So this error is printed to the console once every minute.
The only differences each time are the number after 'arrow' on the first line, and occasionally of it is
I cant go and check this block as the coordinates are all NaN, any ideas how i fix this? Deleting chunks is not possible as I don't know which chunk it is.
The only differences each time are the number after 'arrow' on the first line, and occasionally of it is
I cant go and check this block as the coordinates are all NaN, any ideas how i fix this? Deleting chunks is not possible as I don't know which chunk it is.
2013-03-16 16:01:13 [INFO] [STDOUT] Wrong location! qz['arrow'/35014, l='world', x=NaN, y=NaN, z=NaN]
2013-03-16 16:01:13 [INFO] [STDERR] java.lang.Exception: Stack trace
2013-03-16 16:01:13 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.Thread.dumpStack(Unknown Source)
2013-03-16 16:01:13 [INFO] [STDERR] at zz.a(
2013-03-16 16:01:13 [INFO] [STDERR] at aam.a(
2013-03-16 16:01:13 [INFO] [STDERR] at aam.a(
2013-03-16 16:01:13 [INFO] [STDERR] at aam.a(
2013-03-16 16:01:13 [INFO] [STDERR] at im.f(
2013-03-16 16:01:13 [INFO] [STDERR] at im.c(
2013-03-16 16:01:13 [INFO] [STDERR] at im.d(
2013-03-16 16:01:13 [INFO] [STDERR] at yc.e(
2013-03-16 16:01:13 [INFO] [STDERR] at yc.a(
2013-03-16 16:01:13 [INFO] [STDERR] at akj.b(
2013-03-16 16:01:13 [INFO] [STDERR] at in.g(
2013-03-16 16:01:13 [INFO] [STDERR] at in.b(
2013-03-16 16:01:13 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.r(
2013-03-16 16:01:13 [INFO] [STDERR] at ho.r(
2013-03-16 16:01:13 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(
2013-03-16 16:01:13 [INFO] [STDERR] at
2013-03-16 16:01:13 [INFO] [STDERR] at