What's the endgame of Thermal Dynamics and/or BuildCraft?


New Member
Jan 21, 2021
I'm playing on a modded server with my friend, and I've been creating a basic Thermal Dynamics (expansion, foundation, whatever) setup. I've got the pulverizer and all that going, but what should I aim for? I have BuildCraft, and a mod that allows me to convert TD's redstone flux to BC's energy. I set up the ender tank thingy stealing lava from the Nether and then Magmatic Dynamo'ing it into energy up in the overworld, but what should I aim to make?

I convinced my friend to give me a creative engine for a quarry since I hadn't figured out the energy issue yet, so I have basically unlimited ingots.... He's been messing around with BloodMagic more. We also have Thaumcraft installed, so should I focus on that instead? I'm having fun but kind of stuck, as most of these mods don't have guides. It's not as straightforward as "go to the nether, get stuff, kill the enderdragon, kill the wither, and you're basically done" like in vanilla MC.


New Member
Jul 19, 2021
Buildcraft's endgame is to use ONLY quarries for mining.

If you still use a pickaxe and shovel for anything other than exploring more areas, your doing it wrong. The quarry is what you use to remove entire sections of world down to bedrock.
After youve got several quarries running, each at 64x64 in size, you want to build a library of templates and blueprints.

Use templates for things like making bulk walls, roads, and other massive-but-lacking-detail things. Stuff like arena floors, where you need gaps and such to be pre-positioned.

Use blueprints to copy complex structures, such as piston-powered bridges, or even houses that have a lot of detail.

The main difference between a template and a blueprint, is that a template just holds block locations. A blueprint willrecord what blocks are used, where they are, what direction they face, and if theres any other information related to them.

You can use blueprintsand landmarks to place sections of powerline over long distances. Basically copying a design you have built for a section of powerline (say 16 blocks long of kinesis pipe supported by pylons at either end), and then pasting it in a long line from one place to another. This eliminates the need to build scaffholding, and climbing up to place the pipes, then having to set any limiter pipes, or configure anything else. The blueprint holds all that information, and will place the things in the right spots, facing the right way, with pipes being set to connect to the right things.

its also good for quickly building small workshops, and other larger more complicated structures using other mods too.

I have used it before to setup and build an entire IC2 factory before, complete with automated crafting and furnacing of ores.


New Member
Jul 19, 2021
I made this account to answer your question. I hope i did that to satisfaction.