Wrath Lamps + MFFS Forcefield = Happy Fun Times

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So basically I have a giant MFFS sphere in which I am going to do my bee and tree breeding, noticed that it was quite dark so stuck in 17 Wrath Lamps, all great so far... Then decided to switch off the forcefield to put some lights around the edges, still no problem.

However when I turned it back on, BAM instant crash(this is when I remembered about the Wrath Lamp invisible light blocks incidentally) tried to reload and zilcho. So in my wisdom I opened up the world in MC edit and deleted the projector, problem solved you would think...

Uhmmmm no, I got the wierdest chunk reset ever!!! All vanilla blocks stayed as they were but any modded block in the area either vanished or transmogrified into a vanilla block, including the invisible wrath light!!! This affected my turtle peat farm, my forestrry pumpkin farm, my villager sorting system and my mob essence gatherer from animal breeding set up.

Below is a list of what changed into what:-

Turtles to note blocks(which crashed the game when I broke them, except one survived??)
Clouds to note blocks
Bog Earth to Nether Fences
Clear glass to Daylight sensors(the laaaaag, had over 1200 clear glass change)
BC pipes to gold blocks
Energy conduits and Liquiducts to Gold Ore
Natura Berry bushes to emerald ore
Immibis Stone Brick Slabs to water
Forestry farm blocks to stone
Grinders and MFR Spawners to Furnaces(which crashed the game when I broke them)
Conveyor Belts to dirt
Iron tank walls to Diamond ore
Villager detectors and detector tracks went poof

And the cherries that tops it all off!!!!!!
Wrath Light to Pumpkins( yes the light from 17 wrath lamps changed into pumpkins)
MFFS Forcefield to water source blocks(the entire surface area of a 32 radius sphere changed to water source block, thank goodness for quantum sponges)

So moral of the story, keep wrath lamps faaaaaaar away from an MFFS forcefield and make sure you know what you're doing before MCediting...
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Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Hmm that sucks. I love wrathlamps, but do keep them 8 vertical blocks away from anything unusual.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm that sucks. I love wrathlamps, but do keep them 8 vertical blocks away from anything unusual.

Wrath Lamps are indeed awesome but ya... 4 hours to fix it and haven't even done the villager sorting system yet but luckily that shouldn't take too long. Wish I had taken pictures but was too flabbergasted to even think of it, could've been worse tho the first MCedit I did reset a lot more so silver lining and all...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Makes me a bit more hesitant to use them in the future.

There was a time when using them near a tree prevented it from growing, I believe, because the lamps supposedly filled the block spaces around them to produce that much light. Or perhaps it still does, but is just using methods like isReplaceable and isAir to make them be ignored as much as possible. I'd be interested to know more about how they work.

Similarly, the Trackman's Goggles in Railcraft also have a feature to track where players have walked recently by leaving behind hidden blocks that modders have to account for. Someone reported an issue to one of my mods regarding it, and I ended up having to do isAir checks instead of simply testing if a block ID was 0. Hopefully those blocks don't conflict with MFFS either.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Your initial issue was from wrath lamps most likely, but the blocks changing to vanilla blocks after using MC edit isn't. You have to check around and find the right version of MC edit. I had the wrong version and after editing an area, I had the same issue when loading the world. All the mod blocks in the chunks i saved were transformed to some vanilla block. Some versions have issues with non vanilla block id's. I think it is related to mods that use 1 id with damage values to make multiple blocks. I am using version 1.7.1 now and it doesn't screw up mod blocks. Always test in an unimportant chunk. Throw down some mod blocks and go edit and save the chunk. Then reload and make sure nothing changed. Hopefully it helps.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Haha yes I realise the chunk reset was my fault with MCedit, it's a very old version... Is fixed now and no permanent damage just a warning to future generations;)[DOUBLEPOST=1384239428][/DOUBLEPOST]
Makes me a bit more hesitant to use them in the future.

There was a time when using them near a tree prevented it from growing, I believe, because the lamps supposedly filled the block spaces around them to produce that much light. Or perhaps it still does, but is just using methods like isReplaceable and isAir to make them be ignored as much as possible. I'd be interested to know more about how they work.

Similarly, the Trackman's Goggles in Railcraft also have a feature to track where players have walked recently by leaving behind hidden blocks that modders have to account for. Someone reported an issue to one of my mods regarding it, and I ended up having to do isAir checks instead of simply testing if a block ID was 0. Hopefully those blocks don't conflict with MFFS either.

I have a feeling that Wrath Lamp light blocks do indeed register as air these days which stops it interfering with any other mods. However when MFFS detects air it places a forcefield block and that's when the uber crash comes in...