Dumb Modular Powersuit Tricks

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ooooooh. Do tell us more, please! :D
Long have we wandered, fought, mined, and built. Long have we struggled against the forces of nature - against creepers, lava, hunger, and the crush of gravity. Long have we seen the soil as merely a neutral party, an object to be shaped according to our need and desire and exploited to fuel our endless quest. Rarely did we think it was something to be revered. Never did we think it was, itself, /alive/ -- but it was always so. It continues to be so, even in this age of wonder, when whole other worlds are separated by a thin layer of knowledge and hard work. When we no longer toil at the ground with our bare hands, instead turning our attention to the creation of fantastic devices which do our work for us. Even in such an age, Gaia remembers. She remembers us, our tentative first steps, our first fearful night, our first loaf of bread, our first chunk of coal. She remembers when we lashed out in frustration at the challenges she threw in our way, and when we cried for joy at the precious gifts she bore us. She is many. And every little piece of her remembers. Isn't it time we repaid her - in whatever way we can, though it will never be enough - and thanked her for all she has given us? Isn't it time we sought to live in harmony with her many aspects, such that we might learn from each other and proceed with wisdom and grace?

On scala: Just remember not to use for comprehensions in code that touches the rendering loop.
Shit D:

And in general, prefer foreach with static or immutable functions. Object comprehensions are awesome things, but unfortunately Scala's implementation uses exceptions for control flow in many cases. This murders performance in ways that are difficult to capture without fullblown profiling.

And I still don't get how anyone puts up with Scala's SBT. I suspect by pretending it's not there.
pretty much. IDEA integrates it nicely and gives helpful suggestions when it fucks up.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I honestly think Java > Scala. Too much flexibility is not good sometimes, other than the slightly uglier syntax is creates IMO. C++ is my preferred secondary language that isn't a deal killer.

And it's always a good practice to check if the system supports an OGL func before using it, and if not provide another lower end alternative, other than negating it completely. e.g. Tinker Table texture is all white for me; speculating it's because if(!sys_supports_framebuffers) return; //Use old fashioned glBindTexture instead.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I honestly think Java > Scala. Too much flexibility is not good sometimes, other than the slightly uglier syntax is creates IMO. C++ is my preferred secondary language that isn't a deal killer.

This prevailing opinion is why I can take a 3 man team and do in 6 months what major >50 developer shops try to do over a year and decide is impossible. Literally. As in, I know this happened because I just talked to a VP of Engineering for a company that tried to do what we're finishing and he said, "That's impossible."

So yeah. Hooray for giving we who are not squatting on 23 year old technology a chance to get crazy rich!

Scala has its failings, but it is more powerful and useful than Java in pretty much every dimension. Clojure is in a similar vein, but is a sort of better Ruby.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Like DC armour?

Yeah, that's honestly one of my favourite part of DC armour, Skiing over water faster than I can run.

Would be nice to have in a PSuit though...

No, why would you think that, why would you say that, of course not, like really? Just of course not, no, nope, not at all.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This prevailing opinion is why I can take a 3 man team and do in 6 months what major >50 developer shops try to do over a year and decide is impossible. Literally. As in, I know this happened because I just talked to a VP of Engineering for a company that tried to do what we're finishing and he said, "That's impossible."

So yeah. Hooray for giving we who are not squatting on 23 year old technology a chance to get crazy rich!

Scala has its failings, but it is more powerful and useful than Java in pretty much every dimension. Clojure is in a similar vein, but is a sort of better Ruby.

So, is the 3 man team in this case, the ones using Java? Kinda braindead to figure out right now :S

Then you kinda lack support from Java's libs (Though I rarely use these, because game dev). Plus, my standards for good syntax was based off of Java from the very beginning, so changing it would be difficult. Just my opinion.

I was never a fan of FP's explicit implicitness, honestly. (confusion and pun not intended)

Programming is like running through a landmine field. The field is should be narrow enough to walk through , but too big and you're prolly gonna die a couple of times, if there's respawn. That's how I view Scala's flexibility (yeah, it's the big field).

Plus I don't code for cash, I code because I want to. It's more fun than any video game ever :O


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Then you kinda lack support from Java's libs (Though I rarely use these, because game dev).

Quite the opposite. For example, let me show you bit of custom Clojure syntax we have. This code is "obvious" but I've removed the sensitive bits. This is a simple jetty endpoint from our api code:
(defauthed-handler get-user :insensitive [request uid]
  (let [suser (user-data/fetch-clean uid)]
      {:status 200 :body (generate-string suser)}))

This seemingly innocuous piece of clojure does a lot. It defines a jetty handler which automatically uses Jackson to parse the JSON request body. This "authed" handler is "insensitive" which means that it uses a different set of session expiration time rules than a "sensitive" handler. It is "authed", which means it automatically does UID->token verification and has canned responses.

This little piece of code touches 3/4 of the apache stack, automatically injects logging and metrics tracking. The clojure macro that defines this is about 30 lines long (many of those lines short). So yeah, we're poaching pedantic and over-annotated Java libraries and making them less sucky. All the annotations in the world cannot save Java developers from the march of progress.

Plus, my standards for good syntax was based off of Java from the very beginning, so changing it would be difficult. Just my opinion.

Your opinion is yours, and you're entitled to it. It makes you weak in the kind of kung fu we're talking about, though. Feel free to be offended by this or roll your eyes at the metaphor. The vast majority of people in this field we're discussing are terrible at what they do and it's only the fact that there are so few people that do it that enable them to have any standing whatsoever.

I was never a fan of FP's explicit implicitness, honestly. (confusion and pun not intended)

I'm a professional programmer. I can coherently talk to you about category theory. In my career I have delivered products in over 30 computer languages, and I've been a technical editor for two major technical publications and a proofreader in 4. What you just said, to me, makes 0 sense. I can't even begin to unwrap it, and I just tried.

Programming is like running through a landmine field. The field is should be narrow enough to walk through , but too big and you're prolly gonna die a couple of times, if there's respawn. That's how I view Scala's flexibility (yeah, it's the big field).

Let's just pretend I understand what you mean...

If you're describing the SOCIAL effects of Scala's relative indifference to how its community has evolved around features, there is an argument to be had. If your argument that a silly little attempt at a "One Way To Do It" language approach like Python is not preaching to ignorance, you will find nothing but scorn from me.

A languages flexibility is important. It allows you to mold it around the concepts that are being explored by the program. Programming for programming's sake is diverting, but most people want it to DO something. A flexible language like Haskell, Clojure, Scala, or even Ruby can sort of wrap itself around the concept and become transparent.

Plus I don't code for cash, I code because I want to. It's more fun than any video game ever :O

You can love what you do, and do what you love. And get paid.


Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
Jet ski's.

Walk fast over water/snow.

I don't see skii's as being able to get you over water unless your already being powered in some way...

I do like them making you move on snow or snow layers as if the ground was ice. And if it's snow layers over ice, even faster.

Toggable spikes to stop you from sliding on ice?

Floation, again on a toggle? You know, pontoons?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

meh. You can accomplish more in the time it takes you to find and get sucked into the endless cycle of finding the perfect language. everyone's got their own reasons and opinions. So lets just leave it at that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Mm, does MPS add any interesting GUI-elements? I'd LOVE a "FOF" (friend or foe) system that would add targeting elements to things on the screen (either red for enemy, or green for friendly/neutral). Maybe have a way to disable checking on some things (all friends, chickens, etc). And an addition for aiming with ranged weapons, perhaps (when you have your bow selected, it gives you a target to use to hit the enemy). And, of course, an upgraded version that "scans" enemies to see their health, velocity, etc.

I'm going to have to start camping on the MPS thread, it seems!

That ^

It would be absolutly amazing as a module, which has other sub modules and affects your screen, with an option to turn it off in L. Something on the lines of "Targeting System" under the helmet tab.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I honestly think Java > Scala. Too much flexibility is not good sometimes, other than the slightly uglier syntax is creates IMO. C++ is my preferred secondary language that isn't a deal killer.

And it's always a good practice to check if the system supports an OGL func before using it, and if not provide another lower end alternative, other than negating it completely. e.g. Tinker Table texture is all white for me; speculating it's because if(!sys_supports_framebuffers) return; //Use old fashioned glBindTexture instead.

Or maybe, like with pretty much everything, there are advantages and drawbacks to each and neither is strictly superior.

Java gives you more fine-grained control over the resulting bytecode. This can be a good thing, as in the performance-criticalness and single-threadedness of rendering. But for the vast majority of situations that people actually encounter in real life applications, the Scala equivalent is going to be more maintainable and possibly even faster because of compiler optimizations which we as fallible human beings with imperfect knowledge of processor (and jvm, and jit) architecture will not always recognize.

meh. You can accomplish more in the time it takes you to find and get sucked into the endless cycle of finding the perfect language. everyone's got their own reasons and opinions. So lets just leave it at that.
Learning the basics of a new programming language shouldn't take you more than a weekend or so. I spent that long just fiddling with the layout of the module selection screen. And I got stuff done while I was learning the Scala basics, because I was using my own project as a self-driven tutorial. I'm not going out of my way to find new languages and evaluate them, I'm just using something I've been shown and found it's better in 99% of ways.

I mean, maybe I'm biased but it sounds like you're trying to cop out without admitting you don't have a clue what you're arguing. Which is ironic (or fitting?) since you're essentially arguing in favour of intellectual laziness in the first place.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Or maybe, like with pretty much everything, there are advantages and drawbacks to each and neither is strictly superior.

Java gives you more fine-grained control over the resulting bytecode. This can be a good thing, as in the performance-criticalness and single-threadedness of rendering. But for the vast majority of situations that people actually encounter in real life applications, the Scala equivalent is going to be more maintainable and possibly even faster because of compiler optimizations which we as fallible human beings with imperfect knowledge of processor (and jvm, and jit) architecture will not always recognize.

implicit String myOpinion = getPostFromThread(this, 872).toString();

Because Java will probably never add direct (NO! not DX. I use OGL and I'm proud. MS is the devil. Puns man) support for 3D rendering, I use C++. And as a side effect, I get almost tyrannical power over my code, and this encapsulates a lot of Scala's benefits, plus more.

implicit String myOpinionAgain = getWhatIJustSaid();

You like Scala, I like C++. We have our own reasons / opinions. Simple as that. end;

Learning the basics of a new programming language shouldn't take you more than a weekend or so. I spent that long just fiddling with the layout of the module selection screen. And I got stuff done while I was learning the Scala basics, because I was using my own project as a self-driven tutorial. I'm not going out of my way to find new languages and evaluate them, I'm just using something I've been shown and found it's better in 99% of ways.

I mean, maybe I'm biased but it sounds like you're trying to cop out without admitting you don't have a clue what you're arguing. Which is ironic (or fitting?) since you're essentially arguing in favour of intellectual laziness in the first place.

No, I'm not talking about the basics of a language. I called out a cease fire basically in that post. Due to the nature of this topic we're arguing on, it can be very tempting to get sucked into an endless cycle of argument, and I have had this happen to me before. Plus, I don't want to spam a thread on MPS Tricks (which has deterred somewhat?) for this, and probably get locked. It gets ridiculous, in short.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
implicit String myOpinion = getPostFromThread(this, 872).toString();

... Didn't you just make an argument against your own position? Languages come and go; some are better for some things and some are better at others. Some simply get passed by in the ongoing march of technology. It doesn't matter what your opinion is. What matters is the results.

You like Scala, I like C++. We have our own reasons / opinions. Simple as that. end;

Actually many of us know multiple computer languages because they are just tools in a toolkit to be deployed. I do not go, "Gosh I like my screwdriver and that hammer... Well my opinion is that it's not that great and I don't want to use it. Look at these goofy fools telling me it's better! I can just hold my screwdriver by the pointy end and bang handle against nails!" Because that would be silly.

Plus, I don't want to spam a thread on MPS Tricks (which has deterred somewhat?) for this, and probably get locked. It gets ridiculous, in short.

I welcome this thread's death. It's gone way to long as it is, and I started it. My hosting for those videos is expensive. And you're objective wrong on your original point and in this post have actually changed your argument entirely and now are arguing a new point. Like no one would notice.

So if you can't represent your point honestly and well, then I agree you should call a cease-fire to save face. Let's do that. Goodbye.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How about some sort of module that does something like the bleed effect does in Dartcraft? Or some kind of status effect inflicter?