World won't Load

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Scott Bradley

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I took a week long break from FTB and when I returned there was an update for DW20 pack so I got it and now my world won't load.

If anyone has an idea of why my world won't load any help would be great.
Here is a link to the console error message -

Thank You for your time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is a common problem caused by the fact that some users of the Direwolf20 pack already have a Dimension 7, which is the same dimension number Twilight Forest uses by default. There are three solutions to this problem, in order of difficulty:

1) Change the ID that Twilight Forest uses in its config file
2) Delete the DIM_MYST7 folder in your world save file
3) Move your current Dimension 7 to another number, which requires renaming a few files and can cause additional shenanigans if you don't clean up the mess properly

Take your pick. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
it has to do with that fact you have created mystcraft worlds past age 7 which is the ID that twilight forest uses. You can either change the ID that twilight forest uses for it's generation to one higher then you have used or delete the DIM 7 folder from your save file.


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
I think it's rather careless and cavalier of Mystcraft to use low numbers for world IDs, it should start at 1000 or something like that. What will happen when Mojang start using World ID 2 for a new dimension? I guess the first 10 Mystcraft ages that people create are all unstable and can probably be deleted anyway. What would happen to Link Books and Descriptive Books for deleted ages? Should I chuck them in the recycler if I want to tidy up my game save files?