Epic Fail stories

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Icarus White

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've been doing a lot of TC3 research, but once I got past Unified, I was all "How the hell am I supposed to gather 60 vis in this 50 vis wand of mine? Is it forgotten knowledge?"

A few days later, I decide to look at that entry in my Thaumonomicon more closely, and lo and behold, there's a better wand recipe right in Unified. DERP.

There was also that time in Beta I pickaxed my shiny new MFE...

What sort of screwups have you had?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm sure most players have done this if they didn't do adequate research beforehand... I was making my way up the IndustrialCraft tech tree, and I'd just set down my first MFE. At the same time, I upgraded to a singularity compressor. I put everything down and wired it together and all was well, until I put an item into the compressor (which of course caused it to draw power), and BOOM! Didn't know about transformer upgrades. Lost both the compressor and MFE and had to remake them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
my vary frist FTB world... and its first quarry... can we say 10k entities on the floor and more lag then you can shake a stick at. I had to basicly delete the region just to et the world working agian.

So yeah learned about the imporance of overflow planing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Me going to see how powerful ic2 nukes are on my friends server. I lagged the cr*p out of it and destroyed the spawn all the way to bedrock. He was pissed at me for a really long time. XD
Me trying to admin the same server, found a griefer's base under lava. I jumped in with my kick ass diamond armor and met Thaumcraft magic stone. I tried to break it but than died. Thought I was in creative.
I also made dropped water on top of my frame machine, all of my wires broke.:(

Evil Hamster

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My first ever quarry- thought I had plenty of storage, including seperating out the cobble with a diamond pipe into it's own barrel. (single, unupgraded) Started it up and was having fun watching it, fell asleep. The game ran until it crashed from too many entities on the ground- around 15,000. It took nbt explorer and deleting all those entities manually to get it my save back.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Journeying through twilight forest, finding a lich tower. pick my way in and notice a small lava pool.... proceed to just bounce right in XD


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First time ever playing around with IC2 stuff: I misplaced my first macerator and broke it with a pick... Then I turned my first generator into a solar panel, instead of making a new generator and keeping the old one as a backup... Because everything was going dreadfully slow I wanted to move that solar panel, but because I didn't have an electric wrench in safe mode it broke the panel... That I didn't rage quit very hard at that point is a small miracle, I can't say that was the best experience I ever had when starting with a mod.

Looking back, most of it actually wasn't that bad, but when you're doing that stuff for the first time it's hard enough to craft everything, let alone that everything breaks unless you've got a specific tool in a specific mode.

Now I use the OmniWrench (from the OmniTools mod) though and as long as that works as an electric wrench in safe mode without needing to recharge, I will never bother to make an IC2 wrench again.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wrath igniter, meet jungle!

Interestingly enough it seems like it would work quite well for caving - when you light smooth stone on fire it smelts it into cobble and sets any mobs standing on it on fire and can clear out fairly large amounts of mobs in an area.

But yea, jungle fires...


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Sort of an epic fail, just starting out, building my home on the side of a lovely Redrock mountain overlooking a lush jungle. Decided to get a redpower solar power up and running, tunnelled through from my power room to the side of the mountain, built a little platform for the solar panels.
Next thing I know, a creeper drops on my head, explodes, killing me instantly, and all my gear is now scattered across the sides of the mountain and the forest canopy. Retrieving all those items was NOT fun.

I think my most epic fail was forgetting (in tekkit and compact solars) that a LV solar array will not work with tin cable. Not a major problem, apart from the fact that I ran the cable from near bedrock level to the surface. Connected the solar panel, heard the pffst, thought what was that, went back to my power area, no cables.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
2 epic fail stories from me :

1. So there I am in my single player test world using cheat mode to try out some stuff. I was playing with the RP managers to see how they worked and was using stacks of cobble for them to move around. For some reason one of the managers would only pull out say 4 stacks of cobble then stop, even though there was about 10 stacks inside. And then another manager in the loop wouldn't stock the cobble at all despite being set to do so. I am not kidding, I must have spent about FOUR HOURS messing around with them and reading forums/wikis etc to try to figure out what was wrong. Do you know what the problem was? I'd accidentally selected the 2nd cobble block in NEI which even though it looks identical to the normal cobble, is in fact cobblestone slab (43:3) and that's why the managers weren't completed their tasks as I had a mixture of both types in the system. -_-

2. Another one with the managers :oops:. My ender chest in my base hooked up to pneumatic tubes and managers suddenly stopped pumping out items and was rapidly being filled up by my quarry at the other end. Initially I thought that the manager had run out of blutricity but the battery box and light on the front confirmed that it had plenty, but the red lights were also on which told me that it was jammed. I removed the pneumatic tube connected to it and out pops 2 pieces of vanilla rail track and then it worked fine afterwards. Every time I put the rail back in the ender chest it jammed up the manager. I was like 'what the hell?' and was very close to writing a bug report. It was only by pure chance that I needed an item that I knew was in my overflow chest only to discover that it was rammed full with ender pearls from another player and had no inventory space left.... which was of course the reason why the manager was not ejecting the rail track!

Double fail!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The very first time I setup a quarry using landmarks to increase the size. Had everything all setup quarry with an enderchest on top and an energy link and energy teleport pipe on the side (think of it like an energy tesseract). All shiny and ready to go. Flip on the power.... *poof* everything vanishes. I stood there staring at the space for a sec thinking it must be a graphical bug... but nothin. I was just about to throw my pc across the room before I figured it out. I couldn't get the quarry to respond to the landmarks until I had placed it INSIDE the line.... facepalm.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
I discovered that if you want to change the color combinations of your enderchest/pouch, you should remove the contents first. Arcane bore, Wand of Excavation, 1/2 stack of diamonds, magic armor, goggles of revealing... That and more gone!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I discovered that if you want to change the color combinations of your enderchest/pouch, you should remove the contents first. Arcane bore, Wand of Excavation, 1/2 stack of diamonds, magic armor, goggles of revealing... That and more gone!

Make a new enderchest with the color combo that the pouch used to have. The stuff isn't gone, you just can't access it until you make another enderchest with the same color combo. Hope this makes your Minecraft day a little nicer.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I discovered that if you want to change the color combinations of your enderchest/pouch, you should remove the contents first. Arcane bore, Wand of Excavation, 1/2 stack of diamonds, magic armor, goggles of revealing... That and more gone!

I think if you recreate the original color combination your stuff is still there

Edit: What Dz said.