Any possibility for a generic tool to migrate from one modpack to another?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Which thread? I am using mIDas Gold 0.2.5 from Is there another unofficial version or set of plugins? Any Google search for mIDas is giving awfully wrong results (Google is getting it wrong and totally wrong more and more often for me), and Minecraft mIDas gives only this link and the old original mIDas which even doesn't support patch files.
The thread I linked earlier in this thread. I am on my phone so scroll up. I converted my ultimate world to monster and do not have item crashes.


Brick Thrower
Forum Moderator
Dec 11, 2013
I see the point and I'm saying it's not worth it because of all the changes and even if he found someone to write the program, DartCraft screwed all the NBT Data over.

Regardless, if he wishes to carry the world over it shows that he's willing to put in the effort to fix whatever breaks between versions. That's dedication that I don't have, and I applaud him for wanting to bring his world to 1.6.4.


Active Member
Ok, so modded Minecraft implies restart, restart, restart, restart from scratch! Maybe 1.7 will change that, but we are not on 1.7 yet. It took me weeks to get to the point I am, because it is almost impossible for me to see items underground and to see stupid damned monsters in the Nether. Restarting on FTB Monster will just force me to restart over in a few months when a 1.7 mod pack comes it, with the better system for item identification. So I reached the conclusion that Minecraft is not a game for me. But is there any alternative crafting game I could try and that would not force me to restart over every 2-3 months?
The thread I linked earlier in this thread. I am on my phone so scroll up. I converted my ultimate world to monster and do not have item crashes.
Thanks, I just found it. I will give it a spin, hoping it will do better with my modded storage. Otherwise, I would have to pull all my modded items out into vanilla chests and remove any machine that can contain items; some items seem to convert into liquids, causing spills in the world. This is a huge mess. I hope modpacks will be more stable with the new item identification of MC 1.7.


Active Member
The modified mIDas Gold 0.3 did a bit better, at least avoiding the destroyed wall. However, the game continues to crash as soon as I right click on an iron chest or a barrel. The log refers to rendering problems. Seems I really have to discard all my modded items by reloading the map in a vanilla Minecraft, and then start from there, but I won't have any copper, tin, shards, etc.


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Active Member
This just ruins the fun of it. There's no point in redoing the same thing all over again. If the vanilla game is not open enough for modding, why mod developers fiddle with it, patch it in convoluted ways, and then let people play with that, fail and restart all over from scratch every new version? It would be better in the long run to make a new, similar but open game, designed for modding at the start. What is preventing that? Artwork? There is plenty of artwork in the mods, so mod developers are capable of crafting artwork. 3D engine? There are open source 3D engines that could be used.


Active Member
I just found out that the tool I used to align NEI dumps between the two mod packs doesn't process ingots correctly, because the information ingots is missing from item dumps. For example, tin ingots have id 20267:65, but this is not listed in old nei. New mod pack maps 20267 to invar leggings, which is of course wrong. It seems more and more that it will be shorter to reproduce the map, block by block, in creative mode, which will take me months, literally, to do. Seems we are hitting a wall with computers; it proves in practice to impose A LOT more manual work than any previous devices, while its intent was to automate!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Regardless, if he wishes to carry the world over it shows that he's willing to put in the effort to fix whatever breaks between versions. That's dedication that I don't have, and I applaud him for wanting to bring his world to 1.6.4.
What I am more or less saying now is DartCraft pretty much killed all the world's NBT Data so it is what I would call impossible to convert becasue you end up getying world full of asthetic blocks with complex NBT Datas.


Active Member
So every step forward leads to other problems. Vanilla Minecraft has no problem with a map evolving from major versions to major versions. The fact that mods break this should be made clear when downloading any FTB mod pack. If I knew that, I would have hesitated before entering into the world of mods. Most mods require some resources and an infrastructure to play with them. If every upgrade requires starting from scratch, there is little point in having complex mods because you spend all the time building the infrastructure (power supply, sorting system, ae network, taumcraft research), and end up finding out you lack a resource to play with bees, to craft some magic item, etc., and have to restart from scratch again to use the upgraded mod pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So every step forward leads to other problems. Vanilla Minecraft has no problem with a map evolving from major versions to major versions. The fact that mods break this should be made clear when downloading any FTB mod pack. If I knew that, I would have hesitated before entering into the world of mods. Most mods require some resources and an infrastructure to play with them. If every upgrade requires starting from scratch, there is little point in having complex mods because you spend all the time building the infrastructure (power supply, sorting system, ae network, taumcraft research), and end up finding out you lack a resource to play with bees, to craft some magic item, etc., and have to restart from scratch again to use the upgraded mod pack.
But aslong as the identification system stays the same this should not happen ever again, just maybe with a few things that will more than likley have something to fix them.[DOUBLEPOST=1396180785][/DOUBLEPOST]And the reason mod makers make their mods if you have to restart every time because people like restarting building a new base and redoing everything. Most People fail to get past early game because they think to much about late game and how boring early game is and they fail to build infrastructure rush and don't have fun.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You need to convert your bad items to stone. Put sample items into different chests then find which ones crash you. When you have your list, convert them to stone. Basically send bad item ids to -> 1:0 to prevent crashes. The only items I have found like this ars from thaumcraft.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
But tbh, I agree with the previous points stating that you should just start a new world. I realize that you want to transfer over everything that you have, and that the early game is tedious, but a problem will inevitably show up if you try and transfer a world over versions like this. If you really want to keep everything you have, the best thing to do would be to go in creative and give yourself everything you have.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well you could spend days, even weeks toiling to get the old ids to match up with the new. Spend days more trying to get weird quirks in new mods to work. Spend another few days tweaking configs to match up to your old expectations for how mods work.

OR you could spend a week rebuilding from scratch in a new world having fun that whole time. I make my own custom packs for my private server. I ALWAYS do a world reset between major updates. Just not worth the time/effort/frustration. Even when it can be done, its not really what you wanted in the end.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It depends a lot on the mods you have picked and how many you have. A pure BuildCraft world has a much larger chance of transitioning smoothly to new versions than a massive pack with a hundred mods. The more you have the more problems you'll get.

My world is currently only Forestry, RailCraft and BuildCraft. I expect a lot of trouble going up to version 1.7.x, but I it should be doable. SpaceToad is working on the migration code for BuildCraft, but it is currently on hold because of a bug in Forge.

Less is more.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is gonna be a really radical suggestion, but you could always... not update.

Seriously, there is nothing forcing you to update if you'd rather not restart. You can play Ultimate or whatever for as long as you want.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is gonna be a really radical suggestion, but you could always... not update.

Seriously, there is nothing forcing you to update if you'd rather not restart. You can play Ultimate or whatever for as long as you want.

The thing forcing them to update is the fact that they want to play with the fancy new toys :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The thing forcing them to update is the fact that they want to play with the fancy new toys :)
You could just shut yourself in your room, mind only your own business, don't watch youtube and twitter or forums and be happy. This way you wouldn't know about any fancy tools :D
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You could just shut yourself in your room, mind only your own business, don't watch youtube and twitter or forums and be happy. This way you wouldn't know about any fancy tools :D

That sounds absolutely thrilling! lol


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So every step forward leads to other problems. Vanilla Minecraft has no problem with a map evolving from major versions to major versions. The fact that mods break this should be made clear when downloading any FTB mod pack. If I knew that, I would have hesitated before entering into the world of mods. Most mods require some resources and an infrastructure to play with them. If every upgrade requires starting from scratch, there is little point in having complex mods because you spend all the time building the infrastructure (power supply, sorting system, ae network, taumcraft research), and end up finding out you lack a resource to play with bees, to craft some magic item, etc., and have to restart from scratch again to use the upgraded mod pack.

Well, that is because it is Vanilla MC to Vanilla MC and not between two completely different ModPacks with completely other configs and mods -.-
If you want to minimize the restart from scratch stay in the same pack besides that don't use packs that are in a beta state but stable ones.
Or simply build your own pack and configuration. It really isn't that much of work. Sheesh

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