Why Do Server Owners Mark Their Server's TPS When They Are Unable To Change It To Begin With?

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I clicked on the server tab at the top of this page to look for some servers to play on.
Low-and-behold, there were servers marked as running at 20TPS.
It took me a while, but I soon realised that 20TPS meant that the server was running at 20 ticks per second.

Why would a server owner mark this when it is hardcoded into the game?!
I am currently working on maintaining a couple Minecraft mods and, as far as I am aware, it is a monumental task to change the tickrate of the game as it would mean that a lot of mods would become incompatible due to the fact that they base timings of entities and the such on a tickrate. Even if this was managed, it would be a near-impossible task to get the server to run correctly when any clients attempt to join.

Why do server owners mark having "20 TPS" as a feature when they cannot change it to begin with?
It's not that it would be impossible, but I have yet to see a server with a value differing "20 TPS".

I'm guessing it's some form of advertising or "boasting", but it doesn't take a modder to realise that the game runs at 20 ticks per second by default. If anyone's ever dabbled in redstone, then they would notice this too.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2014
When they mark their servers at " Running at 20 TPS " it means that their server is running without any lag and running smoothly. It does not refer to an unchangable number as a variable. Anything less than 20 TPS means the server is running slower than optimum and suffering from slowdown issues. A new server would be initially running at 200 tps ( 5ms )if that were possible but it's hard coded to set it to 20 TPS (50 ms) to prevent CPU meltdown from overworking too much. The lower the TPS, the more the processor is working.


When they mark their servers at " Running at 20 TPS " it means that their server is running without any lag and running smoothly. It does not refer to an unchangable number as a variable. Anything less than 20 TPS means the server is running slower than optimum and suffering from slowdown issues. A new server would be initially running at 200 tps ( 5ms )if that were possible but it's hard coded to set it to 20 TPS (50 ms) to prevent CPU meltdown from overworking too much. The lower the TPS, the more the processor is working.
Ah, I see. So it's more of a measure of the server's performance.
I suppose that does make a little more sense, haha.

Thanks for clearing that up. ^_^
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