I clicked on the server tab at the top of this page to look for some servers to play on.
Low-and-behold, there were servers marked as running at 20TPS.
It took me a while, but I soon realised that 20TPS meant that the server was running at 20 ticks per second.
Why would a server owner mark this when it is hardcoded into the game?!
I am currently working on maintaining a couple Minecraft mods and, as far as I am aware, it is a monumental task to change the tickrate of the game as it would mean that a lot of mods would become incompatible due to the fact that they base timings of entities and the such on a tickrate. Even if this was managed, it would be a near-impossible task to get the server to run correctly when any clients attempt to join.
Why do server owners mark having "20 TPS" as a feature when they cannot change it to begin with?
It's not that it would be impossible, but I have yet to see a server with a value differing "20 TPS".
I'm guessing it's some form of advertising or "boasting", but it doesn't take a modder to realise that the game runs at 20 ticks per second by default. If anyone's ever dabbled in redstone, then they would notice this too.
Low-and-behold, there were servers marked as running at 20TPS.
It took me a while, but I soon realised that 20TPS meant that the server was running at 20 ticks per second.
Why would a server owner mark this when it is hardcoded into the game?!
I am currently working on maintaining a couple Minecraft mods and, as far as I am aware, it is a monumental task to change the tickrate of the game as it would mean that a lot of mods would become incompatible due to the fact that they base timings of entities and the such on a tickrate. Even if this was managed, it would be a near-impossible task to get the server to run correctly when any clients attempt to join.
Why do server owners mark having "20 TPS" as a feature when they cannot change it to begin with?
It's not that it would be impossible, but I have yet to see a server with a value differing "20 TPS".
I'm guessing it's some form of advertising or "boasting", but it doesn't take a modder to realise that the game runs at 20 ticks per second by default. If anyone's ever dabbled in redstone, then they would notice this too.