I think me and
@Drbretto have had a most spirited discussion on this matter!
OH yeah we did! lol
I don't want to misrepresent my own points, there, though. I was particularly critical of a few specific aspects, but it's still one of my most used mods. Some of that has to do with it being all I've got left from the "old days" of 1.7, though. Rehashing the complaints first:
I loved the angel blocks and they were nerfed in a terrible and unnecessary way that ruined what I used them for, which was early game elevation for building, basically. Cumbersome enough that it won't prevent my from going for a better flight option, but useful enough that I wasn't necessarily limited early on. Those used to be like companion blocks to me. I stopped short of naming them, lol, but I would get excited every time I ran into a few obsidian and had enough gold to spare a few ingots. Now, they're only useful if you already have flight, and have enough resources to not care if they get lost or destroyed. I hate hate hate that change to this day.
I also didn't like that the thickened glass no longer could be broken by hand, but I've since accepted that that was because of the new glass cutter tool they added. I still don't like it, but it's fine.
And thirdly, while I don't minding using it this one time in this one playthrough, I don't like the quantum quarry. It's too automatic to the point of completely breaking the immersion. It runs passively forever for me right now and I generate everything it pulls in faster than I can keep up with it. I have a drawer for every single item in my game, and every single drawer has 4 emerald upgrades and 1 void. And just about every one of them is voiding stuff non-stop, even as we speak because it continues to run when I'm offline with zero maintenance. I am literally going to build an iron block made out of 1 million iron blocks. Just so they don't keep getting destroyed. But, I give a bit of a pass here because I'm guessing it was originally designed for skymall or whatever you guys call that weird play style. Ultimately, I was glad I had a quarry option at all, but I'd prefer not to use this method again.
Now the good! And there's plenty of it!
Despite all this, it's still one of my favorite mods ever. The pipes are as simple as pipes can get. The item filter system is THE best there ever was with essentially unlimited capacity. This is HUGE for me, as I remember having to build some pretty convoluted BC devices to sort with any real volume.
And I love the simplicity of the Grid Power system. No plugs, no wires, no nothing. You can set it and forget it. It just gives you a little something to limit you just enough that everything isn't free.
I love the glass options as I like my glass to be crystal clear whenever possible. I love the angel wing, as there are some builds (like my ice temple thing I've been working on for FREAKIN MONTHS now - BTW, it's not dead, I've made quite a bit of progress, I'm just not uploading anything until it's done. Currently on a Nier Automata break though) would be damn near impossible without it. And again, it doesn't feel totally cheap because it does come with a grid power cost, and requires loaded chunks or you'll just fall to your death.
I like them both. I was looking forward to the little rituals in the original and I liked the *idea* of the exploding ingots, but in the end, it's probably a simpler and more convenient mod than it was in 1.7, without missing too much of the functionality, and even adding a few neat new things to the table.