Apocalypse mod and mods like it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are there other mods like Apocalypse that generate monster invasions who will attack your house/base and make mobs more interesting/challenging?

What are some of the best ones and what do you like about them?

My wife and I have been playing Magic Farm 3 (mod list) which has Apocalypse in it (as well as Mo Creatures and possibly a few others).

We love the idea of invasions and harder, interesting mods. We dislike the frequency of blindness (which is just fun ruining) and wish there was a way to tweak it. Also, we've progressed in Apoc to beyond 70% difficulty and we're starting to get more and more invincible mobs.

Anyway, we'd love to know about some other great mods that do things like this (or mod packs) and put those on our list to play in the future.


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
Zombie Awareness is a good mod that gives mobs some smarts. It also causes mobs to be attracted by lights, a config option to have mobs take down torches they can get their hands on, and if you are injured, you will bleed, and the zombies are attracted to blood. It also further increases the zombies ability to spawn adds when injured.

Hunger Overhaul can make your food much more difficult to obtain and has a config option to insta-gib upon starvation.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You also might look into the Departed pack if you're looking for some challenging stuff with bosses, though it follows a more Terraria-style of gameplay between the massive variety of equipment, loads of separate dimensions with their own themes, and one or more bosses for each of those dimensions. On top of all that, quite a few of the mobs ignore the majority of spawning rules set by vanilla minecraft, and the starter book gives you a good idea of what to expect and plan for. Having said all that, it's too hard for me!


Too Much Free Time
Nov 9, 2012
Tartarus.. I mean at work. Same thing really.
Lycanite's mobs adds a tonne of monsters to the game- including water/lava, flying and underground so nowhere is safe unless you fortify the area.
Natura adds a few more nasties to the nether.
Infernal mobs gives monsters special abilities like trapping you in web, setting you alight or stealing health/weapons ect... (and any monster can gain infernal abilities)

Finally IquanaTweaks for vanilla (NOT the Tinkers version) has a couple of interesting options, like heavy armour, stun effects when hit, and the one I really love which drops you in a random spot on death/respawn.