Will EE3 be in the Mindcrack pack?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think unless the 4 irons->ender pearl recipe is removed or changed, EE3 is still too convenient to be true..


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The FTB team has no say in what gets added or removed from the mindcrack pack as well as the direwolf pack. Since both packs are managed by their respective groups, mindcrackers and direwolf20.

Guude (Head of mindcrack) has said a few times that he does not want mystcraft in the pack as he sees it is too OP him self. As for EE3 until it is more complete and they can get a feel for it I doubt it will be in the pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wouldn't see why he wouldn't want it eh i'll just put them in myself. Are the configs right for both of them or will I have to change some things?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think unless the 4 irons->ender pearl recipe is removed or changed, EE3 is still too convenient to be true..

Whats nice about ee3 is you can change the durability on the server config of the minium stone. Making it less OP. For example. I changed the durability from 1531(i think) to 42. Even this I feel is too high, but letting my community get use to the massive switch before I nerf anymore.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Mystcraft is a horrible horrible idea for SMP (A lot less of an issue for SSP)... If they change the method of acquiring the coveted dense ore world perhaps it would be tolerable, but forcing a server to have to keep track of possibly hundreds of new worlds is just not reasonable.
I mean I've used the mod and it takes generating >20 new dimensions to get that runes for dense ore. Now multiply that by the Nth degree and tell me you have a server that can handle that, the Twilight Forest lags things out enough when people are in it... Sure you can restrict it to just admins but personally I don't see the point in having it all all then.

EE3 though I cannot make judgement on as the jury is still out on that one. But personally Thuamcraft 3 is plenty magicy for me, it even lets you transmute metals.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well for one you don't have all the worlds loaded at once. And the dense ore worlds are usually terrible with slowness explosions or metiors every where and until you find the page for that good luck. Most worlds will just be tossed aside and not used so they are never loaded again. Also forge craft handles it easily and i'm sure that forge craft is less powerful than Guudes current server. So tell me how Forge Craft handles it? And not many people have terrible computers mine can handle 3 minecrafts modded at once and most mindcrackers have better computers and server player if they want to get serious about a computer. Also if you have a mod and the admins don't want it awww we can't do anything... O wait we can disable it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
While ALL the worlds can't be running at once, on a large enough server you can end up with an Nth amount of dimensions running at once if every player is doing things in their worlds at once. It raises the RAM requirements by a stupid amount. I mean Twilight Forest alone makes most servers jitter when someone enters when 10 people are in their own dimensions at once things get a tad choppy.

And yes I know very well that you can disable mods, most servers that have less then 12gigs of ram tend to disable it becasue of all the problems it causes. That and residual fear of the old world corruption bugs (not sure if they were ironed out though) and not to mention the actual in game corruption.

I've just had bad experiences with it on top of not much caring for the premise of the mod. I'd rather it not be added, but TBH if Mindcrack was to have it added I would just have to suck it up.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Guude said no to mystcraft because the linkbooks and ages are OP.

if thats op, then EE3 wont be seeing mindcrack at all.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Guude said no to mystcraft because the linkbooks and ages are OP.

if thats op, then EE3 wont be seeing mindcrack at all.

I think its more of a teleportation issue. I feel the same personal, I hate players teleporting around on my server(special with the portal gun as i causes lag), it's not natural and I think its a game ruiner part of the fun of minecraft is running around and traveling minecarts