I think the best way to know is make a 9x9 quarry, let it run to bedrock, and see what you find.
put each material into a sorting machine/s and run again, if anything is left out, you were just unlucky the first time
I'm quite suprised there's no list, actually. I have a good amount of things one could find:
Apatite, Copper, Tin, Crude Oil, Oil Sands, Sand, Sandstone, Cobblestone, Gravel, Dirt, Silver, Gold, Iron, Diamond, Ferrous, Iridium, Lead, Emerald, Redstone, Nikolite, the 5 types of Zichronium and Thaumcraft shards, Aluminum, Ruby, Sapphire, Green Sapphire, Quartz (I heard there was a sorting issue, apparentally there are 5 or 6 types of quartz that act excactly the same), wooden planks, torch, fence, chest, Monazit, Lapis Luizi, Bauxite, Saltpeter (It's used to make gunpowder, I don't live in a desert but I may be mining there).
For the end, I have Endstone, Obsidian, Soladite, Olivine, and the blue dust.
Nether?: Glowstone, Gravel, SoulSand, Nether Brick, Netherrack, Nether Brick Fence, NetherWart. I think that's it, but I'll try your quarrying.
I dunno about that... Managers seem like they would make a pretty powerful autocrafting system. Expensive as hell though.
I'm sorry, what are managers? I was thinking I would have (For Example: Iron) the Industrial Centrifuge to make tin, put that in an automatic crafting table to create buckets, then put that in an alloy furnace to get Iron, put that in a compressor to make a block, have a chest, and have a macerator there to put it back into Iron Ingots. I'd have the quarry send the ore off to an Induction Smelter, output the Slag to a chest, and send the iron into the line previously stated, into the compressor. I'd probably use quarry cobble to send in a nice supply of Cobblestone, if it's not enough (yeah, right), or I'm just too lazy (okay, that sounds about right), I'll plop an igneous extruder next door to the Pulverizer and the sand will go into the Induction furnace.
Thing to remember is to always have a chest somewhere with a restriction tube on it, so that anything not sorted or excess items will get dumped into that chest.
As well as sorting machines, you will need to make yourself various coloured paints. You paint the tubes, and assign those colours in the GUI of the sorting machine. The colours then mean that that item can only pass down a tube of that colour, or any unpainted tube.
Items with no colour assigned to them can pass through any colour tube.
There's a lot of modes on the sorting machine, best to use is stack mode with unsorted processing and constant pulsing. This will pull things very fast out of chests.
Best thing to do is to assign a colour for all unsorted items. This ensures that they cannot accidently go down the wrong tube.
Here's some screenshots of my planning and building of my system:
View attachment 1626View attachment 1627
The first picture is just tubes and netherrack to represent all the machines I wanted
The 2nd one adds some of the machines and colour to the tubes.
Starting from the Right, I have White for all my Ores, going into Pulverizers and Powered Furnances
Next is Dark Green. This is for all my wooden logs. They get split equally between a Transposer and a Filter. The transposer sends items down to a sawmill setup (represented by the chest), the Filter repaints the Logs from Green to Yellow and sends them back into the tube system
Light Green is for wooden tools, so they get processed by the sawmill
On the left, the Yellow tube goes to my storage room with all my barrels.
On the far right is a restriction tube, anything that overflows or can't be sorted ends up going down this path
View attachment 1628View attachment 1625
First picture is with all the machines, and some tidying up of the area
All the overflow is sent to a 2nd chest, with it's own sorting system. This one just pulls out all the common junk (like cobble) and sends them to a recycler system. Anything else is sent to the other chest, down the white tube.
All I have to do is keep an eye on this end chest, see what's stacking up, and adjust the 2nd sorting machine accordingly, or add barrels.
If you need it, I can get some screenshots of the GUI on the sorting machines, to go with the pictures.
I've seen sorting machine GUI's before, that little button in the corner shows the thing you want the machine to do. I'm not sure which one that is. I also don't quite understand your screenshots, I saw those pictures before on another thread, and I would like it if you could take them again, in vanilla if it's not too much trouble.
Also, I have seen, online, people's sorting machines that sort out
everything. That's a bit overkill for me, I don't need a special machine for my Ender Dragon Egg and any other bits and bots I may come across my Minecraft world. I mainly want quarry goods and common factory items (filters, tubes, pipes, timers, wire) to be sorted out all neatly so if I need a quick inventory removal, I won't have to come back to it in my big ol' chest I leave when I want to do something quickly. Unfortunately, this varies quite often. One day, I may be carrying some Aluminum I just blasted, the next, I may be holding a Vis wand, some Iron Tank blocks, and a Boiler Firebox.
I also would like to know how it is possible to put chargeable items in a chest (jetpacks, Nano armor), and get them automatically charged and sent back out into a different chest. Since I don't have tons of NanoSuit armor pieces, Lappacks, or Jetpacks (though I should, a backup's always nice), these won't need to be sent in the special storage facility, I will most likely keep them in a normal chest (maybe even in the front of my base so I can run back with armor and pick up fallen items in case of an unexpected death).