fire clay is a progression gate in terafirmacraft itself (the base mod) and hasn't been altered in this modpack. since this is a modpack built on top of terafirmacraft, it makes sense that is wouldn't alter the base game much... just add to it for further progression.. so i doubt that a quest like that will be added. in terafirmacraft, it's not unusual for those minerals to keep you gated for quite some time and to have to search 10,000+ blocks out to find the right stone biome to acquire them. that is just the way with terafirmacraft itself. nickle (garnierite) is another gate like that farther along the base terafirmacraft tech line to the higher steel levels.
that said, Onewolfe and crew did add an other option for finding these minerals in terafirmapunk if you are really really super stuck and don't mind a bit of grind.... the ex nihilio sieve. with gravel in the sieve, you have a small chance of dropping both graphite and kaolinite. check nei, since the drops from each type of rock gravel are different and you might have a better chance at the one you are stuck with in a different gravel... but be prepared for a grind. personally, i just say check the tfc wiki for the stone types needed for your mineral and go exploring and prospecting. enjoy the slow progression.... it's what tfc is. this is just tfc, now with 100% more steam power!