Wisp traps

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The node I am using is in a village inside one of the larger houses... so now I have a house that is packed with wisps. There has to be at least 20 in there. Anyone got a good way to kill these without burning down the house (so no lava)? Do they take damage from a tesla coil? I think they are immune to the lightning wand but not sure about the tesla coil. My other thought is maybe putting a few iron golems in the house. The wisps would have a hard time staying out of melee range.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No they're not imune to the lightning wand.
Yes they take damage from tesla coil.
You can even drown them.

You could also use portal turrets or portal high energy pellets.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If it's in an enclosed space, then there are a few options. The most fun of which would be to load up on armour, a decent sword and a lightning wand and just go to town!.

Alternatively, you can use an auto-tesla, and have it running continuously, that way it'll keep you relatively free (you can get aspects back if you can collect the drops too.

The wand of lightning is my preferred weapon against them, just because they move too quickly for others.