[1.7.10] TerraFirmaPunk 2.0 - TerraFirmaCraft & SteamPunk Adventures

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Just so you are aware, after looking at recipes in NEI for about an hour, it seems the Thermionic Fabricator requires components that you can't get without the Thermionic Fabricator. There are two recipes for it: one that uses an Auto-Crafting Table which uses a Brass Piston which uses a Pressure Gauge which you need the Thermionic Fabricator for and one that uses a Chiseled Quartz multi-block structure piece which uses those Tubes that are used for forestry machine upgrades which, once again, you need the Thermionic Fabricator for. Do you need to use the quest book to get past this and/or do you plan to change it?
just have to share my frustration atm... *cry*... i just had a crash in single player that wiped my player data. and silly me, i hadn't noticed that backups had been defaulted to off with the last update.

i was sitting there clicking on my clockwork engine working away at getting a centrifuge... and things kept slowing down... getting laggyer and laggyer... and i figured i had left my game running too long and was having the typical java memory issues that could be solved by restart. but, i was midway on that centrifuge, and didn't want the progress to be reset, since i'd heard that could happen.... so i kept trying to hold out as it got slower and slower... until i finally decided it would be faster to start over than keep going with how slow it was. so i tried to shut down. and it crashed while shutting down... and when i got the client back up, i was at spawn naked with no skills or anything :( /sigh.... time to rebuild. that really hurts. i'd had a lot of components and good gear on my person.

not sure why this happened... but i know you all can feel my pain at the loss of master skill in half my skills and a full set of steel (just plain steel, but still) gear and tools.

going to get some chocolate and have a pout at the forge for a bit :P
Just so you are aware, after looking at recipes in NEI for about an hour, it seems the Thermionic Fabricator requires components that you can't get without the Thermionic Fabricator. There are two recipes for it: one that uses an Auto-Crafting Table which uses a Brass Piston which uses a Pressure Gauge which you need the Thermionic Fabricator for and one that uses a Chiseled Quartz multi-block structure piece which uses those Tubes that are used for forestry machine upgrades which, once again, you need the Thermionic Fabricator for. Do you need to use the quest book to get past this and/or do you plan to change it?

you can get tons of the brass pistons as drops from mobs. zombies... the pigmen pirates on the airships... minotaurs... lots of different mobs all drop them.
OneWolfe, i just got my first carpenter up and running... but it's a ways till i can manage a separate carpenter per fluid, so i was going to make some pipettes to transfer in and out like usual forestry. and that's when i noticed you hadn't rewritten the pipette recipe yet. it calls for vanilla wool. i am guessing you aren't familiar with the pipettes... but i really rely on them with forestry in the beginning to make fluid transfer easy. i was hoping i could put this recipe on your radar for future adjustment when you have the time. :)

You could make a 2nd Carpenter for another liquid, or make a "Liquid Drainer" which can handle 100mb.

If you make a "Liquid Drainer", I would suggest making 2. One for water and the other for Seed Oil. And the water one would be your general use one because you can empty it by putting it in the crafting table by itself.

Personally, I would aim for 2 Carpenters and 2 Liquid Drainers. The extra Carpenters because it just crafts... so... freakin.... slow. And if you log off, or leave the chunk and come back, the progress resets.

Can someone help with the "Unforgotten Mysteries" Quest. It is not accepting the barrel whether it has 10,000mb or 1,000mb. Anything to fix that?

I haven't been able to make it detect either or "Darker Mysteries"

I used "/hqm edit" to get the "cheat" book to pass those 2 questlines after I spent 30 minutes trying to make it detect it with different barrels and liquid quantities.

Just so you are aware, after looking at recipes in NEI for about an hour, it seems the Thermionic Fabricator requires components that you can't get without the Thermionic Fabricator. There are two recipes for it: one that uses an Auto-Crafting Table which uses a Brass Piston which uses a Pressure Gauge which you need the Thermionic Fabricator for and one that uses a Chiseled Quartz multi-block structure piece which uses those Tubes that are used for forestry machine upgrades which, once again, you need the Thermionic Fabricator for. Do you need to use the quest book to get past this and/or do you plan to change it?

Brass Piston you get by killing a bunch of Zombie Pigmen located in those flying pirate ships. Steam Hammer I found by exploring the smaller houses that also has the anvils (grab those as well).

You can also melt down the brass pistons for brass sheets.

Here's a mob farm guide from Beavelguy -

just have to share my frustration atm... *cry*... i just had a crash in single player that wiped my player data. and silly me, i hadn't noticed that backups had been defaulted to off with the last update.

:( That sucks. I've lost so many worlds that I do a manual backup (copy the save folder). I generally make a copy right before I first play in the day. Depending on what I'm doing, I might close and make another copy. If I know I'm going to leave it on for a long time because of Carpenter, I make another backup right before I start.

Sucks, but I don't trust those automatic backups, I leave them on, but I do my own... just in case... I just hate restarting sometimes.
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First, I love this pack's theme and the harder aspects of it. However, some things - such as Kaolinite and Graphite generation still leave something to be desired. I'm not advocating making it entirely "easy mode", but fire clay should not be preventing me from progressing in a world so badly that I have to make a new one. Perhaps a repeatable quest for a small amount of it related to blacksmithing? Maybe make use of the "useless" minerals/ores such as Gypsum and Lead which seem to be more common but that way the repeat quest turn in timer limits the progression.
You could make a 2nd Carpenter for another liquid, or make a "Liquid Drainer" which can handle 100mb.

If you make a "Liquid Drainer", I would suggest making 2. One for water and the other for Seed Oil. And the water one would be your general use one because you can empty it by putting it in the crafting table by itself.

Personally, I would aim for 2 Carpenters and 2 Liquid Drainers. The extra Carpenters because it just crafts... so... freakin.... slow. And if you log off, or leave the chunk and come back, the progress resets.


oh, i plan to eventually make one carpenter for every fluid type. usually i end up making 3 - for water, seed oil and honey... but need more in this pack because of added liquids... but that is eventually. for early game, i can only afford to make the one to get me started. and i'm aware of the fluid drainer ... and other options... but pipettes are a part of forestry itself and designed specifically for this. it's just that they missed the recipe rewritting party and aren't available. so i was just letting onewolfe know in case he had time and it got looked at. because pipettes are by design made to transfer very small amounts of liquids (partial buckets) for low cost between forestry machines when there isn't enough to fill a canister or bucket or other receptical and you don't want something hard to make lost... like seed oil early game.

just because i know what i "could" (and mos likely will) do, doesn't mean i don't want to let them know about something that got overlooked in pack design just in case. i know it is small and can be worked around... that's why i said i just wanted to put in on their radar... i wasn't saying it was game breaking or vital for immediate attention. personally, i think the liquid drainer is too op for how cheap it is... and pipettes feel a lot more realistic to me... but it's just a minor thing, so oh well.
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First, I love this pack's theme and the harder aspects of it. However, some things - such as Kaolinite and Graphite generation still leave something to be desired. I'm not advocating making it entirely "easy mode", but fire clay should not be preventing me from progressing in a world so badly that I have to make a new one. Perhaps a repeatable quest for a small amount of it related to blacksmithing? Maybe make use of the "useless" minerals/ores such as Gypsum and Lead which seem to be more common but that way the repeat quest turn in timer limits the progression.

fire clay is a progression gate in terafirmacraft itself (the base mod) and hasn't been altered in this modpack. since this is a modpack built on top of terafirmacraft, it makes sense that is wouldn't alter the base game much... just add to it for further progression.. so i doubt that a quest like that will be added. in terafirmacraft, it's not unusual for those minerals to keep you gated for quite some time and to have to search 10,000+ blocks out to find the right stone biome to acquire them. that is just the way with terafirmacraft itself. nickle (garnierite) is another gate like that farther along the base terafirmacraft tech line to the higher steel levels.

that said, Onewolfe and crew did add an other option for finding these minerals in terafirmapunk if you are really really super stuck and don't mind a bit of grind.... the ex nihilio sieve. with gravel in the sieve, you have a small chance of dropping both graphite and kaolinite. check nei, since the drops from each type of rock gravel are different and you might have a better chance at the one you are stuck with in a different gravel... but be prepared for a grind. personally, i just say check the tfc wiki for the stone types needed for your mineral and go exploring and prospecting. enjoy the slow progression.... it's what tfc is. this is just tfc, now with 100% more steam power! :D
Its easy enough to just remove those blocks from the ruins schematic models. Any previously spawned ruins will still the issues tho :p
You should remove all of them. We had a TPS issue post-launch, which I profiled to be caused by the remaining Steamcraft blocks.

They don't cope well with being unloaded.
fire clay is a progression gate in terafirmacraft itself (the base mod) and hasn't been altered in this modpack. since this is a modpack built on top of terafirmacraft, it makes sense that is wouldn't alter the base game much... just add to it for further progression.. so i doubt that a quest like that will be added. in terafirmacraft, it's not unusual for those minerals to keep you gated for quite some time and to have to search 10,000+ blocks out to find the right stone biome to acquire them. that is just the way with terafirmacraft itself. nickle (garnierite) is another gate like that farther along the base terafirmacraft tech line to the higher steel levels.

that said, Onewolfe and crew did add an other option for finding these minerals in terafirmapunk if you are really really super stuck and don't mind a bit of grind.... the ex nihilio sieve. with gravel in the sieve, you have a small chance of dropping both graphite and kaolinite. check nei, since the drops from each type of rock gravel are different and you might have a better chance at the one you are stuck with in a different gravel... but be prepared for a grind. personally, i just say check the tfc wiki for the stone types needed for your mineral and go exploring and prospecting. enjoy the slow progression.... it's what tfc is. this is just tfc, now with 100% more steam power! :D

There's slow and then there's non-existent. I've spawned in worlds with none of the requisite rock types for graphite within 20,000+ blocks of spawn. I still think there should be a slowly repeatable quest for it related to something typically "useless" like Lead. Have it set to monthly or something and use a stack of ingots if necessary, but just having another way to get it when it doesn't seem to exist in some worlds would be reasonable.

Or, having read a bit about real fire clay, perhaps an extra mod to make it rarely spawn at depth without the need to craft it from graphite and kaolinite? Some flint type fire clays are mined at depth IRL. Have it set to spawn only in certain rock types like everything else but maybe in such a way that it would only be found in the absence of graphite and kaolinite.

On another subject, many items related to the steampunk aspect of this pack literally have no interaction with TFC at all. You can't use steam drills, axes or shovels properly on TFC materials. Most of the mod added items like Brass axes and such are not compatible damage wise with TFC mobs and armors. I really hope this gets addressed somehow. I've also noticed a lot of mob and chest drops that still have vanilla items with no use or that shouldn't be available.

I actually haven't tested yet because of being sidetracked with the whole fire clay gate issue; do the Steam Heaters from Flaxbeard's work with TFC brick ovens?
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this mod pack looks very interesting but the problem is i just dont know how to install it like i tried searching for it in the curse thing because ther is no more ftblauncher and i also tried going to the websitei just dont know how to download it anyone can tell me EXACTLY STEP BY STEP how can i get this pack? (btw sorry for my English because its not my first language ty)
  1. Go to the FTB site: http://www.feed-the-beast.com/
  2. Locate the "Download Now" button. Do not click it.
  3. Look underneath that button. There's a View All Downloads link. Do not click it.
  4. Underneath that button, there are links to the legacy client for Linux, Mac, and Windows operating systems. Click on the one that pertains to you. Install it.
  5. Once it's installed, set up your Minecraft profile so the client can log you on.
  6. Once you're done with that, click on the 3rd Party Packs tab.
  7. Click on the "Pack Codes" button.
  8. Type in "terrafirmapunk" without the quotes.
  9. Click the Add button.
  10. The pack should now be listed. Click on it and launch; it'll download and go from there.
P.S: Your English is fine, but you might want to use periods to break your sentences up. Makes it read much easier... incidentally, that's why I used a list above.
hello all played, is any one interested to play with me. i have setup a server for terrafirmapunk 2.0.x
Is there any plans on expanding Bees, like adding Extra Bees?

Might also be good to add Chicken Chunks (since Chicken Core is already in the pack).
This would be helpful in keeping the Carpenter's progress going and not resetting when leaving the chunk.
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Hi everybody,

has anyone successfully built immersive engineering´s blast furnace or improved blast furnace?

Both seem to be broken to me - the crude blast furnace does not seem to form when right-clicked with the immersive hammer and once you put items into it, those become invisible and the furnace won´t burn
The improved blast furnace has (after being formed with the hammer) - in my world - triple it´s graphics (like 3 improved blast furnaces right next to each other) with some blocks underneath it too. Interface problems the same as with the crude blast furnace.

The Graphics is not exactly tripled, it´s way bigger all around with 3 in- and outputs

After having built those 27 reinforced blast bricks and wanting to put them to use i tested the arc furnace in creative. This one seems to work (on a first test) except that it sends me back to desktop when i click the "recipes" button in the GUI
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Ok, got a new addition to the mob farm pool... string farm! The spider kind, and I also made a video showing how to get the Ex Nihilo silkworm version working (I think a few people were having issues a while back?)

The playlist for the tutorial series can be found here... or individually:

Single Submarine Spawner
Airship Double Pigman Spawner
Giant Miner Spawner
Swarm Spider String Farm
Ex Nihilo Silkworm String Farm

If there are any mobs you'd like a farm for let me know, I'm enjoying designing these things ;)
For those having trouble with graphite, the (really) slow & steady way is to build an ex nihilo hammer (from iron), then use it to smash up the marble that you can find fairly commonly in the moai heads. This entails dig + combine (into cobble + place + smash (with hammer), and then pumping it through the (EN) sieve. We used this to make our first crucible, and whilst my current plan is to explore more for the rock types I might just end up excavating a few more ^^' (luckily my first magnetite find also coincided with kaloinite so I grabbed that on the way down).

So it's already got a little boost on just tfc... (though the hammer dig speed... I can't handle it. :P )
Is there a list of animals that DON'T respawn if killed? I found a few Pheasants and didn't know if I could kill them and they respawn or if I need to leave a pair to make new ones.
I found that HQM has severe performance issues with more than 1-2 players on a server, to the point that lag makes the game nearly unplayable. This happens without TPS going down, but can be readily spotted as block lag. So I removed it from my server, but will be looking into the code to see if I can fix it; I've more or less tracked the problem down already.

Just a heads-up.