biomes o plenty vs extrabiomes xl

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You've never heard of indigenous people in a jungle area?
yeah but to live in a jungle one would certainly need hands. The generation of the villes when they generate in a jungle makes no sense. Really tall buildings with no way in... nah, looks shit.[DOUBLEPOST=1364238134][/DOUBLEPOST]
You guys should also take a look at:
oh now that looks freakin awesome!
These biomes-o-plenty biomes look amazing. How well does this play with Forestry and Extrabees and friends, does anyone know? I always worry about beehive generation now.

One can only imagine the awesomeness that would result from adding this and UndergroundBiomes. Too bad you lose Stone Bees when you do that.

Edit: And thus ends the new experiment of that android app. Twice now it's re-grabbed up my email signature and put it in forum posts. Like I am your grandpa.
The best mod for terrain generation, in my opinion, is Better World Generation. It's in Dev right now. BWG3 is not so good, but for BWG4, a major overhaul of the entire terrain generation system is being planned, including mountains that fully utilize the world's height limit, better biome transitions, a smart biome controller that doesn't do deserts right next to icy biomes, and a whole slew of other features... It's like a completely revamped version of the minecraft default terrain generation algorithm, and, to boot, the mod also adds in the ability to use the Alpha, Beta, Indev and Infdev terrain generations, so all nostalgia is satisfied.

Pretty damn cool, the planned features are OMGWTFBBQ levels of awesomeness, and basically everything i've ever asked for. Better villages, better ravines, canyons, big mountains, oceans with floors that make sense and don't look like huge ass lakes, etc... Integration with other Biome adding mods is being planned as well.

When this hits, it will be big.
Well, world generation is one thing, but we need one that supports all the mods of the pack.

Extra Biomes XL has the big advantage over the others in that it does go out of its way to make it compatible with other mods.
I mean compatibility with Forestry/Extra bees, for example, as well as other mods.

Better world generation also has a big, really big downside. It does need to be placed in the JAR, even when installed with Forge.
That means it needs to perfectly match the Forge version, and that it possibly conflicts with a bunch of mods that happen to use the functions replaced by the mod.

From where we stand now with mods, a mod that needs to be in the jar should really reflect on if it really needs to be that way, and what it impacts.
Even Optifine is a problem, when you don't match the correct versions, with crashes every now and then.
I really don't think I want to ever again do the old "put it in the JAR", it took me more than enough time when it was the norm, and the result was a game buggy as hell if you happened not to respect a very strict order to put your mods in.
Extra Biomes XL has the big advantage over the others in that it does go out of its way to make it compatible with other mods. I mean compatibility with Forestry/Extra bees, for example, as well as other mods.

Are you saying Biomes O Plenty has known compatability issues with those mods? I'm curious because we're considering switching to it on our new server.
I don't know for sure, but I know that XL had to specifically code the temperatures and other stuffs to be compatible.
Well, BWG does touch a lot on Mojang code, so i'd imagine that at least some problems could arise, yes. But what it offers... Really, the thread is awesome, go read it. The author is taking suggestions as well, and is being pretty bold i'd say. Now we only need to have a bigger height limit, 512 or 1024, so we can have really awesome landscapes :D - Mining would definitely be a pain though =P
These biomes-o-plenty biomes look amazing. How well does this play with Forestry and Extrabees and friends, does anyone know? I always worry about beehive generation now.

One can only imagine the awesomeness that would result from adding this and UndergroundBiomes. Too bad you lose Stone Bees when you do that.

Edit: And thus ends the new experiment of that android app. Twice now it's re-grabbed up my email signature and put it in forum posts. Like I am your grandpa.
So far I haven't done any mod testing, but in my travels I have found Beehives in the new biomes.

There is also an extra mod to add that deals with the mod comptability. It focuses on Forestry and Thaumcraft. According to the topic:
Allows Thaumcraft Aura Nodes to be generated in all biomes.
Allows Thaumcraft Silverwood and Greatwood trees to spawn in selected biomes.
Allows Thaumcraft Brainy Zombies to spawn in all biomes.
Adds Thaumcraft Aspects to new blocks and items.
Allows usage of Biomes O' Plenty saplings in Forestry Fermenter to produce Biomass.
Allows usage of Biomes O' Plenty wood, planks, slabs, stairs, leaves and saplings in different recipes of other mods.

Available here:
Thought I'd just share some of the Biomes/views in my testing world - texture pack is Misa based.

The last time i tried BOP, i would get major "chunk holes or gaps" (for lack of better description). They wouldn't load until I quit and came back in. I do like the variety offered by BOP. The Highlands Mod has some awesome biomes, but I don't think it's as compatible BOP or EBXL. Hopefully that changes soon.
those look really really good!
Thanks, currently in the "end game" reward dimension which looks great, but I've just realised that there's no way back home without a portal gun/linking book, etc, etc. Slightly evil if used in a vanilla game :D[DOUBLEPOST=1364422406][/DOUBLEPOST]
The last time i tried BOP, i would get major "chunk holes or gaps" (for lack of better description). They wouldn't load until I quit and came back in. I do like the variety offered by BOP. The Highlands Mod has some awesome biomes, but I don't think it's as compatible BOP or EBXL. Hopefully that changes soon.
I've had that once, in the 4 days I've had the mod and been flying around creative mod in a 3km radius of the start. FPS also hit zero, but cpu usage was normal. Doubt it's totally to do with BoP, but who knows?
Using FTB Ultimate modpack on top of MCPC+ with 20 or so other mods. I switched from EBXL to BoP and am enjoying it. I had to add a bunch of IDs to the Foresty backpacks and to mcMMO configs (naturally), and I worked with mikeprimm to get DynMap working with BoP. The additional biomes are interesting and I was getting bored with EBXL for some reason, probably because my worlds always had too many damn snow-covered biomes.
How do the biomes work for bees?

I mean, do they spawn the correct hives (forestry and extra bees), do they have sensible temperatures and humidity?
You need to also use the addon that will patch Thaumcraft and Forestry for the biome generation. I've started out in a Savanna, there is a marble hive near me, found a rocky hive while mining.

From flying around a test world, generation is fine.
Biomes o plenty each and every time :) It has some seriously awesome biomes. And, unlike xbxl, it doesnt just spam huge trees/snow biomes all the time. It actually adds fresh and awesome biomes that make the whole world feel new. Love it :)

As for mod compatability, ive had some problems with biomes o plenty using the "biomes o plenty" world generator and twilight forest biomes. Somehow it tries to generate those biomes in the overworld, wich it cant. I simply disabled twilight forest and fixed it that way x)
you need to edit the TF config file, and change the biome ID numbers. I just added 100 to each number