Title World issue - inventory and player location reset to same spot on relog [FTB Beyond]
Launcher Type Other
Modpack Beyond
Modpack version 1.5.3
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/66125432
Details of the issue I was playing a world on FTB beyond (I did switch gamemodes a couple of times). I saved & quit, relogged and I was put back to a spot where I remember changing gamemodes (a stronghold), with my *old inventory*. I have no idea why. Tried relogging, reopening Beyond, same issue. I do have a backup from a few weeks ago. How do I resolve this issue?
Launcher Type Other
Modpack Beyond
Modpack version 1.5.3
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/66125432
Details of the issue I was playing a world on FTB beyond (I did switch gamemodes a couple of times). I saved & quit, relogged and I was put back to a spot where I remember changing gamemodes (a stronghold), with my *old inventory*. I have no idea why. Tried relogging, reopening Beyond, same issue. I do have a backup from a few weeks ago. How do I resolve this issue?