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  1. J

    FTB Ultimate v1.0.1 Skyblock (40 % updated)

    Nice. Btw you can transmute cobblestone into flint, flint into clay, clay into clay blocks and then clay blocks into iron. quick tip
  2. J

    Way too much aura & flux. What do?

    Grow silverwood trees REALLY close together. Each silverwood tree will spawn a node (small, medium or large). When they are really close, they'll merge and create a larger node. Which will increase the aura but also increase the aura regen rate. You should always do magic in a forest because of...
  3. J

    Redstone energy cell - best way to charge?

    You can make 12 electrical engines hooked up to thermal generators which will run on lava (get an auto lava pump station from the nether) and put in a large cirvuit board with 3 bronze electron tubes to increase the output to 16MJ/pt. They that way if you hook up 12 electrical engines you can...