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  1. J

    Windows .exe Horizon Loading Crash

    Yeah, tried that... me thinks a new machine is in order. It's been a long time coming. Thanks for your help, Ash, nice to see you're still around!:)
  2. J

    Windows .exe Horizon Loading Crash

    Is there a lower res texture pack than the default? If so, where?
  3. J

    Windows .exe Horizon Loading Crash

    I am having the same issue.
  4. J

    GrayCraft|Latest FTB A|Whitelisted Mature PvE

    1: Minecraft Name: jdreeve 2: Age: 32 3: Have you ever been banned before? Nope 4: Do you have Skype or TeamSpeak3? TS3
  5. J

    FTB without the Nether

    What about Ghast Tears?
  6. J


    Hello. I'm an avid Minecraft fan, and an even bigger fan of all the developers that put forth such a massive amount of time and effort. Thank you all for realizing the potential of this game, for adding so much depth and new ways to play, and allowing the rest of us to come along. I've been...
  7. J

    Feast Thy Badger [mindcrack] whitlisted 18+ mature server

    IGN: jdreeve Age: 32 I've been playing minecraft since Alpha 1.2.2, SSP only, with most of the mods included in FTB as they became available. Now, with the FTB modpack, I'd really like to get into SMP on a mature server. Thanks for your consideration.