What would cause more lag/better ideas?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So i run mindcrack 8.3.3 and i want to make a fusion reactor, thinking about my options on how to extract from machine i came to the conclusion i either need a crapton of filters or a crapton of autartic gates to relays. If these are my only options which will cause the least lag, if these aren't my only options please explain what else i can do.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ae got you covered. You'll need a ton of quartz but right off the bat an entire proper AE network will be less laggy than BC or RP2. For 144 centrifuges that'll need 288 export buses and 144 import buses. For the electorylzer you'll need just 60 buses, 30 import and 30 export. So you'll want about 1k quartz for the entire thing so get mining..