


Remember though you are managing this machine yourself so if you or someone else screw it up then you gotta fix it (or hire someone to do that for you). Also those CPU cores are probably those 26xx ones that aren't ideal for gaming too if I has to guess.

Actually this Host is Specifically a Gaming Host.


Creeper Host is not that expensive... It just depends on what you would like to run on it... They have flexible packages.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This really comes down to convenience vs cost.

I spend quite a lot of my spare time tinkering on My MineCraft server with some friends. For me the modest cost of the creeperhost service is completely justified.
They have a front end - although a little slow at times - that allows me to easily create a minecraft instance, back it up, deploy a server pack update, restore a backup
and so forth with just a few mouse clicks,

If things go pear shaped, they have a really very good support desk that's never let me down yet in the two years we've been using them.

If you spend more than a few hours a week on a modded minecraft server that's your own, the few dollars a month is actually - in my view - worth every cent.



This really comes down to convenience vs cost.

I spend quite a lot of my spare time tinkering on My MineCraft server with some friends. For me the modest cost of the creeperhost service is completely justified.
They have a front end - although a little slow at times - that allows me to easily create a minecraft instance, back it up, deploy a server pack update, restore a backup
and so forth with just a few mouse clicks,

If things go pear shaped, they have a really very good support desk that's never let me down yet in the two years we've been using them.

If you spend more than a few hours a week on a modded minecraft server that's your own, the few dollars a month is actually - in my view - worth every cent.


Absolutely my points, they are providing you with a "fire and go" platform AND outstanding support servicing (according to what you said) to justifies the prices that they charging. In the end "you get what you paid for".


That is just a link to give a idea of what they would charge depending on what they would be running on the server.

But to answer your question... I have no clue.


That is just a link to give a idea of what they would charge depending on what they would be running on the server.

But to answer your question... I have no clue.

Ahh I see, it always a good idea to find that out or else you may ends up making your system freeze for giving MC too much. As with VDS/VPS/phyiscal machines you can't give it the whole thing. For instance my server is said to take up to 512MB in background processes so I leave that amount alone to be "safe".


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Consider yourself lucky you ain't Australian. That price point is likely to double if you want a server that's Sydney based. Back in the day I paid 120 something AUD for 16gig on a VPN and it wasn't even dedicated. Currency conversion aside it's still a pretty penny. And that's just a VPN because I didn't even get a Minecraft specific service. I even remember reading the terms once that they forbade hosting game servers 4 months in. They never did anything though.

OP is crying about a pretty cheap price. While I do agree these services do gouge you a lot.

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