Dragon Egg Energy Siphon Weirdness

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello all - I wanted to quickly share my experience with this device in the hopes that someone will be able to advise me.

Basically, what I wanted is to place the Siphon somewhere far away from my base, chunk load it and generate a load of flux to brew storms to fuel a lightning rod.

I found a nice spot 1000+ meters away from my base and decided to build the siphon in a nice little thaumcraft dungeon. I also attached some MFSUs just to get a little juice as a bonus. Chunk loaded it as well.

The flux built up really quickly (win) BUT ever since placing the accursed thing I have been getting the strangest block lag. Minecarts are laggy, mobs are laggy and my game is just a general lag fest. I have also crashed three times for the simplest things (using my vajra to break a block). This is a single player world might I add.

Also the console is regularly displaying the message: [WARNING] [Minecraft] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?

I really regret wasting all those iridium plates on what is a cool but ultimately flawed machine - does anyone know of any fixes to the above?

I have a theory that it's something to do with Thaumcraft... [DOUBLEPOST=1367407860][/DOUBLEPOST]Someone suggested over on the reddit unloading the chunk or seeing if I've spawned hundreds of wisps... no luck on both accounts


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Since it's far away from you, I would just use this calculator (the extension of the file name will be different than the one in the calculator, I'm pretty sure; I think it will be named .mca or something) to find the location of the region file where the siphon is in and then delete it. Make sure to make a backup of your folder beforehand, of course, in case something unexpected happens or you mess up - I know I constantly have to protect my server's world from myself. It will delete a fairly large sized area, i think 256x256, but I could be wrong here.

I had to do this once when an area of my server messed up, got a hole in it, and suddenly started spawning sheep - at a rate faster than I could kill them, even with a nuke. There were hundreds of sheep everywhere.

You can reduce the flux of a node by breeding bees that use "Purify Node" as their pollination source. They're kind of slow, though.

[WARNING] [Minecraft] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? <- This displays whenever Minecraft detects that it's operating at a lower ticks per second rate than it expects. It just means "There's some lag, and it may or may not be noticeable."

Also, were you using right click with vajra to break blocks? It seems like whenever I've done that, it has a 50/50 or so chance of causing a client crash, regardless of the server.
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Bomb Bloke

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Haven't heard about any lag caused by the dragon egg siphon. Lightning rods, on the other hand, might be your culprit - apparently the longer they are the worse it gets.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Haven't heard about any lag caused by the dragon egg siphon. Lightning rods, on the other hand, might be your culprit - apparently the longer they are the worse it gets.

I have read that myself but I haven't setup the lightning rods yet :s

Bomb Bloke

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Has anything stopped the lag?

For example, have you tried removing the chunk loader and moving away from the siphon? As in, a long way away - the node it's fluxing up is probably in a different chunk somewhat nearby it.

Does it make a difference - for better or worse - if you're near the block?

Does picking up the block (remember the wrench!) revert things to normal? What if you wait for the flux to disperse (takes some time)? Are wisps spawning?

Is anything in the area using vis? Do you have a pair of goggles of revealing to see what's going on with the nodes?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Tried breaking chunk loader and moving far away (several thousand blocks) and lag persists.

Lag is pretty much the same if I'm close or far.

Regular wisps spawning and I think if I waited for all that flux to go I'd be there a long time :p

Nothing using vis - the with the goggles I can see a pretty menacing node but the animation look laggy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When you delete a region file - is the region rebuilt to it's original state? I deleted it but everything seems the same so not too sure if I did it right...

Yeah. If the region hasn't reverted to the way it was originally generated based on your world seed, you may have deleted the wrong one.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thank you all for helping with this - after deleting the region file and finding a few stray chunk loaders the lag is gone :) I am using the siphon somewhere else and it is building flux like a champ


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm glad to hear deleting the region file worked... Sorry I wasn't around to reply to you to help you with it, but I see other people helped you out and answered your questions.

Speaking of chunkloaders, it's seemed like a good practice on my server to ask people to use the Ender Pearl Fuel Requiring World Anchors vs the Chickenchunk Chunkloaders. It's surprisingly easy to forget about and/or lose a chunkloader. I once found 3 in my own house alone.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
BTW, you wouldnt get any Eu from the lightning rods anyway, it generates power when its raining, and gives the impression lightning hit it


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ummm. No. Just no. It generates a hit of EU when the lightning hits.

Keep in mind that it's only fake lightning that generates the EU. Putting a lightning rod down in the middle of a thunder storm won't increase your chances of getting lightning to hit it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What do you mean fake lightning? The Lightning Rod is designed so that if there is a thunder storm it will have a higher chance of getting hit. Not sure where you're getting the fake lightning info. Also, your comment was irrelevant to my post.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
He means that it is not the actual vanilla lighting that strikes the pole , but one generated from GregTech where the chance of it increases in a thunderstorm. You are both right