Greetings fellow FTB-ers


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey everyone, I'm new to the forum (and sorta new to FTB too I suppose). I go by Pickle, and have for a number of years. It's my gamer tag and my airsoft handle. I am married and have 2 great kids (minecrafters as well). My kids are actually what got my husband and I started in minecraft about 6 months ago. I never imagined that a simple game of squares would occupy so much of my time, but it's currently ranking #1 for me and my family LOL. I enjoy other games as well, but I'm a bit of a noob :p I am not very good at video games of any sort really. I play anyway :) but I die frequently. I have thought of doing a youtube series, but I don't know if people would want to see that hahaha. I regularly watch the Youtubes :) and I have so much to learn.

As far as myself, I grew up in a small town, on a farm. I live in the same town I was born in, and hope I never have to leave again. You never realize how much you miss something until it's gone. :) Oh, and I just finished my bachelors degree in Graphic Design and Photography. I spend a lot of time outdoors, am an avid fisher/hunter and love to go camping. If you haven't noticed I'm kinda random.... LOL and I am total nerd. I'm a pretty open book, so if you have questions feel free to ask :)
Anyway, I have been on forums before so I know the basics, and I look forward to learning more about FTB and getting feedback from fellow players.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Welcome to the forums. I'm very happy to see that minecraft, or any game or hobby for that matter, can be family bonding experience for your family. I just wish more families had something like this to bring them together where they can spend quality time together, even if it is sitting at a computer in another room. :D

If you bring your whole family into the youtube series it might be fun to watch you interact with each other. I do agree, however, that youtube minecraft series are pretty much over done, as in saturation, and you might not find many people watch you unless you are entertaining which is why I suggested having it a family series.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
LOL that was the general idea, it would be the 4 of us which would make it unique. Still working the whole thing out, but it would be a blast to try :) I don't expect many people would watch, simply because of the crazy overload of play-through videos on youtube. I don't doubt it would be entertaining, and dynamic because of the age differences. Kinda like trail mix, something for everyone :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello Pickle

From Minecraft to FTB it's hard (i played Tekkit before), you should start watching Direwolf20 videos, the wiki page is also helpful. The amazing thing is after you know the basics (all the mods, and so on) your imagination will start to make amazing things, building more complex stuff, automate all the devices ...

Welcome to FTB o/


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I agree, there is quite a transition when playing FTB or Tekkit from vanilla. I played tekkit for a bit, but I have found that FTB offers more of the mods I enjoy like thaumcraft and twilight forest, but it also has the machines so I don't feel like I'm spending my entire minecraft life mining and smelting ore LOL. I'm getting better! I know what some of the machines are for now haha. And I agree, the wiki page is fantastic. I couldn't do half of what I have done without it.

Thanks for the welcome :) \o