Where are the server downloads?

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New Member
Apr 21, 2020
Sorry for the obvious question, but I can't find the links to download the server files anywhere except from curseforge. Where are the zip files that contain a bunch of Jar files for headless Linux server installs?

Also is there a list of what mods and what versions of the mods are included in a pack somewhere?

I generally write my own server startup script and have not tried using the launcher is this where I am going wrong?



New Member
Apr 21, 2020
Well, I guess I figured it out...

A simple zip or tar file that contain the server files isn't being offered for download. You must use the Binary launcher thing. Thankfully the API is documented here

Looks like a json file is available that lists the URL of where to download all jars and configs from, also gives the config files. And it mention's where you should put the files locally. Take Omnia for example Here is the json with all the info https://api.modpacks.ch/public/modpack/6/6 You can grab these files with curl! I'm working on a bash script that will grab them and put them in the folder where they should be.

Have to admit I was a little annoyed at first, but this isn't so horrible, I can script auto update checks, and installs.

I haven't found a way to list all the mod packs though. If you want to manage multiple packs you could crawl the API for packs and collect the data to create metadata. I found an index available here https://github.com/jamierocks/neptune-ftb-meta/blob/master/packs/index.json

Have fun, and good luck everyone!