FTB Unleashed end game?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
hi guys i was wondering what you guys do once you reach end game (gravichestplate ultimate solar helmet etc) do you know of any good mods that add more end game items like beter ways to generate eu better ways to transport and store it and more tiers of armor? i reached end game on unleashed in about 2-3 hours so i got really bored of it and i tried unhinged but it does not have anywhere near the amount of mods i want/need


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
End game in a very flexible sandbox game is a bit of an odd concept. My gameplay usually revolves around looking at methods of doing stuff. Currently, I'm on bees (which is troublesome, as I'm in a desert, but we work with what we've got), and I don't have powergen set up, as such.

I would probably say that, if you're focussing on EU as your "end-game" indicator, you're looking at the wrong pack. In this one, IC2 is in it's somewhat stagnant form, stuff uses EU, but the newest thing to produce it is probably steam turbines. Most builds I've seen tend to be focussed around MJ, and fuel, although general resource generation is also a factor.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A lot of people are adding Greg Tech to unleashed to add more endgame content.

I imagine though, that if it only took a few hours to get to the 'end game' there's probably still quite a bit of content you've missed out on like bee and tree breeding, or perhaps some of the thaumcraft stuff depending on how you got to the 'end game'. There's also the Twilight Forest (try limiting yourself by not using flight in it), and you could add Tropicraft if you want more exploration.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A lot of people are adding Greg Tech to unleashed to add more endgame content.

I imagine though, that if it only took a few hours to get to the 'end game' there's probably still quite a bit of content you've missed out on like bee and tree breeding, or perhaps some of the thaumcraft stuff depending on how you got to the 'end game'. There's also the Twilight Forest (try limiting yourself by not using flight in it), and you could add Tropicraft if you want more exploration.

i went to the twilight already and i took of my quantum armor and swapped it out for diamond armor but it still was pretty easy as for bees yeah i'm trying to get a alveary running i'm not into the whole magic thing so i will propably skip that


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
hi guys i was wondering what you guys do once you reach end game (gravichestplate ultimate solar helmet etc) do you know of any good mods that add more end game items like beter ways to generate eu better ways to transport and store it and more tiers of armor? i reached end game on unleashed in about 2-3 hours so i got really bored of it and i tried unhinged but it does not have anywhere near the amount of mods i want/need

Build something worthwhile and novel. Stop treating mod content like a treadmill. You're playing minecraft. Start experimenting!

For example, do you have a worldwide teleport network? Stop leaning on mystract, use IC2 to make it so you can run across the known world in a heartbeat.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
BTW how did you get all the Iridium in 2-3 hours?

mass fab and the 2-3 hours excludes me leaving my pc on during the night :) and i go to lava power and if i get enough iridium i switch over to solars (i cant sleep at night so if i wake up i just switch them out )


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
End game in 3 hours? Please, don't make me laugh. Do you have a stable EU, MJ, Steam, biofuel production? Do you even have a steady income of resources including wood, metals, mob drops and many other liquids? Did you set up several alvearies and bees to produce non renewable resources such as emeralds, oil etc? Did you research every single thing in Thaumcraft? Oh and another one, do you fancy your stuff up or do you live in a mud hut with lots of tech stuff in it? IMO, making your builds pretty, functional and aesthetic makes an end game as well.

I could go on and on like that through all mods Unleashed has... You said you reached end game because you got Gravi chest plate from IC2...Would I reach an end game if I had a Diamond chest from Iron Chests mod? :D Just a simple comparison.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
End game in 3 hours? Please, don't make me laugh. Do you have a stable EU, MJ, Steam, biofuel production? Do you even have a steady income of resources including wood, metals, mob drops and many other liquids? Did you set up several alvearies and bees to produce non renewable resources such as emeralds, oil etc? Did you research every single thing in Thaumcraft? Oh and another one, do you fancy your stuff up or do you live in a mud hut with lots of tech stuff in it? IMO, making your builds pretty, functional and aesthetic makes an end game as well.

I could go on and on like that through all mods Unleashed has... You said you reached end game because you got Gravi chest plate from IC2...Would I reach an end game if I had a Diamond chest from Iron Chests mod? :D Just a simple comparison.

i do actually have a solid mj production (steam boilers running of biofuel from forestry and the steam then goes into industrial steam engines) i use the mj's i generate to power a mfr laser drill to get me resources (and some turtles and a quarry)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, I'd say one reaches an end game when he has an army of turles and command them to build, then they build a base, then they craft new turtles which build a base... and they spread all over the world!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I never make this thing people call "END GAME" a goal. Because it is an empty goal with little value and can be rushed to quickly while living in a couple of dirt 9x9s.

As Dave stated
Build something worthwhile and novel. Stop treating mod content like a treadmill. You're playing minecraft. Start experimenting!

Do something other then try to get to the "END" of your mod list. Stretch your creative muscles and if your out of ideas there is even a link in my sig.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I never make this thing people call "END GAME" a goal. Because it is an empty goal with little value and can be rushed to quickly while living in a couple of dirt 9x9s.

As Dave stated

Do something other then try to get to the "END" of your mod list. Stretch your creative muscles and if your out of ideas there is even a link in my sig.

I love that thread.

Also note that "novel" doesn't mean "unheard of." It means "you have never done it before and you're curious." Feel free to fail, because in Minecraft even failures are curious looking successes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Talking about stuffs to do for me. Thaumcraft, IC2 crops, Forestry Bees and Trees, I haven't even scratch the surface even though I already have a nigh invincible mps. Plus I still suck at making aesthetically pleasing yet functionally sound bases. :( Though I did have a T5 Enderman and Blaze Soul Shard, maybe my next project will be Tier 5 of everything that have souls.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wow, 2-3 hours. At that time, I probably have a manual tree farm and some foodstuff growing, possibly a few machines hooked up for some early ore processing and if I'm lucky, maybe have a roof on my barricade I call home. Almost like we play a totally different game.