[1.6.4] Material Energy^3 [JamPacked] [HQM] [CTM] [Beta]

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Thanks for this chart link! Massively useful for Metallurgy. The progression they gave on the other link was good for "Normal" play but when this map hands things like Vyroxeres to you so happily, it's good to know what I can skip. http://i.imgur.com/aRy8Q.png
How about that. I can't hand in Curative Mead for the "Atidotes" quest. Has anyone completed it? How?
So I was playing the modpack quite often till I found this problem: The spatial storage system (the 128 one) is pretty bugged for me.... I don't know if I am doing sth wrong but for example after some uses the inclusion chamber doesn't load and if it loads (quite random) it loads the biosphere.....sometimes after I used the miner's delight every spatial storage disc I put loads the miner's delight except one biosphere one that loads the biosphere like normal....... Also it's not a power problem (got that enderganerator form the reward bags) and I am really in a pickle because I don't really like deleting worlds after them being broken cause of the spatial storage system... Any suggestions??
So I was playing the modpack quite often till I found this problem: The spatial storage system (the 128 one) is pretty bugged for me.... I don't know if I am doing sth wrong but for example after some uses the inclusion chamber doesn't load and if it loads (quite random) it loads the biosphere.....sometimes after I used the miner's delight every spatial storage disc I put loads the miner's delight except one biosphere one that loads the biosphere like normal....... Also it's not a power problem (got that enderganerator form the reward bags) and I am really in a pickle because I don't really like deleting worlds after them being broken cause of the spatial storage system... Any suggestions??

You must unload the spatial storage system before loading a new one. For example, if you started out with no systems loaded and you put in let's say the Biosphere storage module by putting it in the left side of the Spatial IO Port and hitting the button (this moves the Biosphere module to the right side of the Spatial IO Port). Now you decide you want to load the Inclusion Chamber. You must first put the Biosphere back into the left side of the Spatial IO Port and hit the button (again this moves the Biosphere from the left to the right side of the Spatial IO Port) and "unloads" the Biosphere. If you don't do this step it is going to mess up your Biosphere module when you put in the next module. Once the Biosphere is unloaded you can load the Inclusion Chamber.

I have been playing the pack for some time (just got my last 2 chambers last night and killed the Ender Dragon) and I have never had any issues with the Spatial Storage system.
In version 1.4.5 of this modpack, there seems to be a bug with the spatial storage system. When I updated from 1.4.4 to 1.4.5, all of the spatial storage drives have emptied themselves of no accord. Even when I get more from the quest, they still remain empty.[DOUBLEPOST=1413650431][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, can you give me any hints as to where the Zombie, Witch, Cave Spider, and Squid trophies are? I've checked every nook and cranny of the main base, and the tops of all the buildings.
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You may want to add to the rules to not take apart the spatial storage area on the 3rd floor/any spatial storage area. Not knowing enough about AE, I assumed I could enlarge the storage area on the 3rd floor to a 16^3 configuration because the storage discs stated they could hold up to that much, and I hoped to utilize the additional space to make larger farms, animal enclosures, and golem storage. I assumed it would anchor the dimension either on one of the corners, borders, or centerpoint of the pylons, but that is not the case. It appears that spatial storage discs made in a specifically sized pylon array will only work in the size array in which they are made, either due to the way the chunk boundaries/dimension boundaries are encoded in minecraft, or due to AE1 itself. So I effectively broke the 3rd floor and now have to rebuild it back to the 8x8x11 configuration so all of the "story" 16^3 discs will work. The main two are encased in bedrock and can't be expanded/taken apart as easily.

TL;DR: Learn from my mistake.
Minechem's recipes still seem to need severe balancing. Eg. Keratin. You get 1 keratin from 2 leather on average, but that 1 keratin can be converted into 5 leather.
I didn't check the behavior in the latest version of MineChem but feel free to report this. Melons are (totally) broken as well but have been fixed (issue #86). The Water Bucket is another broken recipe that comes to mind.

Meanwhile, I decided to not use these recipes.
List of some Carpenter Storage Blocks
X Y Z Items
-532 100 956 R-38 (Spatial Storage 128 x 128 x 128)
-500 7 1013 Reward Bag (Greater), Bag of coins, Reward Bag (Greater)
-484 36 1028 Trophy (Mooshroom), Burnt Quartz (x32)
-479 2 100 Unstable Ingot (Creative Spawned - Stable), Monster Spawner (SnowMan), Unstable Ingot (Creative Spawned - Stable)
-464 49 1038 Trophy (Cow), Ender-Lily Seeds
-457 58 1030 Trophy (Slime)
-457 35 1038 Marble Pillar, Golden Lasso (Mini Me: Rajecent), Golden Lasso (Mini Me: sneeria), Marble Pillar
-453 48 1040 Reward Bag (Basic), Glowstone (x64), Reward Bag (Basic)
-453 36 1043 Trophy (Spider), Reward Bag (Basic)
-451 59 1046 Trophy (Magma Cube)
-449 57 1029 Trophy (Ghast), Golden Lasso (Mini Me: jakimfett), Golden Lasso (Mini Me: pixlepix)
-444 57 1021 Golden Lasso (Mini Me: MeatyLock)
-443 51 1045 Trophy (Wolf)
-439 29 1044 HoloInventory Hunt (Spatial Storage 16 x 16 x 16)
-438 66 1026 Golden Lasso (Mini Me: Sevadus)
-438 60 1036 Pillar Quartz Block, Reward Bag (Basic), Trophy (Chicken), Entropy Accelerator(Energy: 0k/200k)
-438 3 1062 Trophy (Cat/Ocelot), ME 1k Storage(35 of 1024 Bytes used,4 of 63 Types)(Coins (x8), Redstone Conductance Coil (x3), Redstone Reception Coil (x9), Redstone Transmission Coil (x2))
-438 2 1068 What time is it? (Spatial Storage 16 x 16 x 16)
-435 57 1020 Trophy (Enderman)
-434 50 1020 Trophy (Iron Golem)
-429 65 1021 Golden Lasso (Mini Me: slowpoke101)
-429 43 1029 Pink (Spatial Storage 16 x 16 x 16),Reward Bag (Basic)
-429 74 1031 Trophy (Bat), Reward Bag (Good)
-429 37 1047 Reward Bag (Basic), Obsidian (Spatial Storage 16 x 16 x 16)
-429 52 1048 Trophy (Blaze), Reward Bag (Basic)
-429 47 1053 ME 1k Storage(66 of 1024 Bytes Used,7 of 63 Types)(Energy Cell (100%) (x17), Fusion Wall (x15), Hardened Energy Cell (2000k/2000k RF), Redstone Repeater (x11), Solar Generator (x3), Tungsten Plating (x16), Uranium (x13) ), Trophy (Sheep)
-428 67 994 Trophy (Zombie Pigman)
-428 64 1019 Trophy (Pig)
-428 57 1044 Trophy (Silverfish), Reward Bag (Basic)
-427 57 1028 Reward Bag (Basic)
-426 57 1051 Golden Lasso (Mini Me: Wyld)
-423 29 1034 Monster Spawner (Bat), Crayon Glass (Color: ABABAB(Gray)) ,Magic Crayon (Uses:10, Color: ABABAB(Gray))
-416 57 1049 Trophy (Squid)
-413 64 1044 Reward Bag (Basic)
-410 50 1022 Trophy (Snow Golem/Snowman/Snow man)
-407 54 1035 Trophy (Villager)
-406 60 1025 (Nothing)
-405 57 1039 Trophy (Cave Spider)
-399 39 1036 Trophy (Creeper), Cloud in a bottle, Cloud in a bottle, Cloud in a bottle
-396 4 1066 Ender-Lily Seeds (x4), Trophy (Skeleton)
-387 37 1027 Trophy (Zombie)
-379 37 1034 Lime Drone (x14), Cyan Princess,Yellow Princess, Light Gray Princess, Gray Princess (All princesses are prestine)
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If anyone's looking for easily expandable, free energy that require no maintenance, try an automatic cactus farm (cactus pops off the top if a block is next to that space, easily collectible by vacuum hoppers) feeding a decomposer, feeding a synthesis machine which makes melon slices which feed culinary generators. You also get a byproduct which can be decomposed into a ton of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, as well as a little bit of nitrogen.

I like the packaged dripping comb quest for money. Dripping combs are easy to get in mass quantity since you can buy common bees to breed up to majestic. The only limiting factors are the cooldown and manual interaction required. It's probably possible to automate assigning the quest to the QDS via an Autonomous Activator, but collecting the reward automatically is probably impossible.
So I got this reward, and I'm not sure what to do with it. http://i.imgur.com/KO2Ozx4.png

I haven't been able to remove/transfer the enchants, and I'm not familiar enough with MineChem to know if you can remove/transfer the coatings.

Any reason to hang on to it?
I'm having some trouble building a fusion reactor. I've placed the blueprint in the blueprint projector, and filled in the ghost blocks - the same way as the fission reactor, which worked fine.

After all the ghost blocks are filled in (on every layer) the projector glitches out. Right-clicking on it does nothing (instead of showing the GUI). If broken it drops the projector, but not the blueprint. If it receives a block update, it turns invisible. Right-clicking the reactor does nothing (instead of showing the reactor's GUI).

Has anyone else seen this issue and found a workaround?

This bug report seems to be the same issue, but for 1.7.

Relogging un-glitches the projector (but the blueprint is still destroyed) but the reactor is still not marked as completed.
Have you tried right-clicking the top of the reactor ?
I have the same problem (destroyed blueprint and can't right click on the side of the reactor) but it seems that the top of the reactor (the blocks that are different) works.
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Have you tried right-clicking the top of the reactor ?
I have the same problem (destroyed blueprint and can't right click on the side of the reactor) but it seems that the top of the reactor (the blocks that are different).

That worked.

... why is this not mentioned in the quest? Especially since there's no "Fusion Guide" book.[DOUBLEPOST=1413957421][/DOUBLEPOST]Extracting from the fusion reactor with itemducts crashes the game. Is there a way to automatically access it?

... and is there a way to recover from this crash? It reset the chunk containing the fusion reactor, and also deleted level.dat, so probably not. It also crashes every time I load the world, even with that setting that deletes crashing tile entities. Goodbye, ME3.
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(Two things, a PAINFUL bug and an impossible quest [maybe])
Ok, I understand that work on this modpack is officially completed, but I think it is worth noting that one of the quests has no foreseeable solution. That being said, I've looked at the last five pages on this post, and have not seen mention of this, so I have more than likely missed something.

---The quest Stabilization Core under Left Alone requires the player get literally on top of the nether world, but the entire thing is roofed in a solid layer of bedrock. even through creatively breaking through the ceiling and flying around for a bit, I see no way to reach that chest of somewhat cool stuff. What did I overlook? Was there a carpenter's trapdoor somewhere? Did my portal not spawn correctly?

Speaking of the portal not spawning correctly:
---When I made my Nether portal, I built it in the mini spatial slot in the room with the victory monument, planning to remove the portal quickly after returning to keep the Pigmen from overwhelming me in my construction (though I wasn't sure if they could spawn under the Magnum Torch's influence). Walking through it, the Nether-side Nether portal spawned floored by lava and swarming with Ghasts (with not one spider in sight), so I started bridging to the nearby wall, preparing to tunnel quickly for safety. A torrent of fireballs later, and I was on fire and warping back to the overworld.
They said the Nether was more dangerous; I have no problem with that. The Bug was that I walked out of a newly spawned portal more than 500 blocks away from the one I built, so I was literally in the middle of nowhere when I burned to death. (Also, it's worth noting that the obsidian on the bottom of the portal replaced the four bedrock blocks when it spawned.) It was easy enough to get back there (though it took a few minutes), but that can't have been on purpose. Am I the only one with this problem? Am I the only one to go to the Nether at all?

[EDIT - sorry, changing typos :/]

There's a way to glitch yourself up, but getting back either bring enough obsidian to make another portal, or put all your stuff in a bag of holding with reincarnating and killyourself. I couldnt figure out how to glitch myself back down, it may be possible. Or there may be a totally different way to get up there.

The nether portal is by design, i just took a fire resistance potion before i went through and swam to an area of land and built another portal. And yes its by design to take you far away from your base when you come back to the overworld. Either remember your coordinates or make waypoints.

Hope this helps.
Going back home was very easy (see the quest in first page that shows you the base): it show's you the coordinates of the main base.
There's a way to glitch yourself up, but getting back either bring enough obsidian to make another portal, or put all your stuff in a bag of holding with reincarnating and killyourself. I couldnt figure out how to glitch myself back down, it may be possible. Or there may be a totally different way to get up there.
Ok, so you don't know how to get down at all, but how do I get up there in the first place? You said you knew a glitch, but is that even an Actual Solution? I don't think a glitch can count for a map with solid objectives.
If I remember correctly the quest that lead you there gave you back some obsidian and a flint and steel (maybe for a new portal). So maybe it is the actual solution for the quest.