Greg's done it again.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Call me a wimp... but this kinda makes me sick. I've known about Greg's shenanigans, but I agree it's getting ridiculous. I just saw you guys talking about Flower Child as well, and that made me uneasy too.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Call me a wimp... but this kinda makes me sick. I've known about Greg's shenanigans, but I agree it's getting ridiculous. I just saw you guys talking about Flower Child as well, and that made me uneasy too.

You must go through every day of your life somewhere from mildly to completely nauseated.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And it now seems the latest version of Tinker's Construct has been upgraded to stable release so, yay. Can't wait to mess around with the bows and drawbridges.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And it now seems the latest version of Tinker's Construct has been upgraded to stable release so, yay. Can't wait to mess around with the bows and drawbridges.

Drawbridges are really nice and do much more then just bridges. They work really well for seamless sliding doors.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yup, I mucked with em a bit before you could change their looks and whatnot. I think mDiyo also made it so they carry redstone through them like I had mentioned in the MC thread, but not sure as I haven't messed with them since the .4 version.

Edit: Wait, just says redstone can be placed by it, well I'll see when the pack gets updated.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yup, I mucked with em a bit before you could change their looks and whatnot. I think mDiyo also made it so they carry redstone through them like I had mentioned in the MC thread, but not sure as I haven't messed with them since the .4 version.

The weak power propagation over an extendable line like that is revolutionary. Enables totally new types of circuits.

Doelloos Verdwaald

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've only started playing with the full GregTech recipies since 152 .7 and had a bit of a learning learning curve (read a few evenings of going wtf do I need this time?) But Now I really like the tiers it adds to my game.

For me the attraction of Minecraft is the progression, you start with punching wood and end up building a fusion reactor. Some of the hard recipes are frustrating (like MachineMuse's own version of Greg-level upgrades) but they do pace out the game. It's not more difficult, in the end it's just more hoops to jump through but prolongs a game from a week to a month. Without GT I go mining, build my TE machines craft my flying forcefielded powersuit of railgun doom, get bored, play something else and rinse & repeat.

The worry I have with the new GT changes is that he starts to prolong the start, which is already quite bland and not end game. I would much rather have him continue improving the end or add a whole new tier on top.

Other mod-authors could help with this, like MM did adding her GT recipies. It would be awesome if mods would work together to create a long curve of progression instead of fighting for the same game space. Maybe FTB could play a role here ?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you don't like GT, don't use it. There really isn't a reason to moan and complain about something that doesn't affect you.

I really don't see why it's so hard to understand that many of the people "moaning" and complaining about this do like Gregtech, as a whole, but dislike the increasingly ridiculous changes being made to it, it's easy to ignore a mod you don't like at all, but when a mod you do like starts to head in a direction you don't like it's understandable that one would find this to be irksome. For example, I don't care a bit about Steve's Carts, it's included in FTB, but I don't care about it, I've never really bothered with mine carts, vanilla or otherwise, the only time I've ever even bothered riding in one was when I used to play on the Brohoof server. If the mod maker suddenly went crazy and started making all sorts of changes to the mod to require jumping through hoops requiring you to craft iron nuggets, cut the nuggets in half with a laser, craft the half-nuggets into nails, and a bunch of other tedious steps to create simple tracks I wouldn't be phased in the least, as you say I would simply continue as I have and ignore the mod entirely. However if a mod that I do like, let's say Tinkers Construct, if mDiyo suddenly lost it, disabled the vanilla crafting recipes for things that TC has alternatives for, made it so it took ten ingots just to craft simple tools like shovels and picks, and then started messing around with other mods as well, disabling the tools from Thaumcraft so the only way to use thaumium was for the TC versions, disabling power tools from Industrial Craft so you had to use TC tools with battery mods, I wouldn't be able to just ignore it because a mod I thought was a lot of fun is suddenly a lot less fun and is making other mods less fun as well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would prefer to not see another singular mainstream "Ultimate" pack with GregTech in it.

- It's not hard. It's only more time consuming. If I wanted hard, I'd just put in TFC.
- GregTech offers very little in the semi-creative scene. Automated Fusion Reactors just pointlessly devour FPS that could be better spent making beautiful structures or large detailed reproductive organs.
- Time consuming isn't fun. Time consuming with no actual reason is masochism. GT is masochism.
- The recipe changes pigeonhole you into GT. No other mod does this. My friends won't play 1.4.7 Ultimate because they don't want to play masochism.
- Do you really want to be part of this new modders vs GT recipe fisaco?

If I don't see an Ultimate pack without GregTech or clear alternate listing of an Ultimate "without Gregtech", then that's it for me and FTB. Getting a private pack together the legit way proved too difficult as getting the permissions for the mods was impossible, giving computer-illiterate people instructions to change their mod packs is just plain awful, and I absolutely refuse to spread this no-fun mod named GregTech.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I agree, whilst I am a fan of GT his latest changes border on loony.... camoflaged ores, badly screwed up textures (resulting in him coming up with a lame excuse not to fix them), and now this.......

I have to wonder sometimes about his mentality and whether he deliberately goes out to find the most controversial changes to piss off as many users as he can.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Don't really like to do this but "I told you so". I've been saying for quite some time that Greg is a bad game designer and doesn't even play his own game.

Okay, I admit, I did like to do that...
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I agree, whilst I am a fan of GT his latest changes border on loony.... camoflaged ores, badly screwed up textures (resulting in him coming up with a lame excuse not to fix them), and now this.......

I have to wonder sometimes about his mentality and whether he deliberately goes out to find the most controversial changes to piss off as many users as he can.

Are those screwed up textures the ones for the nether ores which are like solid blocks of red or yellow? I noticed the camo textures in the nether too and I thought it was quite cool. However, I hope that bauxite isn't camouflaged because camo textures clearly encourage automated mining which I am preferring to do with (titanium requiring) quarries right now? I haven't done much mining in my updated world yet.

EDIT: I tested it by spawning in dirt, gravel and smooth stone and tested bauxite's textures against them. Bauxite has a weird reddy brown texture against dirt and gravel but it does mimic stone. At least I have underground biomes installed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't really see why people are making such a big deal out of this nerf. It's no different from anything gregtech has ever done, except now he's moved on from nerfing other people's mods to nerfing vanilla minecraft.
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