Horizons 1.7.10 issue with Blue Power on first restart


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Everything went fine for the start for 2 days, then I had to restart the server but blue power started giving me headache, and I'm not sure why.

here's the pastebin of the errors

as soon as I remove Blue power mod, the server start fine, but as soon as I add it back, it crash on this error, I also tried to download the last version from http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/223099-blue-power in case it was related, but still the same.

one of the player decided to build into a volcano of basalt, you could imagine what happen when I removed blue power to start the server...

someone can point me to what I could do to fix that ?

dual xeon quad 2.8ghz, 16 gb ram (4gb dedicated to this server) Linux Debian 64bits Horizons 1.7.10 v1.02

msg to mod: can you move this to the proper place if I'm not at the right place? thanks
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