Forestry & RP 101

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Kinda thought that might be the case. I haven't really experimented much lately, but I remember having massive issues trying to get RP working with Forestry back in the modpack-that-shall-not-be-named. If they hook up correctly now that would be awesome. I tried routers, but they ended up putting stuff in all the wrong slots, no matter what side I set them up for. Redpower will make automation SO much better for Forestry. I can't wait to try it all out again!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Working on this for the power thread, but came up with this automated double tree farm (needs external source of dirt) using redpower tubes filters/relays:

Each arboretum us wrapped in filter / relay / filter (from top to bottom: sapling in, sand out, humus in)

An auto crafting table makes sandstone out of the sand and inputs to a pulverizer, which crushes the sand for a chance of niter. Niter is looped back to a pulverizer input to be crushed into saltpeter. Saltpeter is made into fertlizer in a auto crafting table.

Finally in the third crafting table humus is made out of the fertilizer using external source of dirt.

Is there a redpower alternative for auto crafting tables?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The Factorization Packager does what you're wanting for the Sandstone. The Hummus takes a Craftpacket machine or few.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For the moistener, you can also put wheat in on the right side as well. This allows for quite a cheaper alternative to the manager.

From the right. The silver chest with the transposer is your input. This would be the line coming from your automated farm sending seeds and wheat back to your storage area.

The regulator has a stack of 5 wheat on the left side, and 5 on the right. Nothing in the middle. This will tell the regulator to keep 5 in inventory at all times, and place 5 in at a time. The rest will go on to storage (continue past the regulator).

The line into the top of the moistener is your input. Only valid moistener targets can be used. Seeds or cobble could go down the line, but once one item is in the moistener, no other item will. This will store a full stack.

On the back (not shown) is a water pipe from an aqueous accumulator.

The bottom is a transposer which automatically pulls any finished items from the moistener like mycelium or mossy cobble.

On the left is a filter that is set to only pull out mulch.

The transposer and the filter are both connected to redstone tubing to send the tick to them to activate.

The chest on the left is your output.

The chest in the far back (on right) is my overflow line connected with a restriction tube so I wouldn't jam any machines while testing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
b0bst3r, I want to thank you for posting what you have done so far. I haven't gotten around to automating things much with RP, and this really helps with a few things and has gotten me thinking about RP automation again.. I'm looking forward to building some of this in my world legit. I hadn't really used the relay much before. I didn't realize how simple some of this could be with RP.:D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Kinda thought that might be the case. I haven't really experimented much lately, but I remember having massive issues trying to get RP working with Forestry back in the modpack-that-shall-not-be-named. If they hook up correctly now that would be awesome. I tried routers, but they ended up putting stuff in all the wrong slots, no matter what side I set them up for. Redpower will make automation SO much better for Forestry. I can't wait to try it all out again!
If you mean Factorization routers:
insert cobble/seeds into top
insert wheat into slot 0
extract moss stone and mulch from any

This works much like the regulator system in that it will keep a stack of wheat in the first slot of the moistener's buffer while there's some wheat in the working slots. The moistener will never overfill and as such will never clog. As a bonus, this works extremely well when paired with rp2, as you can pipe the wheat/cobble into the input routers and eject into a relay from the output router.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Stage 2 - looping saplings back in

Now, wow did I have fun trying to figure this out :) you cannot simply connect the RP tube after the Relay back into the top of the Arboretum. Why I hear you ask, well that's because the inventories on the Arboretum accept any item you can put in them so the sand, logs, sticky resin (if you use rubber trees), apples and saplings will end up back in the Arboretum clogging it up.

Uh, did you actually try this first? I have two arboretums and four farms running like this right now and they won't accept anything coming out of their respective harvesters except for saplings/seeds from the top. You can even do this perfectly fine with plain old BC pipes, although they don't prioritize the closest inventory first so you often run into issues with the machines not maintaining enough saplings/seeds and needing to be fed.

Edit: I just put a restriction pipe on the block past where my relay connects to my arboretum, wood and apples will *not* go in through the top at all. Maybe sand will, but i'm void piping it because I have a barrel full and a desert right next door with tons more.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Great guide! I'm much more familiar with Buildcraft than RP, so I found it very helpful as I attempt to master the intricacies of Redpower.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Uh, did you actually try this first? I have two arboretums and four farms running like this right now and they won't accept anything coming out of their respective harvesters except for saplings/seeds from the top. You can even do this perfectly fine with plain old BC pipes, although they don't prioritize the closest inventory first so you often run into issues with the machines not maintaining enough saplings/seeds and needing to be fed.

Yes of course I tried it, I've been playing with Forestry/RedPower combination since the DW20/MindCrack packs came out, post a screeny of your setup please.

Thanks netmc for the alternative Moistener setup.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes of course I tried it, I've been playing with Forestry/RedPower combination since the DW20/MindCrack packs came out, post a screeny of your setup please.

Thanks netmc for the alternative Moistener setup.

An Arboretum:


A Farm:


All six:


All of which feed into one chest attached to a sorting machine that feeds various outputs to wherever they go:


I was too lazy to bother working automated humus into it because I have to reposition the power and who knows what else under them to make room, then work out some half assed rp2 power system for the managers. Fortunately, feeding stuff in from the top won't allow anything to go into the Humus half of it's accessible inventory, so even if it runs low I have no problems. One thing that can be a problem is if I ever have less than four stacks in the sapling/seed slots other stuff can possibly get in there, but the restriction pipes make sure no saplings/seeds can ever get by without checking to make sure they can't go into the arboretum/farm first so I always have 64x4.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What is the machine above the logger/combine - I haven't used default textures in like months so I don't recognise it.

Nvm figured it out it's a Relay right?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Zaik try taking out a stack of saplings, so that there's an empty slot in the sapling inventory.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh, this is a good tutorial on how to automate the farms, but I have a little something to add:

1. some of the farms need time between cicles, the more noticeable being the Peat one.
I found that making a dual clock settings to disable the power for 10 minutes and activating it for 1-2 is more than enough, and you waste way less energy, having only slightly less output in the end.

2. some others, like the tree farms, could use more power than a 1MJ/tick, especially when used in an accelerated age.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I didn't want to hijack this thread with my 6 peat bog tower since this is supposed to be a 101 level course, so I created another one - It uses RP and buildcraft where appropriate to easily automate a tightly stacked tower. If you haven't built a tower of forestry machines before, you have to place the first peat bog, wait for it to build, then place the next peat bog, wait for it to build, then place the next... As long as the machine block is not broken and replaced, it won't try to clear the farms above it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Zaik try taking out a stack of saplings, so that there's an empty slot in the sapling inventory.

Well, you are right about that. If there is an open sapling/seed slot in the arboretum/farm, random junk can get in there. Seems like it wasn't always that way, but I dunno.

Anyway, your farms/arboretums will never use more seeds/saplings than they create, so it's not a problem as long as you're using pneumatic tubes to just dump it in the top and slap a restriction pipe on the next block after it. Feels less complicated than the regulator, and it's a significantly cheaper. You can also set up other farms of the same type behind it without having to worry about the tubes trying to cram everything in each one as it moves along.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. some of the farms need time between cicles, the more noticeable being the Peat one.
I found that making a dual clock settings to disable the power for 10 minutes and activating it for 1-2 is more than enough, and you waste way less energy, having only slightly less output in the end.

I have found you can successfully run a complete farm setup on 1MJ/tick. As long as you keep the flow of bog earth steady, 1MJ a tick is enough to run the turbary, and 2 peat bogs. This can be from a peat engine or a redstone energy cell. Same with the farm and combine. 1MJ/tick can run 2 farms and one combine. For a tree farm, you need just 1MJ/tick for arboretum and logger. You need a separate power source if you use a treetap for rubber trees. Using more energy for the logger/arboretum causes it to harvest the tree faster than the treetap can run.

I'm sure all this goes out the window for accelerated ages, so for those I don't know.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wow, steep learning curve for the tubes. I desperately need a way to turn this frustration into fun, cause it seems like its too much more of the former and not enough of the latter with tubes AND pipes. I'm just thankful I started playing after Logistical Pipes weren't available anymore. Had I been exposed to those, I believe I may have thrown my system out the window by now...

Anyho, there may have been changes since you posted. I had the regulator on top of the arboretum and I kept getting sand in the regulator. Placing a tube in between the regulator and the arboretum seems to have solved that. Also had to place a restriction tube between the chest and the relay [only two tubes until it gets further automated], otherwise no saplings were getting to the regulator.

Something else I noticed. I used what I learned here and converted my farm/combine tower to use RP tubes, since the BC iron pipes with gates weren't detecting full seed inventories. The only difference between the tree farm shown in this thread and my tower, besides that it's multi-level, is the regulator is going into the side of the farm, instead of the top as with the arboretum. Everything works fine but after awhile, like when the farm gets full of seeds, the regulator starts collecting odd amounts, filling up it's input side and then it's buffer...not passing anything. I say odd, cause I've tried to fix it and I've watched it take only some of what's being passed to it. There's also plenty of room in the chest. Wiki says I can pass seeds from any side to the farmer. Do they actually need to go into the top?

Wow. Yeah, seeds? Any side is fine [pffffft]. Who knew the farm had a waste disposal compartment? Also, how is this machine randomly generating sand? Think I solved it but I had to tear down my tower to do so. Also lost 1/2 the growing areas. Solution seems to be to feed the seeds in to the top of the farm but, with a tube in between the farm and the regulator. When the farm's full of seeds and the regulator gets sent some seeds, the regulator will refuse the seeds and turn redstone on. Any more seeds sent out by the relay will continue to visit the regulator. Once space for seeds in the farm becomes available, the regulator will turn redstone off and allow seeds to pass again. Hopefully no more problems with farms storing seeds as "waste material". With this method, farms need to be spaced 3-blocks apart [as in 3-blocks in between each farm].