XP Collecting Program

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello. I am making a mob farm that kills maze slimes by throwing holy hand grenades in a deployer at them so I can get the charm of keepings, but the problem is that when you kill them they drop xp and all the xp sitting there starts to lag my server to an unplayable stage. What I need is a program for xp turtles that will simply pickup xp on startup and hold it. I think I had it figured out using lua prompt but I need it to run on startup and im not too good with turtles. If anyone could help me with what I need to do I would greatly appreciate it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
type this at the promt

edit startup

save & type reboot
it now runs on login or when chunk loads, btw XPcollector is a random name replace it with your program name.

btw if you need to edit or tweak program use ctrl+t to terminate, type reboot to restart, rememer to label the turtles.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How are you supposed to rename something you did in lua to startup though?

If you're trying to do what I think you are, then you first need to make the commands you typed into the interpreter into a program.

If you've been working in Lua, then it's as simple as typing the commands that you used into a blank file (type "edit <insert filename here>" into the prompt).

That file can be renamed whatever you want, and a file named "startup" will run when the machine boots (either is placed or the world loads it).