sure, no problem, I'll just paste the code of the config file here so you won't have to download any files. if you do mind, just reply and I'll upload the file to whatever filehost you prefer. here's the config:
Code:# Configuration file #################### # block #################### block { I:Barrier=2041 I:Bed=2042 I:Block=2043 I:Button=2044 I:"Collapsible Block"=2454 I:DaylightSensor=2045 I:Door=2046 I:Gate=2047 I:Hatch=2048 I:Ladder=2453 I:Lever=2049 I:PressurePlate=2050 I:Safe=2456 I:Slope=2051 I:Stairs=2052 I:Torch=2455 } #################### # control #################### control { B:"Enable Barrier"=true B:"Enable Bed"=true B:"Enable Block/Slab"=true B:"Enable Button"=true B:"Enable Collapsible Block"=true B:"Enable Daylight Sensor"=true B:"Enable Door"=true B:"Enable Gate"=true B:"Enable Hatch"=true B:"Enable Ladder"=true B:"Enable Lever"=true B:"Enable Pressure Plate"=true B:"Enable Safe"=true B:"Enable Slope"=true B:"Enable Stairs"=true B:"Enable Torch"=true } #################### # features #################### features { # This will prevent players besides you and server operators from editing your blocks. # Note: this does not protect blocks against destruction (intentional), and may allow activation if appropriate. Also, the Carpenter's Safe is not affected by this. B:"Enable Block Ownership"=true B:"Enable Covers"=true B:"Enable Dye Colors"=true B:"Enable Fancy Fluids"=true B:"Enable Overlays"=true B:"Enable Side Covers"=true } #################### # item #################### item { I:Bed=5404 I:Chisel=5402 I:Door=5403 I:Hammer=5401 } #################### # recipe quantities #################### "recipe quantities" { I:Barrier=2 I:Bed=1 I:Block=5 I:Button=1 I:"Collapsible Block"=9 I:"Daylight Sensor"=1 I:Door=1 I:Gate=1 I:Hatch=1 I:Ladder=4 I:Lever=1 I:"Pressure Plate"=1 I:Safe=1 I:Slope=4 I:Stairs=4 I:Torch=4 } #################### # rendering #################### rendering { # Provides integration with Optifine's block coloring methods. # Note: this is needed to support Custom Colors. B:"Enable Optifine Integration"=true # This resolves z-fighting with chiseled patterns that may occur with Optifine or other client-side performance mods. # Note: this will likely cause all Carpenter's Blocks to be invisible behind ice or water. B:"Enable Z-Fighting Fix"=false B:enableOptifineIntegration=true B:enableZFightingFix=false } #################### # slope #################### slope { # This controls the smoothness of the slope faces. # Note: smoothness of 2 is similar to stairs, while a value above 25 is generally fluid. I:Smoothness=2 I:hitboxPrecision=2 } #################### # tools #################### tools { B:"Enable Chisel"=true B:"Enable Hammer"=true B:"Tools Damageable"=false B:"Vanilla Tools Damageable"=true } #################### # torch #################### torch { # This controls whether torches extinguish themselves when exposed to rain or snow. B:"Enable Torch Weather Effects"=true B:enableTorchWeatherEffects=true }
a few notes though, this is the config file for the latest carpenter blocks version, which is 1.9.7 so a few new items and cofiguration lines have been added.
also note I've switched the durability of the hammer to false, as I use the hammer quite alot and find it annoying to constantly craft new hammers and also because for some reason, when I move hammers with no damage to an inventory that holds a hammer that does have damage, the undamaged hammers seem to stack with the damaged hammer, thus getting a stack of hammers with damage...
to fix the ID conflict I've changed the ID of the block in the RedstoneArsenal config file to 2057 instead of changing the carpenter block's id, because the RedstoneArsenal ID is just 1 ID in total, so it's easier to move it. but if I may suggest I'd rather choose a different ID, because 2057 is close after the carpenter's ID, so if carpenter's blocks adds new blocks, 2057 would quickly become the next ID number you'd need. after checking the universal dumps and my personal dumps I'd suggest an ID of 2000, which is just before the Thermal Expansion ID's. but this depends if Lemming is planning on adding more ID's to Redstone Arsenal or not. though you've a few more free IDs just before 2000
and you might have not gotten this ID problem if you did not have both carpenter's blocks and the redstone arsenal mod files installed as redstone arsenal just recently got released, probably less then a day ago. if you need any more information, just ask and I'll try to respond as quickly as I can. hope this can be of help![]()
Yeah we hadn't updated Carpenter's blocks yet. We'll get it sorted.