WretchedJ Does Gaming!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello and Huzzah Everyone! May I welcome you to an intro to my channel. I am John(Aka WretchedJ) ,and I love to game and entertain people so I threw them into one and made a Youtube Channel.I hope You enjoy what you see!

One series that is put up my "Super Slama Jama Moinecraft Adventure". This is a series where I play minecraft with friends and special guests and tell you stories fromour life experiences that will make you both laugh and cry. Here's a link to my most recent episode:

I also have a "MineCraft FTB" series where I play and walk you through different mods and In general have fun. Here's a link to the most recent episode:

Another Series I have is "Sims 3 Late Night" where I play as my sim BeatNic Tom on his way to stardom.Here's a link to the most recent episode:


You can Also like my Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Wretchedj/ .If you like what you see rate,comment,subscribe and tell all of your friends,Thanks!