[1.7.10] Brave New Worlds

Jul 29, 2019

Welcome to Brave New Worlds, an exploration-based modpack for 1.7.10. Set up a fantastic base to mount expeditions from. Become a master botanist, and wield the power of mana. Create wondrous crystalline constructs by mastering the intricacies of Lumen. Travel to different dimensions and bring back trophies of your exploits. Or even master the lost arts of the D'ni and create new dimensions for yourself. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

This pack contains Fastcraft, by Player, enabled by default. Fastcraft enhances Minecraft with increased performance. Bug reports being made directly to Mod Authors should state Fastcraft is enabled.

Brave New Worlds is available on the FTB launcher with the pack code BraveNewWorlds

Mod List and Credits:
AOBD 2 - ganymedes01
AppleCore - squeek502
Aroma1997Core - Aroma1997
Aroma1997's Dimensional World - Aroma1997
Better Chests - Aroma1997
Baubles - Azanor
Better Title Screen - Girafi, amadornes
Bibliocraft - Nuchaz
Bibiliowoods ExtraBiomesXL - Nuchaz
Bibliowoods Natura - Nuchaz
Botania - Vazkii
bspkrsCore - bspkrs
Starting Inventory - bspkrs
ArmorStatusHUD - bspkrs
Treecapitator - bspkrs
WorldStateCheckpoints - bspkrs
Carpenter's Blocks - Mineshopper
Chisel 2 - AUTOMATIC_MAIDEN, Pokefenn, TheCricket26
CodeChickenCore - chicken_bones
EnderStorage - chicken_bones
NotEnoughItems - chicken_bones
CoFHCore - Team CoFH
Nether Ores - Team CoFH
Colourful Portals - Tmtravlr
Custom Chest Loot - Father Toast
DragonAPI - Reika
ChromatiCraft - Reika
GeoStrata - Reika
Enchiridion - joshie
ExtraBiomesXL - Allaryin, ScottKillen
Fastcraft - Player
FogNerf - PortableJim
Gany's End - ganymedes01, KingPurpleRaptor
Gany's Nether - ganymedes01, KingPurpleRaptor
Infernal Mobs - AtomicStryker
INpureCore - denoflionsx
Inventory Tweaks - Kobata
IronChests - cpw
IvToolkit - Ivorius
JABBA - ProfMobius
Magical Crops - Mark719
Mantle - mDiyo, ProgWML6, boni
MineTweaker - StanH
ModTweaker - joshie
Mystcraft - XCompWiz
Natura - mDiyo, ProgWML6
Pam's Clay Spawn - MatrexsVigil, Rhodox
Pam's Get All The Seeds - MatrexsVigil, Rhodox
Pam's Harvestcraft - MatrexsVigil, Rhodox
Recurrent Complex - Ivorius
Roguelike Dungeons - Greymerk
Ruins - AtomicStryker
Small Boats - Awger
Storage Drawers - jaquadro
The Erebus - Dylan4ever, chylex, ganymedes01, Vadis365, TheCricket26
The Twilight Forest - Benimatic
WAILA - ProfMobius
WAILA Harvestability - squeek502
Xaero's Minimap - xaero96
Yet Another Leather Smelting Mod - AiryBreath
Zyin's HUD - Zyin055

Issue Tracker And Archive:
For those who prefer a manual installation, Brave New Worlds is also on GitHub. Each release archive contains an up-to-date mod list and all of the necessary config and script files.

This is also home to the issue tracker. Please submit all errors and crash reports there, using the format below:

Operating System: [Your Operating System]
Minecraft: [Your Minecraft Version]
Forge: [Your Forge Version]
Pack Version: [Your Version of Brave New Worlds]
Description: Put a brief description of the crash or error here. Note any relevant attached images.
Crash Report: Put a link to a pastebin or gist archive of the crash report. This can obviously be omitted if there is no crash report.

NOTICE: Under the terms and conditions of multiple mods (and just as a courtesy to the developers), please do not send any crash reports directly to the mod authors. Send them to me first, and if I can't resolve the issue on my own I will go to the developers directly.

-Added 2 new ruins
-Updated Botania, ChromatiCraft, DragonAPI, GeoStrata, and WAILA

-Removed Thaumcraft and all addons
-Added Botania

-Initial release

Credits and Thanks:
Novaskin, for their wallpapers under Creative Commons-BY-NC-SA
Reika, AtomicStryker, and XCompWiz, for being nice enough to give me permission to use their mods
My girlfriend Liz, for being patient with me as this pack suffered through three months of development hell
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Add Blood Magic & Thaumcraft, please!
I'm looking for a modpack that includes magic and reika´s mods, and this may be one of them.
Jul 29, 2019
Add Blood Magic & Thaumcraft, please!
I'm looking for a modpack that includes magic and reika´s mods, and this may be one of them.
I could possibly add Blood Magic (god knows this pack needs updating), but I probably won't add Thaumcraft. This is nothing against Thaumcraft at all, but my JamPacked 2 entry is based around Botania, Witchery, Thaumcraft, and Blood Magic, and I don't want to turn this pack into Song of the Earth 2.0.